Hello everyone!
I wasn't looking for a motorcycle when I found my 1989 Venture Royale in a Harley dealership but when he said "make me an offer" well it was time to do some research. Next came you guys and this site, so I did my homework and made my list of things to check. I test drove the bike later that week and determined that at a minimum I would need to rebuild the forks but everything else seemed to be in fairly good shape for a bike made in October of 1988. 850 dollars later, I rode out with a 37000 mile motorcycle. Now after two weekends working on the forks, changing the engine oil and front brake pads my test ride went better than expected. I mean no wobbles, shimmies or other undesirable effects from working on the forks. I OWE IT ALL TO EVERYONE HERE! I still have plenty to do but it is ride-able and it looks great!