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Personal Information

  • Name
    Keith W Decker


  • Location
    boise, ID, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    83 VR
  1. Ha ha ha.... Believe it or not.. mine did have a fuel pressure issue. I have had ongoing carburetor & battery issues (in addition to a bad fork tube compliments of the PO). Randy's suggestion will be used in the morning.
  2. Thanks Randy.. My 86 never had any issues, but it was new... this poor old thing is.. well... I did discover it does not like AGM batteries.......
  3. I had the battery out since last Sunday, put in new charged battery, the old girl turned over real nice like but didn't fire. I pulled a plug and grounded, turned her over & she fired (well, sort of), put the plug back in, she fired up. Weird..... Oh, I did fix a run in the pcm last Sunday.. ya I know, I pulled the screws to clean inside & discovered the run (it was visually obvious, I ohm'ed and verified).
  4. Howdy Gary, I just went through these carbs (again)... clean..clean..clean.. inside. I am familiar with the clips in some carbs, these needle valves don't use the clips. Maybe the bike is psychic... I most likely would have become road splatter if I had rode yesterday.. instead I drove the car... and still was almost toast...
  5. Howdy my 83 VR out of blue decided to have a carb overflow this afternoon. I ran it yesterday over 100 miles, started & ran this morning. Went out pulled plugs to check, started & over flow on carb 4. Planned to ride today. Any thoughts?
  6. Found the answer to my question, after zooming in on the carbs on partzilla I found 41-R1411-80-00 CAP... part obsolete. oh what to do.. I've tried screws with same threads, leaks come back.
  7. Howdy Experts! Is there a fix for the holes on top of carbs right above the pilot seats? Is this a factory original mod or something a previous owner did?
  8. Howdy.... After reading your post.. and fighting carb issues (leaking)... this sounds like a viable alternative to the original 4 carb setup.. How does one do this with positive results?
  9. Thank you.... now to get new ones... hopefully the Yamaha dealer can get some...
  10. I know this may sound strange.. but when I removed the mixture screws, each one was configured differently / missing pieces.. I have been searching for a breakdown diagram.. but so far no luck. As with many other issues I've fixed on this bike.. these are just another roadblock.
  11. .006 metric fits just perfect. 397 pc o-ring assortment from Harbor Freight.
  12. Will do... I really didn't intend to be confusing.. it just came out that way thru my fingers. I am also working on a 80 850 Special.... I am about ready to start tearing it apart and selling the parts on ebay.
  13. This was an issue exactly with my friends Venture, put in new battery, battery would never charge. Finally convinced him the rectifier was the problem, no charging issues since replacing.
  14. There are o-rings ( 93210-03119-00 O-RING) between the silver outer diaphragm cover & the carb body. Number 9 http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/1983/XVZ12TDK/CARBURETOR/parts.html.
  15. My bet is the regulator-rectifier...
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