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Everything posted by CaseyJ955

  1. Done, I'll take it. PM sent Dingy doesnt sell them anymore.
  2. Thank you. Doing that now.
  3. I'm ready to move on this thing so I can get my COP harness done too. Where is the best/most cost effective place to to score an Ignitek TCI? Last I read it has to come from across the pond. Anyone stateside have one or deal them? Its -1 right now but it will be 50 by next week so I'm hoping to get some more of her doctored up. Thanks folks!
  4. Im not familiar with the Venture blinker circuit but is there a solid state flasher option to replace the deliciously vintage bimetallic strip style flasher? I went through this on a couple other vehicles not wanting to use the resistors.
  5. . I wonder how the mew readings will be, im guessing it wont be dramatically different. If one cyl is taking its sweet time reaching op temp I wonder if its firing at all. The Yammy v4 runs deceptively well on only 3 lungs. Hows the ignition system looking, plug caps and HT leads going into the coils. When I found a bad coil on my max I used the mom-and-dad-are-first-cousins spit sizzle test on each downpipe to find one not pulling its weight. I think the decades old ign sys is at least as vulnerable as the carbs and really easy to rule out. I hope the troubleshooting nets something. I might have missed this but was the engine warm when comp tested?
  6. Oh no! It must have been nice and early too? Its just an exercise, ya know, to stay ready and sharp!
  7. I have had less expensive gauges that were somewhat south accurate. Any muck or any flaw on the hose or o-ring can skew numbers also. 120 on all four pots is pretty damn fine consistency indeed. In my experience it would be strange (although not unheard of) for a tired engine to have so little variance between cylinders. I hope the issue is something less menacing.
  8. That sounds lile satelite, like houghnet or dish. Definately not good, unless its some.sort of different way to get dsl to individual properties from a central hub, totally new to me. On utilities, i hear ya. Im buying a home this winter or spring and some of the things it must have are private well and septic. Im skipping the realtor too. My lawyer can do what needs to be done without all the greed. When I said I was sick of getting squeezed I was not kidding. Its just as much principle as monitary.
  9. Very good choice imho. Harbor Freight is a poor choice for precision instruments, its like the wal-mart for tools. You wont regret a Carbtune, mine gets used a handful of times each season too keep things crisp and snappy. Ill never sell it as long as I have a vehicle with multiple carbs/TBs.
  10. DSL should not have a cap, whereas dish/satelite systems have terrible caps and absolutely not cost effective for moderate to heavy users. If you have more than one provider check with them all on basic no fixins' DSL. This is the first I have heard on capped DSL. Mine is through Centurylink. They suck, worst cust svc ever but its cheap as I make them constantly give me a promo rate. Promo expires, I call to cancell and they renew the promo w/one year continued contract. Im looking for property through SD, ND and WY and a few homes I have considered I looked up internet providers and price packages and all are similar to what I have now with 10 or better down and no caps. Most between $30 and $60, which I consider the high side of acceptable. If you see DSL with a cap then I would say they are nickle-n-diming. I am soooo effin fed up with being nickled-n-dimed, IM OUT. The easy reason they charge equipment fees/rentals monthly because still too many customers are willing to pay. Its time for free enterprise to put the skids on all this. I own my own modem, and a spare I got at a G-sale for 0.25c haha. Regardless of what they say, you can almpst always use a quality modem in leiu of their modem and their own tech support guys are usually happy enough to walk you through modem settings if need be. If I have to rent/lease a stupid box on top of tbeir already lofty fees IM OUT, they can gouge someone else, I find that sort of business deplorable, especially if I cant buy the equip elsewhere and avoid the additional rapey fees. They can take their absurtly priced packages, hidden fees, rents/leases, reprehensible customer service, relentless soul-crushing advertising and sshady business tactics and slip righ on up inside, stapled bindings and all! Yup, thats what I really think:thumbsup2: One thing for sure, cable providers have good reason to be scared as we start too see that we simply dont need.them anymore. EDIT, sorry man, didnt mean to hijack with my rant. Ill go silent so you can get an A to your Q:beer:
  11. Exactly what he said. ∆ Read the contract very carefully. I stopped using Yahoo, Verizon and Google over what was in the fine print, I do have a Yahoo junk account but all my business runs through a secure donation based server. Its essential to see what you are giving them legal permission to do, often contradictory to what the sales rep may tell you. There is a reason they put the contract in gray font and all capitol letters, it makes it even more difficult to read but be warned when dealing with AT&T, and others like them, there are things in there you are definitely going to wanna see before accepting their terms of service.
  12. I have stand alone dsl. Unless your on a dish or cellular data you should not have a data cap. Im a heavy data user and my internet is slow at about 1.5 dl and half that up, but the reason for that is my distance from the city, im out in the sticks and the lines suck. Its fast enough for low def netflix w/o buffering but other streaming requires some buffering first. It would be like 10 dl in town for the same price, but I would rather pass a dirty sweatsock full of broken glass and sheetrock screws than move back into a town or city. I think most localities can get you internet fast enough for HD streaming for under $50/mo if you go with no frills. I watch HD with a buffer period first and fine with that, its sure no more time than I used to waste watching ads. I absolutly love it but there is a little learning curve for streaming outside netflix type services. No going back for me now, never again will I overpay for all the ads and garbage channels. I also save $35/mo by using Ooma instead of traditional landline (no cell service at my place). I got to thinking about how many more hours a month I had too work just to pay that cable/phone bill. When I used to binge watch for 3 hours, literally about one FULL hour of that was advertising, unless I dvr then have to hassle with fast forwarding and precision stopping at the right spot, I would consider getting cable again only if I could cherry pick the channels I want and the money I paid would get me advert-free viewing. I had Direct TV and there were only 5-6/channels of value to me. I would pay ~$20/mo for 10 good chosen advert free channels but I know thats just not how they do business. If I could get FREE cable right now I would decline just based on the excessive, relentless noisy annoying advertising. Sorry the long response but I put a lot of thought into this transition, my defiant nonconformist displacement has actually made this very enjoyable after all the bills I opened and wondered how I could get these financial parasites out of my life. I get a warm fuzzy glow every time I get flyers too return to cable and landline, giddy like a school girl when I watch a full season of Walking Dead with narry an ad.
  13. I bounced back and fourth a few times. Now I have stand alone internet at $28/mo and netflix at $9/mo. With internet we can really watch anything we want anytime we want without charge, and most importantly, without advertisement. I think all the annoying ads were as big a factor as a nearly $200/mo bill I was paying for the privilege of having it piped in. Its been 3 years now since the cable clipping and after a minute learning curve I have never been happier to save hundreds a month and not endure the mind-numbing advertising. Not sure if this is the dark side or not, but its awful dern pleasant! I never thought of it like this, but what I have saved in that 3 years has covered the purchase cost of my vmax and venture with scratch leftover. $2000+ annually is no joke for a cheap a$$ like me.
  14. Happy new year folks!!
  15. Does Japan produce parts for Chinese bikes? I would guess cheap maintainance. I cant say the prices arent tempting haha.
  16. Based on my experience with Chinese aftermarket and various other products, just the thought of sailing down the highway on a Chinese bike made of Chinese parts in China gave me bilateral cryptorchidism I just remembered the phrase "Honda compatible". Sorry Snyper, i cant allow you to do this! Mwahaha.
  17. Thanks, im going to see if I cant use his map for the ignitek, I have no place to work with all the snow but I plan to have a garage proper by spring. I have a lot of jets and a stock set of max needles and springs. I too will get gaskets and mew diaphragms over the summer and hopefuly be ready to start on it after touring season. I have expressly avoided any other bike or auto projects to make sure Im can give this my full attention. I think my next step is the ignitek, cops and battery tray, Ill do that early spring so I can enjoy those upgrades for the touring season. I better look into the Marks collector. I would really lile to find a way to use a free flowing 4-1 system but I cant see how w/o a full custom ($$$$) system.
  18. I have always had great luck with OEM seals and never once have I had success trying to save $ with aftermarket. Never ever use Chinese parts on a Japanese scoot. I used boats.net for the best price on the OEM seals, on the advice of others here I went ahead and replaced the fork upper and lower bushings while I had it apart. The total cost for all those bushings and seals in OEM was around 155, incl dust boots and shipping. Ill be putting some miles on this parade float and wanted to make sure I had it right the first time around.
  19. +1, im past due for this myself.
  20. Tentatively I'm in. I have a full spring which may even include moving but this looks fantastic, a nice small town and no need to cross any metro areas to get there. It sounds perfect! Really looking forward to this.
  21. I got lucky this time in the hills, no power outage. Wood heat and generator in the event that it does. There is a level of preparedness to survive these crazy winters. We got no rain on this side but I heard it was worse on your side. I hope xmas was a good time! Once this whit gold melts your going to have to visit the hills with your scoot for a couple days of riding and grilling.
  22. Happy birthday to those getting gypped out of separate quantities of birthday and xmas gifts Happy holidays all! be safe!
  23. I get somewhat regular migraine HA r/t fibromyalgia. When I feel it coming I can take a 100mg flurbiprofen and dodge the bullet if I do it in time but if I'm out of those little blue pills I can count on at least three hours writhing in pain praying for the sweet release of subconsciousness. Feelin' what you mean. It really makes no sense why flurbi works and Tylonel and Aleve do absolutely nothing, but it really does. Fibro is not terminal so I still feel lucky, I have worked in hospice before and I know how much worse it could be. I remain thankful. I'm going to have a very merry xmas and I really wish the same for all of you! May a prosperous new year lay ahead for us all. Oh yea, I hope Santa brings you some really cool stuff!
  24. +1, excellent advice, also dont be in a hurry. Sometimes you will find a few examples of what you want for inflated prices and 10 days later you might find the same thing for $8 shipped. Prices fluctuate wildly. As a buyer and seller I see this all the time. Over the winter is a good time to start getting all the parts needed, I know when I'm selling bike parts it's much slower over the winter when you would think everyone would be working on stuff.
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