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Everything posted by CaseyJ955

  1. I still highly recommend the Raspberry-Pi. Here is a thread in which someone else had this issue and called it a problem haha. Reading might take you in the right directions to get answers on stopping this issue. I did so many searches and I spent hour after hour looking for a way to stop MS from doing this. It's nothing short of infuriating. Win10 when I first lit it up became real obvious it was an OS constructed around mass data collection, mass marketing and monetizing. I looked REALLY hard and I only found this solution, and several others that did not do the trick. Sure open to other solutions just to double up the much needed protection from Microsoft. MS is far from an internet users only adversary, there are many and this solution works for all of them that tried to infiltrate my network. However, the filter, black and white lists are completely customizable, you could configure it to step on MS's throat, and ONLY MS, if you felt so compelled. Honestly, I have no stock or benefit to trying to turn folks onto the pi-hole, but it's so damn good I would have paid $1000 if it were the only way to get it, more even. Hardware from UK, I got mine on Ebay cheaper, as with most things in life, avoid the Chinese versions, the UK versions are exellent and very affordable. https://www.canakit.com/ I'm glad your up and running, good times! whatever you find that works please update.
  2. You can postpone it, but it's gonna happen. MS must have gone through some trouble to make it so hard to beat. Flyiin', are you all back up and running now?
  3. Oh yea, The Murphster! He and I were very close all through school, and we quite often drank together and punctuated that with a few bongrips. He helped me through (out of) relationships too, what a guy! Murph and I go waaay back. But I digress, I have plenty of evidence (the photo album of my towing career) that he is indeed well acquainted with others. I'm just not sure how the hell he finds so much time to spend with me when all you guys must just be missing him terribly. With the possible exception of the OP, he just visited you but at least he was called away back to me before the job was done and gravity also came to the party (Gravity is a 1st cousin of the Murphster)! So yea, it's best to be on his good side when the feces hits the fan. (WE ALL HAVE TO DUCK - WHEN THE **** HITS THE FAN) anyone catch this 80s music reference w/o the use of a search?
  4. Mine is wearing the E3 Dunlops. I think you will be happy with them. For me they perform decently enough in the twisties and they seem to be wearing alright, cant speak to their longevity yet but I am happy with the ride and performance.
  5. It is fun, bees are real, not a hoax haha. That forum has a lot of really cool folks on it. OP, I've never been stung in the ear, that has to burn more than the meatier parts of the face. Seems like they know when your hands and attention are tied up, and take that as a cue to inflict some discomfort. If the bike stayed upright, the bee lost. Also he's gonna expire for his misdeeds so double suck for him for trying to topple one of us.
  6. . Thats the backup I was thinking about, but couldn't recall where it was. I did follow the steps in the article linked last here, I retraced my steps several times to make sure it took. Imagine how shocked I was when the update came anyway. I'm less techy than some but those steps seemed straight forward. I knew I would have to figure something else out. It was the frustrated searching that eventually let me to the solution I currently use. Just needed a bigger hammer is all.
  7. I tried everything to stop my win10 comp from updating. When it does I have to go back through and reinstate all my privacy settings and mods. It updated anyway even after the registry trick and "taking ownership" of the update function. When it did update ANYWAY it made my comp useless for a couple hours in the middle of doing some work. I truly ****ing hate microsoft with every shred of my existence. I'll run Linux as soon as I find a way to run my favorite games on it. If you REALLY want to stop the updates, here is how it's done. If there is another way I didnt find it after exhaustive searches. This WILL stop any/all updates and the added bonus is you can see and stop all sorts of other nonsense with it too. The hardware needed is only a LAN cable and a Raspberry-pi, probably around $50 or so. Set up the Raspberry-pi with Pi-hole (on the NOOBs card that probably comes with it) It plugs into your router/modem directly from there. Set it as your DNS server through the modem settings, then all internet traffic must go through it, and it's priceless filters. Priceless!. I set it up and did some reading on the reddit pi-hole subforum to find the right filter lists and domains to shut down. I have 23 pages of manual blacklist entries that work with the filter lists to make it pretty aggressively setup. really I just had to watch the traffic roll by and research funky looking stuff, I ended up with a pretty robust list and a new apprehension of smart devices, esp TVs and phones. To block MS/windows updates there is only a handful of domains, but I wanted to block all sorts of crap, all of it ultimately. This is not an inclusive list but an idea what I block to keep my internet experience fast, private-ish, add-free and worry-free. It feels great! I have gleefully blocked so much more than MS/Windows updates. These I cut/paste from my own Pi-hole blocklist screen. I use SSL so I can control it through a browser window on my desktop. I keep that open to watch my traffic and block things on the fly. [TABLE=class: display table table-striped table-bordered dataTable no-footer, width: 667] [TR] [TH=class: sorting, align: left]Domain/RegEx[/TH] [TH=class: sorting, align: left]Type[/TH] [TH=class: sorting, align: left]Status[/TH] [TH=class: sorting, align: left]Comment[/TH] [TH=class: sorting_disabled, align: left]Action [/TH] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD]microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps.exe[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]update.microsoft.com[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD](^|\.)windowsupdate\.microsoft\.com$[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD](^|\.)update\.microsoft\.com$[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD](^|\.)microsoft\.com$[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD](^|\.)microsoft\.net$[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE=class: display table table-striped table-bordered dataTable no-footer, width: 667] [TR] [TH=class: sorting, align: left]Domain/RegEx[/TH] [TH=class: sorting, align: left]Type[/TH] [TH=class: sorting, align: left]Status[/TH] [TH=class: sorting, align: left]Comment[/TH] [TH=class: sorting_disabled, align: left]Action[/TH] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD]microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps.exe[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD](^|\.)windowsupdate\.microsoft\.com$[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD](^|\.)windowsupdate\.com$[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD](^|\.)wustat\.windows\.com$[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD](^|\.)windows\.net$[/TD] [TD]Exact blacklistRegex blacklist[/TD] [TD] EnabledDisabled [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] https://pi-hole.net/ for more reading, there is a reddit group with tons of info on getting it going and good filter lists. No more Windows updates, it's what worked for me and came with TONS of other perks. I surf the internet pretty cocky that MS/other big tech are not able to color my internet experience and not violate my privacy. You can also install KODI on a pi-hole, which means you get to throw out the ROKU or AMAZON streaming unit too. Once you see what they are up to on the internet, even when not in use, you'll likely want them gone too. Did windows not have an update rollback system? Or did you by chance make a system backup? I forget that all the time. For me it was best to use this electronic ball-gag on my entire network. Sorry I cant help with the network setting that tossed you up, but this would stop it from happening again if it is related to the MS updates (which caused me plenty of headaches), along with seriously cleaning up your whole network (if you dont already have something for that). I hope you get it going soon.
  8. I would not mix them as stated above. I would run radials in a cold second if I could find the correct sizes. It's like choosing between drum or disk brakes. The Vmax guys spend huge chunks of cash to run radials (not available in VMX 1st gen sizes). It's something like an R1 rim with a Vmax hub welded in and balanced, there are other ways too but this one is common and I think tires and rims like that can chalk up to a couple G pretty fast or a VMX guy wanting to upgrade to radials. Many of those guys will tell you it was the single best mod they did on for the Vmax. For the Venture, however, I'm not sure if radials come in our sizes but I believe they do not, leaving us with no choice but to go with an incorrect size or keep with bias ply. Since you dont have to find a rear size you might just be able to find a workable radial for the front, if you do choose to go that way. I'd be interested in knowing how you fare with whichever direction you go.
  9. I forgot it was on the Vmax side, but it's post 8 in this thread. https://www.vmaxforum.net/threads/just-here-to-vent.46813/#post-469987
  10. I ride with my shield as open as it will go unless it's exceptionally cold or I'm at highway speeds, so I scope a few extra up now and again. I know I'll be stung on the temple again, and again but I must have the wind. I hate lids and I get clusterEff with the visor closed for to long so an occasional sting is the price I pay. What really sucks is when something wiggly works around to my ear and no amount of moving the lid will suck it out. I have to stop and sort it out or tolerate brain parasites eating through my blood brain barrier and consuming my remaining IQ points. Maybe haha. I know I told the story here years ago about a bee, highway pegs, a pantleg, my cubes and a barista that got to watch me to a frantic dance while dropping trau. I moved to the side of the coffee kiosk (BFE WY or MT, nobody else around I think) but I know she saw. How could you not watch some idiot jumping off a bike dancing, twirling and pulling his pants down. Now I do a boot tuck when highway pegs are used, but I just cant close my visor until the wind buffeting is unbearable. For those that are allergic, I hope your riding with an epi pen and wristband. Anaphylactic reactions may be hard for non-medical folks to identify and time would be a factor.
  11. There is no helmet law here for adults, but I wear a full face every time anyway. Lemme tell ya when you take a bee into a full face lid he's there for the duration. Sometimes if I'm at speed I can flip the lid and turn my head so the turbulence will suck him out, hopefully before another sting in the temple, and hopefully not straight down my collar. Effen bees! At least you spent the the adverse luck now and can go back to enjoying the wind as normal.
  12. Just last night my wife was driving home, she works a late shift so almost no traffic, she was rolling through a flashing yellow and a lady stopped at the flashing red, then gunned it, ramming my wife sending her spinning through the intersection landing on the sidewalk at the opposite end of the intersection. Wife pissed but safe (we really super loved the old Lexus which is now a total loss). I can always get another classic Lexus but a perfect best-friend/wife not nearly so easy to come by. So this woman did not take off and was insured, thankfuly. Still not sure why she gunned it and smacked into my wife. Cop thought she was likely pissing around with her phone. Insurance is working on it. I rushed to the scene to pick her up and the first thing she said was.. "your right, it's not enough to watch out for ourselves, but we really DO have to assume that everyone in traffic is an idiot". I've often said to the kids and wife (wife is a fairly new driver) that if there is a chance someone can do something stupid, assume it will come to pass and be ready. Had she not stabbed the gas she might have taken it on the drivers side door rather than the rear wheel. I said, damn good thing we were not on the bike! It annoys her than I'm so defensive on the bike, but I think she sees why now. So yes, lets please assume that they dont see you at intersections so keep an eye in the mirror and the bike in gear. Know that they will turn left from oncoming traffic, know that they actually DO NOT see us, also know that their convenience is more important than the safety of others. It's just how it is.
  13. Long as I get my money... PS, we really need a pimp smiley haha.
  14. I'm reminded of a movie called Scent of a Woman in which one of our fav actors portrays a blind man. In this movie there is a scene where he sightlessly flogs an exotic car through industrial discreet streets navigating strictly on the panicked yellings of his passenger. It was years ago but it flashed back to me instantly. Unless your wife is game for that sort of arrangement on the bike then your lucky to have kept your spare eye for a rainy day. Luckily the eye is one of our parts for which we are granted a bilateral spare. Glad your alright!
  15. It's quite the opposite around here, 600 class and nakeds seem to be fairly affordable. That liter bike tho, it's eerie how well sorted it was. I search between here and CO, well cared for liter bikes in the price range I was are not very common, but you can get 600s without much trouble. I did fine riding it but I must stay out of traffic. It was a riding experience to be sure, but not only how scary fast it is but how well sorted. I rode it once and used self discipline and broke not one road rule for an entire 385 loop. It was still exhilarating, the balance and raw performance of bikes like this is just amazing. The experience of the gixxer made me wonder how such a machine can be a penny less than 10k. You can sure buy a lot less bike for a lot more money. Funny thing is, it feels like a 600, so small and light, the only way you could tell it's a liter is when you start to squeeze it and 150mph comes right now and still pulling hard. I hope I didnt beat the guy up to much on the price but the FZ did kiss the ground and has that damage, although minor I'll replace the clutch and stator covers. It's hard to explain what a sweetheart the gixxer was, damn near new condition, setup just as nicely as could be, all the right stuff. Once the kid heard it bark to life I literally saw him go weak. It hurt to see it go, still hurts, but I'm excited to see what I can do with the FZ. Puc. I get it completely, when you said before that it's like your own personal roller coaster that is a bit of an understatement. Now that it's gone I can only think about getting another. Actually I suspect the FZ will be plenty powerful for my needs, but at some point in the future I'll make an impulse purchase, and will again have a liter bike.
  16. +1. You wont regret the upgrade, those decades old Yamaha springs have just got to be beyond tattered by now. Watch how the bushings go as it comes apart. You'll be happy you didn't wait.
  17. A buck a month I think for most folks is an automatic hard no. My first reflex was not to pay, but the content and quality input is worth it. There is another factor I'll bet many have not thought of. I pay a dollar a month here and the worst thing I see running is googleapis, which does not appear to be a anything really bad in spite of being google. Anything google makes me distrustful and I've blocked virtually all of it at the DNS level, but blocking this one here seems just to disable like/thanks. Anyway. a popular Vmax forum runs googletagmanager and doubleclick. I was a supporting member there before that. The forum used to be pretty clean but it changed hands. Since I noticed doubleclick running I very very rarely use the forum anymore even though doubleclick is wildcard blocked at a DNS level on my server and tagmanager is blocked on 99% of the sights I visit. A popular FZ09 site I just perused. Viglink, taboola, gumgum, vertiscope, ribicon, captify, Google anylitics and scorecard research beacon. That makes the Vmax site look clean. That is a lot of junk! Reuters runs nativo, integral ad science, google tag manager, chartbeat, segment and admantx on a ramdom story I clicked on this morning. Anyway. Don is running the cleanest .com sight I have ever seen on the internet, anywhere. There is a transparent price to use it without all the underhanded tracking, adserving or datamining. Blocking junk rarely breaks a sight or some functionality, but rather than to cease tracker/beacon blocking I just decide that if a business page wont operate without it's trackers I simply choose not to do business with that person/business. He could run some of this junk in the background and monetize a bit more, and pretty likely virtually nobody would notice it. It's worth a buck, really it is. If more webmasters worked this way I would probably be a supporting member of other forums too. But, this is NOT the case. This is the only forum I support currently and these are the biggest reasons why. I will never ever knowingly pay for someone to track me and advertise to me. $1/mo is a small price to pay for so much quality, regardless of what some guy I've never heard of says on FB. Maybe if he plagiarized technical write-ups from this sight to FB there may be a resource within FB. I'm not sure FB allows plagiarism, maybe a good Q for FB.
  18. Thanks for chiming in and sharing your experience!
  19. Thread on COPs. ttps://www.venturerider.org/forum/newreply.php?p=1083566&noquote=1 I used an Ignitek in mine so I would not need the resistors, also I was doing the max conversion too but now it's up in the air, prolly not going to happen. Stock 1st gen Vmax jet sizes should be Mains 152.5, PAJ1 90, PAJ2 170, Pilot jet 37.5, all in MK. DJ jets are not stock. The Venture jet sizes escape me. I know my 1st gen Vmax needed a whole lot more playing with jetting than my Venture did. Jet sizes are different for Mukuni (MK) and DJ (Dynajet), and one other oddball out there. Here is a conversion chart. I ended removing all the DynoJet stuff from my max and going with all the fixings from Morley with excellent results. This should help you be able to make heads or tails out of that. https://vmax.lvlhead.com/tips/jetsizes.htm When my Vmax was very rich and jetted way over what it needed I had that 4k stumble, which is when the needles will start to lift and open the main jets. I also smelled raw fuel often around the bike. Correct jetting turned it into a monster, a monster that suddenly gets fairly good cruising range now since it's not drowning in it's own fuel.
  20. I see some sources for touring seats, luggage and wind protection. I have yet to ride it on the pavement (rally still going on), just went up and down the driveway to get a quick feel. It's tall, deceptively comfortable and at 414lbs it's quite light. I can feel that it has gobs and gobs of torque. With luggage, wind protection and a seat upgrade I see this getting some multi-state highway use. Of course it will need a pipe and tune, liking the look of the Akropovic systems. I'm really excited to get this one out on the road! Did you do much 2-up riding/touring? How did that go?
  21. I guess I now own a 15 FZ-09 with 3300 on the clock. And an AM15 7.62 & multi-cal w/ a VaryXIII scope, and a minty Luger SR1911 45 in SS, and a small bit of $$. The math works out well, but... I'm reminded of the emotional link between bike and rider, and I was unaware of how much I really connected with this GSXR in only a handful of rides. It's as if someone went deep into my significantly warped brain and pulled out a sportbike that checked every box I ever had, except all day comfort. Never have I ridden a bike crafted from pure bliss before. Heavy heart. Dammit. Suzuki sure got this one right! Oh well, the FZ09 turns out is quite a little rocket too, and surprisingly comfortable, also the latest model bike I have ever owned. It's pretty slick and fun to ride, and has quite a bit more torque and snap than I thought it would. Now, Just as soon as everyone takes their rolling roadblocks and trailers back home I'm going to find out how much it sucks to ride an FZ-09 to CO and probably NM from SD! (I dont really think it will suck, but I know I'm gonna feel it)
  22. I did not know that until just now when I read this. No wonder I sounded like a nut. I could swear the one I saw the inside of was very similar. I stand corrected.
  23. I get the difference between pods and a drop-in, but when OP said filters in plural I made the logical step to pods. In my own defense, I've seen pods on everything from Geo Metros to BB stangs, I didn't want to assume that an RSV was off limits to someone looking for gains and trying pods.
  24. Hey all. I have a general question and not Venture related, but it is Yamaha. I've been trying to sell/trade off my 09gixxer 1k. It is advertised on this very forum if pics can clarify. I've got it for sale locally and had to get past the part where everyone wants to give me a Harley (two in one case) for it. Now I've got a local fellow with a 2015 FZ-09, bone stock. It has a scuff on the engine case where it was dropped, but thats the only damage. It's newer and has IIRC 5k on the clock, but I suspect it has a bit less value in the open market. I'm looking for opinions on how the real world fair market values might match up, I'm not giving much credibility to book values in this interesting market. The gixxer has several tasteful correct mods, someone spent some dosh on it at some point. My only motivations for making this trade is the more upright riding position and hopefully it's comfortable enough that with a seat, windscreen and tail pack I can do weekend multi-state trips. Also I need this gixxer gone! I'm absolutely in love with it and there is no logical argument to keeping it. 1. Do you folks think the values match up fairly evenly, I'm not sure myself but thinking I should ask for some boot cash on top. I know the gixxer is older but had a considerably larger MSRP, and has had some money spent on it. 2. Who has ridden/owned an FZ, what did it do well, what did it suck at? Would you buy another? Reviews are generally very positive on the FZ09. I know the internet is full of info, some contradicting, but I have a lot of trust in this community to be pretty right-on about stuff. 3. The gixxer has no practical application in the real world. This is the WRONG WRONG WRONG bike for a misanthropic rider with no patience for the general public/motoring public as it is. I am highly motivated to get this commercial-grade grin-generator out of my possession ASAP. Of more than 25 bike trade offers so far, the FZ is the first competent, semi-practical road bike thats come up. I want the gixxer gone but I dont want to give it away. Who can chime in on an FZ09? Thanks folks!
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