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Everything posted by CaseyJ955

  1. When I press play it just brings me to a vid list, maybe just mine but I cant play it. The info is good, thank you. I have to say I really like the dash.
  2. Agree 100%. The biggest problem was in the marketing and badge, this would be easier to accept had we even known it was not going to use the V4. Just that tiny tidbit of info, IMHO, would have diffused almos all the vitriol some of us feel since we waited so long for a Venture. Dangling a big carrot in front of us Venture lovers for months and then unveiling an improved Harley was almost like bait-n-switch. Im an adult and paying customer and I dont need the element of surprise like a 5 yr old on xmas morning. I thought I was getting a giant tub of Legos and I got a board game, socks and a sweater. Im over it but to show Yamaha my appreciation for how this went down Im going to buy a new Triumph Trophy when my current Venture gets too long in the tooth.
  3. Im far from all those places but im going to ride one when the local Yammy dealer gets one in. I expect it to be a nice ride, Im particularly interested in heat management and performance at speed. I hope its still hot out when they get one in but its not looking too promising. On paper it doesnt look very exciting but I will ride with an open mind. Im glad its not my job to explain why this bike has an air cooled V twin and not the V4 that Yamaha must have known we thought we were getting.
  4. . I had a friend that picked up a couple mono tube amps on the cheap, said they were about 20 watts each so not quite the sound pressure and volume of the 120 WPC of his AVR bit sound quality that was warm and rich compared to a high end AVR. I was impressed by the comparison and would now like to find a tube amp. I recall my old stuff and how sweet it sounded, I find the AVRs to sound great but maybe a touch artificial or to bright. The AVR is perfectly fine for HT and vid games, but music is different, I know a few folks that have different speakers for 2ch. Old Infinities are awesome. I still lay awake at night and think about a pair of the Infinity Reference Standard V. Its hard to find the words to describe how badly I want a set of those. Tube amps are not cheap but how cool to recapture the fullness of my older setups. One day ill find one in a box at a garage sale or something. The old systems generally didnt compare in terms of deep violent bass response/volumes but tubes give a quality and signature that I really enjoy. Ill leave my amp alone for the subs but really wanna try using the AVR as a preamp and amping the fronts with an old McIntosh or something.
  5. I do believe Road King pipes fit with very little modification, probably other HD models too. They are said to be only marginally louder than stock and I see them all over CL for $10-$25. Im not familiar with the pipes you have but betting significantly quieter is probably not a thing. Ill bet those could sell on Eby for a fir bit more than HD or stock pipes. Good luck.
  6. Bloated is the word that was in my head for both price and weight. I suspect that this bike will have a cult following based on rarity more than merit. We are sitting in a real estate and economic bubble that is due to pop this year, maybe next (speculation) and when it happens $30k bikes arent going to be flying off showroom floors. Conditions are favorable for HD to nosedive, at least Yamaha has other quality models available where HD is pretty much a one trick pony. My guess is by 2019/2020 you will be able to get gently used Ventures for a fraction of MSRP. There are going to be a whole lot more air cooled twins out there than buyers willing to pay the premium price of admission (more speculation) in the interesting times ahead. CL trends would suggest this is already happening, look at all the new-ish HDs sitting there week after week cheaper than ever. Used Vstroms, GSs and KLRs will sell like hotcakes and the bulky old tech overpriced cruisers are going to back up showrooms like a bowel obstruction. Pretty dark huh?
  7. I dig belts, they have come a long ways in the last few years. Shafts are great but they do not relay the power to the ground the way belts and chains do, they have lash and lots of weight. Belts address all that and guarded right they should be reliable and long lasting. I believe Puc hit this on the head with his iteration of the thrill of the revs. Their failure to use the V4 is not something they can explain IMHO, they wouldnt be having to tackle this had they just told us early on it would be an air cooled twin, guys like me were pretty sure this would be a performance tourer. Im not sure Yamaha has the marketing chops to pull this one off. IMHO secrecy and hype was the wrong marketing tactic for this (or any) bike.
  8. About the time this thread started I replaced my defective Yamaha with a 7.1 onkyo, lower end but does sound great. WPC between 105 and 75 is not audible, its loud enough to induce pain either way. My play room is sized so that 5.2 works fine but wanna try atmos later, not a high priority. 75 WPC for the fronts is so crazy loud and clear that for the subs to keep up at full tilt I feed them with an external 6000 watt amp split between two 18" sealed subs. I thought I was going overkill on the subs but it turned out to be a great match with the towers. When I went to the local shop and listened to different recievers I could really hear no difference between different brands and power levels, with possible exception of the Anthem maybe being slightly cleaner than the others, the margin so narrow that it could have been in my head. I was told to ignore the WPC spec when shopping and I feel that was sound guidance. Its insane how much 75 WPC can produce with mids-highs and how much sub it takes to match that. I figure by the time I go Atmos I may build 2 more subs. I miss the old days of the Kenwood 5way 15" speakers and a tube-clad Marantz. Simplicity an era gone by. My next purchase is going to be a tube amp for the fronts for 2ch music. Nonetheless the Onkyo interface is vastly improved from older versions and it sounds great, upscales 4k great for the reasonable price tag. My yamaha fell way short of a decade and the same for the Pioneer before it, I may try an entry level Anthem next time if this Onkyo doesnt make 10 years. I hope the new unit serves you well, glad you got it all sorted out.
  9. A reading of the privacy and end user agreements would certainly suggest that you are correct, at least to some degree. I abandoned Google like a hooker with buccal warts after reading that, I even rooted my phone to replace Android with Cyanogenmod to protect my privacy from Google and shed bloatware. At what point did the block function become insufficient? Why do thinking adults tolerate pandering to the weak and hyper-offendable like this? I really wanna know...
  10. Sorry about the gravity storm. It could always be so much worse, glad your alright!
  11. Just dont speak your mind or tell the truth about things. If you make a snowflake cry you will be back out on your backside again.
  12. I wont say the names, but we do have such people, and lots of em'. I have become a great fan of militias, I think at some point they will be our saving grace against those who continually seek to infringe. This is stressful talk, I need a hug and a safe space!
  13. I'm more agnostic but pulling the atheist card tends to shut down those who would proselytize, I think it's the more definite connotation but it does work. I'm well outside the norm by not being a Christian republican in the very red state in which I live. So your the guy that wont let people forget about the "shall not be infringed" part? Awesome, I'm on board with that! See, a ltl txt and evryn is grt!
  14. That guy has it down, I was thinking to do much more fishing and motorcycling, punctuated by video games and firearms but thats much less of a story than the above mentioned list!
  15. Facebook Jail. I've heard Tom Leykis talk about this before but I never got nailed for anything. I gave it up years ago but we still use it to share photos and commentary with family in the Philippines, I just spend no time on it anymore. Facebook is not a great place for an unapologetic libertarian atheist like myself anyway A good takeaway is that your 1st amendment rights do NOT carry over to Facebook. It's hostile to free speech, like a college campus, not the bastion of free speech one would think. I found video games to be just as much of a time suck but it's so much more fun to spend an afternoon playing Ghost Recon Wildlands. So what did you do? Did you show your conservative side? You called someone a name and they got their delicate feelings hurt and turned you in? The Facebook that exists now is not the Facebook I remember, not sure when live/let live got so unpopular and skin got so thin. I cant believe they banned you for that, or that anyone would turn you in for that. Whoever did that is the same person that was always telling the teacher on everyone in 2nd grade.
  16. Glad you kept it upright. Hopefuly the trucking co. insurance will pay for your damages and a new pair of skivvies. Did he even stop? I pass trucks WOT regardless of on bike or in my car, just dont even like them in front of me for this exact reason. Very good to hear your ok and back in the saddle.
  17. The H2 was the one that you could feel the frame twisting and moving under you. I spent some time on one and if I ever find one, or an H1 like this one, or even and RD400, I'm in! One thing is for sure, street legal 2 strokes are not going to be becoming any more common, the remainders are bound to increase in value and rarity. Awesome find!
  18. If I'm not mistaken you can get just the oil seal. That fuel leak up on the carbs looks like it could be the O ring that goes around the drain screw. I had one deteriorate and I could really smell the raw fuel and it leaked just like that one. It just took a moment to back the screw all the way out and replace it. You will of course loose any fuel in that bowl. I got some new O rings from the universal drawer at NAPA and they work great.
  19. I absolutly love WY, what a fantastic wide open place to be. Thanks for letting us know. Enjoy the rally and be safe. Holla if you make it up to RC.
  20. The gold dots are aluminum pistons but blue dots are steel, but they are still easy to mar with pliers so as mentioned be very careful. For removing my pistons I used a piece of wood and a small electric air pump, just put the fitting against the brake inlet with a rubber grommet and they slide right on out. once they are a ways out you should be able to wiggle them out with your fingers if you can get a nice firm grip. Make sure any seals and pistons you remove go back in the hole they came out of. I cleaned the pistons with green scotchbrite pads and brakeclean spray stuff. I also carefully removed the forward seals, cleaned them up and put them back. I used a brush and more brakeclean to clean up inside the bores. Prelubed with DOT and reassembled carefully. I used R6 blue dots also and Galfer fully sintered pads and she stops like a MF with very little effort. Not grabby but definitely powerful and easy to use.
  21. I live 10 minutes outside west Rapid City, during the rally I stay off the bikes and go to town as little as possible, but if any of you folks hanging in Rapid want to meet up for breakfast or something one of the days your here I'm game, besides it's cool to meet others from the forum. This is really an amazing area to ride and the weather has been awesome, usually around 88-95 with a few evening showers now and then. It promises to be a good year for this.
  22. The good news is the next synch will probably only take several minutes. I do it on each bike no less than once a year.
  23. He may have ridden one only hitting on 3 cyl or in a gross state of mistune and now carries this vendetta with the burning passion of 1000 suns. As we all know when the V4 is dialed in and doing it's job it will gobble up any full size twin cyl bike I'm aware of. My gen1 Vmax is downright frightening and has only exhaust, intake, COPs and carefully jetted/tuned. It could also be that he was looking for the monster torque of an oversquare engine, such as a big twin, the V4 comes into it's own from about 3500 upwards, and for many of the twin bikes your mostly through your rev range by 3500. I would +1 to your theory, the right tool in the wrong hands.
  24. I'm really glad to hear that heat was not an issue on the guided rides, maybe a good indication that they have massaged good effectiveness into oil cooling. I like the analog gauges and the nav screen, double overdrive also has to be sweet. Do those of you that rode it feel like you would miss the mid-range and top end of the V4? Is the low end grunt enough to sate the power needs/wants of a V4 owner? Did you get to put it through its paces within the realm of the guided ride, was cornering clearance as good as the gen1? I'm going to call Powersports and get myself on a ride when they get their demo in, talked to the sales guy last week, they will have a demo long before they have sellable inventory. The curiosity is getting under my skin now with these initial good reports.
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