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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. Prayers for you all Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  2. Prayers up get well soon and give us update when you can Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  3. Well if your planning on getting tires for the beast I would wait on mounting the mufflers at least. I am chasing a strange misfire on my bike, wonderful thing about having kids is DO NOT WORK ON WIRES while there home. I just been tinkering on mine. O have you fired it yet? if you have might just go ahead and put the inner fairing part on. If you haven't already check your solders in the CMS. Um Order a set of cables from yamagrl. You definatly won't go wrong doing that and putting those on. Get some velcro and relocate the TCI box on top of the air box. Pull the battery box out and replace the bolts there if needed. Mine were quite corroded and rusty. Maybe update your fuse box from the glass fuses.
  4. sending prayers to you, You lop eared varmint.
  5. Why was he pulling him that way in the first place I would have pulled on the drivers side..... you know to yank him out of the snow drift.Which appears to be just shoveled snow.
  6. Wow my daughter is a mile a minute girl too!! Well around people she knows, the crowd thing was like the Christmas party, Parade things like that. It is more of a thing if it gets loud.
  7. That means I would be helping the global warming out bringing them along!!! My two younger ones love the bike and William heck he wants to ride everyone he see's we go to the annual blessing of the bike's here in town, Plus every time we go by a bike shop he wants to stop just to look at all the bikes. So I don't mind taking them but Sissy gets a little off key around a bunch of people. Which I am trying to figure out how to help her with that. She don't act out or nothing she kind of shuts down. Now as far as helping Global Warming, Wow that Tahoe gets crappy gas mileage.. and pulling a trailer with the Bike on it. I had thought about that tho, I am only good for one tank of gas a day on the bike, I did something a while back while working at a chicken plant here in town. Messed my wrist up bad:doh: I guess that will teach me for listening to there nurse and returning to dumping tubs of chicken after he gave me an elastic wrist support. If I can be at some I will be there, But now I want to go just to see the bears.
  8. Plato sounds like a good place to go, 74 people and wouldn't take much to double that population for a few days. I don't see how 74 people would be accurate for Plato, Mo tho. It is a very small town but I think he it has a few more people then 74 people.
  9. I am like Dale from King of the Hill on this one But I put tape and covers over my camera's and microphones. I don't have nothing to hide but... I remember a time when you would by a computer and you got everything pratically for free. I am talking Window's 95 computers when you could not get a computer for $300 or less. My dad got one on sale for $800 from Circuit City. I don't even think that place still exist it was a good ol Packard Bell Computer with I think a whole 30 mb hard drive.
  10. Prayers out to you and tip Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  11. Prayers Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  12. Prayers Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  13. Prayers Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  14. Got one for ya @Flyinfool when I plug the CMS in my signals no longer work.... Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  15. Rubber side down Dan! Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  16. FYI I got Heather's cables today and I must say once again she has out done herself on them, I haven't installed them but If I didn't know any better I would think they were made by professionals. O wait they were done by a PRO!! @yamagrl
  17. I have suddenlink here where I am, they tell me I am getting 100 mbs I get that. I just wished with 100 mbs up I would get something like 30 mbs up. they advertise 7.5 up I get 8-9... now the download side i get 98-101... I am just tired of my Tv service Hijacking my price every month!!
  18. https://www.webroot.com/us/en/home I have used webroot products for years, I like it cause its a fair price and I run with the 5 device protection.
  19. I was thinking along the lines of the fourstates lol, but I would assume Kansas city would be pretty close to being the center. But just like St Louis I won't ride there let alone drive there. Them drivers scare me. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  20. Yep leave it for him Dan, he can tell it in the best way possible. Prayers up pucster Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  21. Nope I am learning. But.... if your using 3ohms one on each side that lost me I would think the 6 ohm would be better for each side I would have thought 3 ohm would have to be one at each bulb.
  22. Very interesting and you are also supposed to have it up on the center stand when you add air or change the setting.
  23. Check your Diaphragms, see if there is any holes in them. If there isn't I don't know if I would use Berryman's to long. Lot of us use the Sea foam I would switch to that on next fill up and see if it straightens back out. Another thing which I don't know if the 05 has one but check your vacuum advance hose for any leaks. Maybe spark plugs. But anything more then that, @Flyinfool @yamagrl @bongobobny might have other suggestions too.
  24. Yes Sir I sure did before I put in the back left resistor. The resistors I used seemed quite large to be honest. I will do more experimenting, I just can't figure out why the other flashers didn't seem to work. The resistors I got just say 12v 6ohms. So anymore suggestions would be welcomed at this point. I am just happy I got them to work. I was determined to get them to work. One of my downfalls is if I can't get something to work I will keep trying till I do.
  25. https://vimeo.com/198769232 Well got one side working. Seems like they flash a little slow. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
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