That means I would be helping the global warming out bringing them along!!! My two younger ones love the bike and William heck he wants to ride everyone he see's we go to the annual blessing of the bike's here in town, Plus every time we go by a bike shop he wants to stop just to look at all the bikes. So I don't mind taking them but Sissy gets a little off key around a bunch of people. Which I am trying to figure out how to help her with that. She don't act out or nothing she kind of shuts down. Now as far as helping Global Warming, Wow that Tahoe gets crappy gas mileage.. and pulling a trailer with the Bike on it. I had thought about that tho, I am only good for one tank of gas a day on the bike, I did something a while back while working at a chicken plant here in town. Messed my wrist up bad:doh: I guess that will teach me for listening to there nurse and returning to dumping tubs of chicken after he gave me an elastic wrist support. If I can be at some I will be there, But now I want to go just to see the bears.