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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. What's weather like where you are sir? Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  2. Prayers out to you skid that your update is a good one. Pretty sure that's coming up. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  3. No just out riding Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  4. Hey silly me here, where did you find the clear tubing at?
  5. Got wiring schematics I would try to trace it there Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  6. The carb on my truck looked like some dumped molasses in it. The carbs on the bike looked the same way. Just not as bad. I don't know if ethanol had anything to do with the tank rust... Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  7. Well I should be. Obvious the overflows will or should have pipes running to them and I believe they sit right at the top of your bowl on the carbs, http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/?action=article&cat_id=001010&id=366 here is a perfect link about your carbs...
  8. When Tinker is getting full in the carbs she literally takes a leak out by the rear tire!! All my tubes run towards the back in a group right in front of the rear tire. I will make a suggestion remove your airbox and let the bike run until warm and remove your overflows on the carbs to see if you find the one leaking..
  9. Also Sorry did not mean to High Jack your thread either but does the 1300 not have YICS?
  10. My bike, @cowpuc bike are a unicorn of a different color, I will suggest get that TCI box moved tho.... thats not your problem obviously, I have no charcoal containers, not sure if I even have an atmosphere thing.
  11. Dumb question Mine is 83. Is mine missing or does it just have the boost sensor? I totally thought he had one of his YICS chambers hoses off...
  12. That almost has to be your YICS chamber in that picture I went out and peaked on mine and I am almost certain, Now as to why it would be leaking gas I have not a clue.... because it connects to the motor with 4 hoses. one of your hoses is not plugged in that is obvious. @bongobobny @yamagrl @Flyinfool would you have a clue what this is for sure and whether or not it should be leaking fuel from it as I am pretty certain this is our YICS chamber.
  13. Not sure who is posted but there is a blonde and a brunette down there.
  14. Omg that is Hillarious Smith Family Power sports is about 5 miles from me, So I get to see them in person:Bunny2:, Now quiet I am hunting Rabits fools!!!
  15. Also this seems to be the YICS chamber nipple, Very Interesting...
  16. Ok I am litterally dumbfounded how you would have fuel spewing out any where near the front cylinder out of a nipple.... At first glanse it looks kind of like a fuel pump..... but that is at the back of our bikes..... I would like to hear more about this one....
  17. I did the carb clean a while back when I was chasing that nasty gremlin causing the odd miss. Also learned hard way use safety Google's, I had a pay of old glasses on and that crap got in my eyes. Got the colortune Monday set the mixture screws and checked with my awesome new gauges. I believe this set won't be a one hit wonder. And I I thought it ran good before wowzrr what a difference a good tune makes... As far as sync they were not far off. As long as I can afford too and premium contains no ethanol that's what my vehicles get. After rebuilding the carbs on the 74 ford and them being a pita and seeing what ethanol did to that carb... I won't never put it in a carburated motor again.. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  18. While we in here talking carbs, I got a colortune and set all me screws to where I just see a flicker of orange/yellow is this the correct setting? Or should I turn the screws in just a tad? Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  19. Well I think they are speaking of the removal of some foam...
  20. This is why I followed the instructions to a T, I know it will eat the rubber in the carbs, that is why you want to get gas back in it ASAP!! At least I did even tho I put it up for a couple months. I also use Non Ethanol Fuel only... with the 2 shots suggested by Skydoc? Whoever owns the shop on the east coast.
  21. Venturous only if we hook up a different fuel pump..... the one we have has the built in safety features, just the relay keeps running. I have a fuel pump somewhere I could try.. If I can remember what I did with it. But it was off of a chevy luv I had...
  22. I will have to definately try this theory. I am thinking mine does shut off after a couple of clicks. Because when I had my carbs off I forgot about the gas still being on and it only pumped a few seconds but after I realized what I did I turned the key back off... So I will test this in the morning by hooking hose to outlet and stick it in gas can just to see...
  23. No wonder mike is a kick butt rocking machine it dont shut up lmao!!!
  24. Yeah well you may not have but...
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