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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. I can not even believe I am getting ready to say this one, But D$MNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN SHE IS SEXY, Now that Honda I would own. Kinda sporty looking but looks like you ride it sitting up, and looks very confortable....... Let us now how it handles the Butt.... and what kind of confort she offers...
  2. Yeah I check with center stand down but I think I may have figured out what is going on but it don't make a lick of sense to me if that is what is actually going on....
  3. I am gonna be so so so upset if this has been my ordeal... How much damned oil will this airbox hold i got to looking and seen some up in there and also when I had the idle cranked to like 2500 rpm with airbox on I was seeing that infamous oil smoke come out my right exaust. and the other carbs where I accidently leaked gas on the boots its already evaporated, but the number 2 boot seems to have an oily film on it... when I smelled the rag I wiped it up with. It had like an oily gasy smell to it but not raw 91 octane...
  4. I have checked levels on it and that bowl is slightly lower, one other thing it has been doing for a while now is when I put it on the side stand it bogs down slightly then regains idle after a few seconds. But should I do it when the bike is on the side stand?
  5. He is trying to get to all locks with just one Key..... I thought I had one saved but it is missing one helmet lock and the gas tank.... I have spare dash parts for your bike also I had taken it apart in an attempt to put on my bike but backed off and just stuck the pieces in a box... I am not sure of functionality of any of it tho as the guy I traded it for didn't know functionality of it either. He just acquired the 83 royal and standard, and he sent me the royal dash which according to the parts cache online it was the same as mine but ended up being totally different...
  6. Shoot struck out, it is missing the helmet lock and gas lock... Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  7. Possibly let me check Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  8. In working on another set and don't know how to get valve out to replace it... Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  9. Without engine running? Is when it gets wet around intake boot and on side stand, last I ran ethanol fuel was June of 2015!!! I will not put ethanol in it... Also right now I got 3 shots of marvel in it and been running it like I stole it since I got the new box... Ok I guess the question is how do i take the float valve out? Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  10. Top that most of that was on side stand.... Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  11. Tried too Casey, it never did leak the hole time box was off that was the first 2hrs of the 3 1/2 2hrs of running Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  12. I will add that it only seems to do it on side stand... Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  13. Ok so finally I have ran my bike for 3.5hrs total trying to figure out this leak situation.... Well it seems to slobber on no.2 carb when the bike is shut off... Does not leak while running. What am I missing could it be the bowl gasket? Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  14. Well its now been 5 days no 🚬, the taste that was in my mouth is all about gone. Yesterday I was looking for places to do a permanent transplant of the ignition box. Still seems to run out good so put my old stock tic box in an electronics zip bag and wrapped with paper put it in a box and taped the box up!! Stuck in my saddle bag. Got 3 or warranty on the new one so might as well keep using it. I unplugged the vacuum advance connector and tucked the vacuum hose up. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  15. Thought you was getting a cowbell for sweet tooth? Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  16. Don't know about you but I never grew up!! Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  17. Well I know about the other countries, I also know that women here in Missouri either make the same or more then men... Now I won't say every place does but the places I have worked did... However I feel my gf and several others got screwed out of wages when she was making 9.40 an hour and the had across the board increase to 10 an hour... She didn't keep her 40 cent raise.... Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  18. That is cool, shotgun aim is just slightly different. I really didn't know there was so much to do to be instructor Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  19. Yeah it is sad when even with a bright A LED the light still don't reflect far. I do know what your getting at but evedently MK1 suck as far as the reflector is concerned!!!
  20. Heck My right fairing is held in place with bolts, washers and zip ties then the left side has got 2 bolts one nut, and no zip ties. the lower left is held on by one screw and two zipties. crazyiness wanted to get it running good then worry about that stuff later. just debating whether to repaint it or clear coat it and my bike is brown, ruby red and maroon lol....
  21. Actually I don't even have to for that thrill, Stick icecream in a bowl then put it in the freezer or just let the spoon set in the icecream and then try to eat the icecream off the spoon without your tongue sticking. Seen the metal pole in a movie they ended up calling the fire department. Can't remember the name of the movie but that was one of the funnier parts!! We covered this I started that thread lol, dead snakes on fence, touching it with anything we could find to see if we would get shocked or not!!! My stepdad used to cut wood and I got the bright idea to build a ramp out of one a couple pieces of wood and a few pieces of skinny wood planks maybe an inch if that. Got my speed up thought if I just pop a wheelie as I was about ready to hit it I would jump higher. this did not happen My wheel came down spliting the little pieces and jamming into the side of the piece of wood which stopped the bike cold and me flying over the handle bars and landing on my back..... said ok try some different wood made the jump feet slipped off the pedals and racked myself... Let my little brother ride my gocart thinking he seen me drive it he had a power wheel had plenty of practice right? False He drove up a tree litterally. Was unloading the 1 ton truck of wood and got in it to move it and acidently ran over a piece of wood that my brothers foot was under, he started crying well sorta he just kept saying ow ow ow. So I freaked out and did you know a 68 dodge 1 ton can pop a wheelie:Avatars_Gee_George:. My brother was no longer saying ouch and was like do it again, I was to shaky after all that to even get the truck to move, or even finish unloading the truck. Milked a cow with flip flops on, now if it pops 3 times in a row while walking I know snow is coming... haven't heard or felt it do that in ages last time was 6 yrs ago. Dad went to work and took his motorcycle out for a run *was only 14 at the time* ran it into the side of the house I don't think he ever found out about it. Lets see when I was 11 everytime they would leave I would drive the bulldozer around, or show off to the neighbor girl and play with his truck and did this one too many times didn't put it back in gear correctly and it rolled out of the driveway catching the chainlink fence on the bumper. I would have never known it was driving away if hadn't heard someone honking at it as it rolled out of the driveway, threw the motorcycle down and ran after it to put it back in the drive way!!! Had to try and explain that one didn't work out in my favor. Then another time On a bike riding home from neighbors house was showing off once again and my backpack got caught in the front spokes of my bicycle, experienced the my first road rash on the side of my face.... think that pretty much covers it, O one other thing grabbed my dads revolver and tried killing a snake in the pond only to have him hear gun shots and his eyes got so big I could see them yards away.... and that was the day I found out he could run very very fast.
  22. Looks like fun, wondering what the blue tape is trying to hide tho, body creases not lined up.... or is it actually holding it together?2
  23. Well storms rolled thru my area tonight... Power has been out for an hour. It is hot inside so standing in tinkers beam and I got.to say its bright but needs to be brighter. So guess we can only dodge bullets here so long. Hopefully this will be the only thing this season to worry about...
  24. Thought that was yesterday owell they asked one women what she hoped to accomplish and she replied for my daughter to not have to march to protect her rights.... Did I miss something somewhere? Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  25. Look for metaphorsis of 86 venture Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
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