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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. If your in the area around Arkansas look for a Braum's that is a good place to get ice cream! Good food too! "Never ride faster then your guardian angel can fly."
  2. Yeah I had figured out where the washer went and had the tire back on by the time you responded. It is a small pain removing the tires but would rather do that then remove the carbs again.. I just wanted to get it out and check out the brakes, and get them all bleed out, I was gonna go ahead and put my muffler gaskets in but I couldn't find them but now I am glad I haven't yet. But my confidence as for myself working on this bike is doubled since the rebuild of the Rebel. Now it has gotten even better, the only pain I found was trying to get the splines lined up in everything. I also want to get the Gear oil changed out in the back. But I must say after the maintenance today the bike feels alot smoother, specially with the 9 yr old Metzler off the back. I may tackle that stuff when the rain hits next week should only take part of a day to do. Thanks for the Help Rick. Now just to bust the cap to the gear oil loose.
  3. Bought kenda Cruz tires figured it was more then past time to get tires. "Never ride faster then your guardian angel can fly."
  4. Well crap I just pumped the zirk full of Greece in front of those four nut's "Never ride faster then your guardian angel can fly."
  5. How do i get to the front splines "Never ride faster then your guardian angel can fly."
  6. Doh!! Ok I am guessing most are still attached to the wheel, I have the service manual for the bike, I just couldn't get it to open earlier. Was trying to Open the wrong thing on one drive.. My Bad it also states in there to use Lightweight Lithium grease. Never realized there was really a light weight. The book don't really state where the washer goes on the right side. Basically My question is where does that washer go when it is assembled on the bike. And is my Lithuim grease ok to use..
  7. On ask after disassembling and reassembling the honda I was feeling confident so I removed both tires and was looking everything over there is two washers that fell when I pulled the axle just wondering where there supposed to go. Also thought my gears looked good in the back I have some grease should I use a specific type. "Never ride faster then your guardian angel can fly."
  8. Are you all kidding? Come on who in there right mind is gonna take one of these bikes and bop down the road at 60.... Ok so i like the feel of the pull the motor has as you twist that throttle open.. I been getting about 33-36mpg going about 70ish. So Is it ok to be in 5th gear at 60? I am just curious I would like to see if I can Manage 40mpg. My problem is, well its so darn easy to well crack that throttle open...\ Btw @CaseyJ955 I do have 3 restrictors still but the hole is about the size of a needle point.
  9. Redneck Fuel petcock, mason jar, thumb, hose clamp, and a bolt. Loosen fuel line from pump place thumb over hose so don't leak everywhere then place funnel in mason jar and get bolt and screw it in the end of the hose then tighten the hose clamp. There you have it fuel is now shut off... empty bowls in mason jar, then empty mason jar in gas tank.
  10. Let me see If any of the restrictors are still in my motion pro. I think there should be at least 2 left...
  11. You can buy all the parts you need for those sync tools however after shipping cost and they only sell them in fours, I think he may have got off a little cheaper, But they are $16 or so out the door when I was thinking of redoing my sync pro.
  12. Nah just me trying to figure how mine doesn't and how it even runs as there is no vacuum advance. "Never ride faster then your guardian angel can fly."
  13. I wasn't saying mine was overheating. Maybe I am reading this wrong. Also My bike never has really ran hot on the gauge maybe 3/4 but there is a bit of green between the red and needle.
  14. Why thank you Rick the last set I bought was the K&L Kit but I can not use the float bowl needles so Now I have 8 of them for the 1300's but that appears like a good price for the rebuilds I paid $88 I believe for the orings and gaskets.
  15. This I did not realize, Wonder why the Royales got the reserve. I may even have an aftermarket one, if there is such a thing. The one he shows in that picture has got me wondering because I don't know for sure if mine was that short. All I know is mine is slightly on the stiff side. I am thinking 83-84 may have been the years I have thrown that box away long ago. I am also thinking there was other Models listed to but will not swear to it.
  16. See he just totally lost me about all this buffering and vacuum advancing. In all theories my bike shouldn't run and overheat... I have never been a tech head.... looks good tho Casey. I think we need to compare bikes, and setups... I have that TCI from Regulatorrectifiers.com with no vacuum advance what so ever. NGK Caps, Copper Core wire, on OEM coils, and Splitfire plugs. I will be going back to NGK when I need to switch out plugs. I just wanted to see if they were still the same plugs as I remember.
  17. Well since I can't buy models no more i figured I would settle for something that I can rebuild. I am either gonna try to rebuild both or just one and scavenge the first set for parts.. But sometimes the boredom gets the best of me... "Never ride faster then your guardian angel can fly."
  18. This would be something to try, specially with those of us who manage to bugger up the slides....
  19. Well I just got my second rack of carbs, and it is looking like this set might be a bit more servicable then the last rack I got but we will see what my boredom gets me... Still waiting on all my brake parts to come in...
  20. Ok that is just insane!!!
  21. seen this like 4 times now and every time I have to stop and breath then continue on, This is a darned good one...
  22. MKI don't have a reserve on them at all there on or off. The MKII have 2 screen straws as the MKI have just the one. Even a brand new one is stiff, it may not break right away but unless you really need to shut the fuel off I would just put it on turn it on and forget it.
  23. Well I don't know about Nebraska laws, But most of the time you have to sign the settlement paperwork first before any checks get sent. At least that is the way it works in Missouri. So neither side can renig and say no that wasn't what happened. Unfortunatly this day and age you need an Attorney when messing with these sly dogs. Son had accident last year by no fault of his own but due to his age and inexperience it got blamed on him. The lady in the other car tried to claim injuries and Geico paid her.... I went rounds with them because they traded paint literally and there was a dent in this ladies car but was not from the accident. I seen his car physically and seen her car in pictures neither car had maroon paint. Its whatever tho. I would think they can reject the check and since they want to play dirty hairy I would hit them up for more money...
  24. I didn't even know the made the latter till I seen it at the grocery store on sale for $12.99 a bottle. They had a couple other flavors to. "Never ride faster then your guardian angel can fly."
  25. apple pie pie? or apple pie liquar
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