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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. That is all I use is that thin wall socket that came with the bike I didn't even think about using a hose at the end of that plug Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  2. Search for carb rebuild video I can't remember guys name off hand but best $20 I have spent I rebuilt my own carbs I bought off of eBay and let me tell ya tinker boot scoots boogy now... Perfect color on all spark plugs and pulling 34-42 mpg [emoji106] Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  3. Umm these carbs imho are better then working on carb from a 70s ford pickup.. But sure does sound like stuck float but with it cranking slow I would be worried about a hydro lock situation.... Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  4. Yeah that.... And I usually had no warning but that went on for a year and bad stomach cramps. The issue that got me I would start walking and felt like I just popped over them hills you know the one where I used to say i just lost my stomach.. Falling sensation... Then what took me to er was some strange sensation like the breath kept getting knocked out of me you know say your afraid of heights and look over the edge of a 200 story skyscraper.... Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  5. I do educate myself about my drugs when I start noticing side effects, ended up in E.R. Back in June and sent away with continue taking your Metformin and your having a panic attack proscribed me some Psych med So I did as I was told within 2 hours of taken it I felt as if I was lit on fire!! Took it the next week hoping it would go away, went back to E.R. Told same thing but this time I was supposedly dehydrated too and continue taken the Metformin. So I continue taken it for another week and still not feeling right, went to see someone else at Walk in Clinic get told this time I was having heartburn but other symptoms sounded odd and weird. After first week of Psych med I stopped taking it, this time after the visit to the walk in Clinic stopped taken the Metformin took about a week started feeling better but still once in a while I get these weird spells. My neighbor also took Metformin and advised me to get off of it, if i was still taking it. The lady that works at loan company I deal with also said she had to stop taking the Metformin. Now I ain't trying to say it does it to everyone because I have a couple of friends who haven't experienced side effects. My Mom believed me tho so when she was at Er a while back she asked them for a printout on Metformin side effects, Well I can only compare this print out to a Preachers bible because it was thicker then my History books in school.....So right now I am controlling my blood sugar with diet and exercise plus wonder foods for diabetes... I would rather take the natural way of things then put crap in my body that has 1,000's of side effects!!!
  6. So the last few days I have not really rode my bike, but when I have I have seen Dead Deer along the road. Last night I seen one along side the insterstate!! I have never came across this Phenominom before. I can understand in back country which is why I figured take the Interstate I be safe from them. But evadently not, My brother years ago was on a 4 lane highway and hit a deer with my Cadi. Guess there is not much difference between that 4 lane and the highway that is now called an interstate. I want to keep going as long as I can but these cannot be good hitting with our bikes, I have even heard of deer killing people flying thru windshields of cars. Never really hear anything about Motorcycles and deer. I have lights and usually see them on the sides of the roads so I slow way down, Then someone came in to a store the other day with a huge dent and busted out glass where the deer had hit them. So are they bull crapping, had one two many drinks, or can that happen? And I need to get ahold of MODOT and tell them they need to move there deer crossing sign way too many deer are crossing at that spot in the road and its kind of a blind curve and usually I am doing a good 60 or so around it.
  7. Thats 4 times what i used to pay PUC...... that is crazy how much stuff has gone up in the last 15 yrs.....
  8. Ummm Pittsburg Kansas!!!
  9. Darnit you all let the Porky out of his Cage on that, And Lastly NOT NO BUT O HECK NO!!! WE do NOT want to Be SEEING THAT I will get blinded for life as I am sure the rest of us would too LOL
  10. Back in my day a Sunday Matinee meant 2 movies a short skit and maybe a preview all for a dollar. Recently ol lady went to a Matinee seen 5 previews and watched IT for $10.00 What gives did someone forget the meaning of Matinees Back in my day a Car load including people in the trunk got into Drive in for $5.00 and watched movies till you were tired...
  11. It seems the longer trips and the less shifting I have to do is where my mileage goes up. I get a hair more then you consistently I am still trying to figure out How I pulled off the 43 miles to a gallon on my trip back from Arkansas on the way down I only got 38....
  12. I will not watch Videos of ppl who are represented in anyway by Yamaha. well any motorcycle maker for that mater, Time and Time again heat has been an issue, but IMHO Tinker makes me sweat on hot days but no where near the heat I would feel coming off of Shorty, or for that matter my TAOTAO Powermax I was actually shocked when I would be doing anything under 30 on it I would feel the heat rise up. Not bad heat but could tell it was there.
  13. But puc I am out of nuts to munch on let me get bag of Popcorn lol...:icon_lurker:
  14. Hey Puc what happened to that dash I couldnt help but notice it looked a little off and so I stopped and rewind then paused it and at 6.09 you can see real good did cookie monster take a bite or while you was ctfw out in the desert did your dash melt?
  15. And I will be patiently waiting for the next video in puckster's escapades lots of laughs he sure is a crazy old coot! Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  16. No what I meant by that is because you said multiple times you're not really supposed to be messing with your motorcycles out in the garage but yet you've made several videos and found any reason to get on tweaks so yeah that's what I mean by going stir-crazy Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  17. Awesome but why do I have feeling ol cowpuc going stir crazy.... Another fast one from my day was the race is on. And hey pretty lady. I love how them auctioneers just go from zero to 500 in a second....
  18. Forgot how quickly mine arrived. Took my oldest to appt then got home and jumped on tinker.... O its about what you did without your venture my bad took white to get some to his appt...:Avatars_Gee_George:
  19. Will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers may God keep you all safe and sound. AMEN
  20. Haven't had chance to read your blog yet I have enjoyed reading others rides reports, some of us want to CTFW And others have and like to read about others experience. Mother nature here can't make up her mind guess soon I will have to send tinker to her room and remover her shoes and laces. And giver her the much needed massage she deserves. She has proven to me she deserves the thurogh servicing fix the ok girls oil leak I have put off and see where else she be leaking.. That way next spring I can sneak up on a notorious biker and rattle his cage....
  21. Hey young blood have you checked or possibly kept it quiet in the garage where you are working this and maybe here funny little noise coming out from the neck area that could also be your valve I had the same issue but I was hearing a little noise and also there should be a rubber cap I'm sure you seen that in Scott video you might want to check that out. Which is why I ended up having to replace mine and I went ahead and upgraded mine to an MK II line because it had the bleeder valve at the neck the one old Scott saying that we cheat with. Because what you're describing sounds like it's allowing air to enter your brake lines which is basically what mine was doing. Due to my little rubber cap missing... Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk Who asked for wine need to say line...
  22. Well dang they don't want us finding that darn thing easily.... Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  23. OO and the cubby yes has 50 cleaner towellettes do to my um Problem I had um chasing the um front wheel, That was not my kind of rain in anyway.... LMFAO
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