Well I may kick myself in the a$$ over this but, Finally the ball is rolling. Medical Claims adjuster calls me I only went to ER to be checked out.. But they offered to pay all medical bills and pay me for pain and suffering. Maybe I should have tried to get more money, But I was not injured I only got checked out they are paying my $1,500 Bill plus giving me a little on top of that. Being as I wasn't even really seeking that I think that what they offered is fair those Checks are IN the mail... also went and got rental car but feel like I am wearing it...
Still got the adjuster coming by for the truck tomorrow so we will see where this one heads. Hopefully I can get another Tahoe I found a nice one over In Tulsa, OK. Only thing that sucks if I go out of state for a vehicle it becomes a PITA because I have to get ID/OD verification. Just another reason for the GUMENT to get more money...