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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. I cant imagine it would corner to well i dont even see how one could get it up to speed to balance that well unless im missing something from lack of sleep but it seems to me since MamaYama discontinued the drive shaft so my guess they took one from a car and had to make up for htat space lol
  2. are you all talking about that Nob that says turn those i love pull in the woods and wind all the way up and look for Racoons an squirrels in the trees but for some reason mine isnt working from the rear seat any suggestions
  3. I got a multimeter as my other red lead came off the lead wire electrical spray and some velcro to move my box went and fiddled with the bike rotated my spark plug wires as that needs to be done every 2000 miles or so.. so now im good for another 1000 before i will have to do it again so i make sure to get even use in the wires...
  4. Stumped.....
  5. Went to wally world to see what i could spot... Nothing there too out of the ordinary however i finally have a working flashlight after trying out an electronics cleaner on it.... seems it works... o wait there was something the parking lot at Casey's was full at 1:18 am and none of them were cops....
  6. Yeh I've already baked it once and thats when I got spark back and trying to find that message Puc sent me to get the TCI I would have figured since I had all four sparks this morning that I had issue fixed now.... But I can almost guarantee its TCI one question I guess would be right side up or upside down above the air box Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  7. OMG CAN I JUST SCREAM WENT BACK OUT TO run to autozone and bike cranked over then it just went :rasberry: and now very weak sparks again Come on really what gives here..... but being as i live on a mountain I guess its better here then at autozone because I really dont want to have to wait 4 hours for a tow truck again....
  8. Spark at all coils now..... What the heck am I missing I still have the tach issue..... I don't want to dress her back up I still need to move the box but.... Before this she would throw her fits and not start... Just don't make since because for weeks now I had very little spark and none on 4 now there all strong sparks bit but it is still funny that I go get shorty and she seems fine... THIS IS SHORTY NOT MARIE but all is crazy.... So guess I need to find some velcro too move the Box and get a new tube for the crankcase to the airboxhttp://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160807/6424a6cef99bbe157a46013f926ab150.jpghttp://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160807/5ecb6fae65b9456153e157c8f1f12386.jpg Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  9. It did indeed have like Vaseline looking stuff in connections at one time I played a lot of hell getting it all removed but where do I get the electronic spray stuff want to try that to see if just maybe... Ever since I got it back from shop ppl have said it sounded like she was missing.... Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  10. just a dumb question how much does one of these carbtunes cost... I bought a MotionPro Syncpro For $80 and used it once and this year I went to check my bike and well It sucked the fluid straight up and out of it.... well almost i shut the bike of in time... but this was back in April... i know they need synced up just a bit but want a good Sync to be able to use more then once.... this is also the second one i got the first one did the same thing when i got it.... and i followed the instructions to a t and watched the video on it too... I have heard alot of good stories about mercury based but something about there now outlawed in the US or something to that effect... I followed the link to see how much they are but all i can pull up is the UK one...
  11. Honda and a Yamaha Could it be.... I did buy the Honda so me and my oldest could ride together.... Im begining to trully believe they do have actual have souls maybe I have been umm well umm hit my head way too many times...... :nanner:
  12. Bongo Already have found another TCI thanks to a Good Ol Boy I would love to meet... but damn i had a nice ride on her this evening lol but it blows me away how well Marie does with just 3 cylinders... but for the last 3 weeks i havent got crap so i Tucked her in the back of the garage close to a dehumidifier where its cooler and not as sweltering but yeh i noticed today beeing 76% humidity that she started to stumble..... but i was just so happy to here her crank over... Now you want to know the odd thing behind all this I will get a picture of it later But i went to my budy's and picked up Shorty and well brought her back took my kids out for a ride and came back and it was starting to sprinkle so I needed to put Shorty so I just went out there and to Marie and popped the key to on and hit the button and she spit sputtered and then Vroom... she was on fire... lol not really but all the exhaust smoke... moved her out of the garage and took her for a spin.. But Mind you I let my budy borrow Shorty and 2 days later that tree fell and then Marie wouldnt crank over... Bring Shorty Back and well Marie fired up.....
  13. Today I went out and tinkered with the bike I was actually just gonna move it But after a bit of Cranking she fired up I have Video on YouTube on my channel So hopefully you can put some input in Still no fire to Number 3 and Tach still acts up but what has me baffled Its more of a pronounced miss then before.... still all coil packs measure what they are supposed to flipped the wires from the 3 to 4 then 4 to 3 no fire to number 4 then and fire to number 3... so is there anything I am missing here at all...:think: maybe Puc can add to this insanity lol
  14. Steel horse Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  15. nevermind im not good with instructions lol thats cool....
  16. so did you all decide on which one to go with
  17. Board Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  18. That was a question but more often then not the scale represents Justice so..... not sure what it stands for here but its a very good suggestion and im sure this could be resized...
  19. thank you @Doug royal86 for posting and letting him know that was a good one
  20. Now that is awesome I love it....
  21. So do I bongo don't want anyone thinking differently.... But its a can of worms I have already seen opened in my area.... But backing the blue got a better response... is only reason i suggested it...
  22. Bottom Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  23. There neat looking I will give them that and my neighbors wife has a gold one but the barely fit a sport bike in it but it seats them all nicely I like the cover for the bed also I couldn't find one so I settled for a Tahoe cause I couldn't find four door truck with snuff leg room for everyone within my budget but they seem to have the leg room I'm looking for but was trying to find one I could fit the venture in not thinking of how I would get it in there.... But buying trailer for that problem maybe next year I can trade my Tahoe for one. And 23 hours is quick..... Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  24. hey how about a suggestion maybe a badge with the american flag in it......
  25. I agree with that I am more apt to go to something that is supporting my local first responders then to a blue lives matter.... it just gets too close to other things... and dont want to sound o there is a word im looking for but cant think of it... Neosho just recently had a thing for our local police sherriff and state patrol but here to explain a little better we called it Back the Blue and here is the article on it http://www.neoshodailynews.com/article/20160718/NEWS/160719075/0/SEARCH
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