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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. Hey Im not in anyways complaining I love my Bike and plan to keep her running as long as I can... yeh the 83s got there problems but hey dont we all...
  2. http://www.regulatorrectifier.com/catalog/1984-1985-1989-Yamaha-XVZ12-Venture-1200-CDI-Ignitor umm here is one i have emailed the guys that sell these and they come with 3 yr warranty just havent tried one myself...
  3. Ok i gotta know Do you all take midnite runs to places like White Castle.... or for no reason at all fill up the tank and go to the gas station like me i lived in Gerald MO and i would go Via Kansas City Tulsa Ok Desmoine Iowa and the head back home....
  4. Wow the bike sure did look nice in pictures but sounds to me like $400 bike and i dont want to sound mean but i just thru 1500 into mine this year between carbs starter fork seals and TCI Box still need to fix that Harley Leak.. Sorry yall i do love the rumble of them but they do like to spit oil...
  5. Holy crap didnt know i could paint with that but im sure someone wouldnt want to clean up that paint job:rotfl:
  6. Hey guys go check out the car I found in Joplin/Webb City thinking maybe jetsons or whoville and its for sale.....
  7. Went to WhoVille today...
  8. DANG how come i never find one near me lol the other day someone had one on craigslist for free... Im trying to get west 60 come off his but havent really questioned to much about it
  9. sounds like i need a pair for when i start my bike at 930 in the morning and my neighbors ***** about it so i was thinking maybe put some HD mufflers on my bike and set it out by there house and crank her over at 630 i have had them ***** about me revving it at 1030 its like well maybe i shouldnt have waited either way you gonna bi#$%:stickpoke:
  10. I started buttoning mine up gonna finish later when it cools off Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  11. What r high definition mufflers Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  12. Lol thats good Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  13. Happy birthday Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  14. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1983-Yamaha-Venture-XVZ12TD-Igniter-Unit-Assembly-/252170855382?hash=item3ab68de3d6:g:rIEAAOSwcdBWR5di&vxp=mtr just did a search on the part number it is off a Kawasaki Voyager
  15. Yeh bongo i dont even think that unit was a tci it has 2 plugs and a vacuum port it also in the 2 plugs had 4 prongs and the other had 6 prongs it looks more like a cruise control unit to me.. but the guy on ebay is advertising it as a tci unit
  16. WOOHOO SHE IS ALIVE soon as i hooked the spark plugs up hit the button She Said VROOOM VROOom ok so i did spot something after i got bit i left one wire unplugged shut her down put it on the number 2 and just barely bumped the button and she said VROOM VROOM AM AS HAPPY AS A LARP RIGHT NOW!!!!!! and she sounds awsome holy cow.... SO guess when i get back tomorrow cut the tabs velcro it down and button her back up granted the neighbor kids didnt break too many pieces off my plastic they seem to think they can go in the garage and mess with my stuff and i have told them time and time again there is no need to be in my garage if they want to mess with stuff go in there parents garage....but anyways thank you everyone with the assistance now to get that darned oil leak fixed would be so bad if it didnt drip on the exaust collector...
  17. would you like picture of these things i just put them in May lol look like they been in for o say 2yrs never seen any this black before
  18. Ok i found the gap specs which i will post the page and the box i got tonight has got 0 then 10 20 then a big space then it says 30 and 40 i set the gap at 15 in between 10 and 20 and got the spark to jump the gap on mine also one problem tho dont know what this would be but when i turned the key of and grabbed the clip to change wires i got a little bit of a shock..Spark gap test.pdf
  19. All the plugs r black as can be Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  20. I dont know why that posted where it did still trying to figure out Tapatalk anyways Got the box put it on and wouldnt start so I have it on charger beeing it was around 11 volts dont know if that has anything to do with it or not will retry to start it later...The black and white wire is cut to the TCI box was like that when i got to TCI box question i have is there any switches that will allow the bike to turn over but not start i had stated a test i did wrong think it was along the lines of grounding the test light which the light i have is 6volt/12volt light with spark tester my other box when i was testing the spark i would get like 2 dancing lights on two plugs and one flashing on the other 2 as i cranked it over.. now this box has all wires dancing... I am gonna pull plugs and clean them up because im pretty sure they are probably fouled out due to bad spark on previous box.. but then again it is a used TCI box but the bike was running just no second gear... I popped the box open just to see if the inside and it looks good in there in fact better then my box the plugs however did need a good cleaning... and i know someone told me that it may not be sending the spark at the right time... i guess pull the wiring harness and check for a short is all i cant think of at the moment. :think:
  21. Well I said didn't know if it would help lol Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  22. It actually looks like a cruise control module to be honest
  23. I had just taken that one off my watch list for two reason it looks nothing like mine and im not sure that is the correct part... I have an 83 Yamaha venture and the plugs are Six and 8 with this one is 4 and 6 and it also has a vacuum port..
  24. Yup and after i bake it i was gonna attempt to the board out and have a look see then resolder what I can... and also didnt want to mess with trying to unsolder anything... I would have to goto Springfield to get the proper tool to desoder it I want it to be clean when i do that and i need to totally redo my print board in the dash... cause it looks like crap and i dont like crap...
  25. :think::think: well ummmm the silver end and which should i use my gun or the iron:rotf::rotfl:so the bourd dont look burnt on Pick Up side...
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