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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. UMM what happens when you have spare parts to the air box on a table the reason i ask and i forgot to mention is the bike only idles and runs funky once its warmed up... so say someone forgot to put the funny looking doohicky on a line that runs down from airbox to the ground and the other piece is made to hold the boots to the carbs just curious if this would have any affect on it ooooo and the air filter is still setting on a chair in the garage? just curious because i know motorcycles love tight airboxes i found these issues as i was getting ready to pull the airbox and pull the carbs...
  2. Yeh I have been dealing with the dash or over a year but first time i seen the temp gauge act like a pressure gauge sometimes when i was in the throttle it would wave up and when i would let off it would go down it was about the goofiest thing i seen it do Im gonna take pictures of the Print board and take everything off and clean it up and reassemble it unless this guy comes off his print board high on flee bay.... i bet it will be there when tax season gets here and ill message him and make offer of what i would be willing to pay cause i do understand you cant get a new one no more but what he wants is a little high in my opinion and im sure the temp gauge has got a lose wire somewhere the way it acts...
  3. Being shot don't sound like a good dream....
  4. No wonder I cant seem to find parts bikes there all in your garage and when i spot one or two parts before i can get the money together its sold i bet there all in his garage from flee bay or however you all call it...
  5. Your Walmart too wow i was loving getting oil for 5 bux a quart now I am paying closer to 10
  6. Ok just an update On what I did today I took the bike to Nevada Mo after thinking it was fixed Twice I noticed the Tach jumped from 4000 rpm to 5400 or so and it was shortly after hitting a bump in the road or something like that But My Instrument cluster is all Haywire anyways like the volts according to Multi Meter are 12.5 on battery while idling until it stumbles some.. Now when I rev it to 3500 rpm I get 13.9 volts all the while my meter on the dash is like stuck up there the temperature gauge is all twacky dont even know what to call what it does reminds me more of a hydralics gauge the dash goes off and on as it pleases the only thing accurate on there is the lights and the speedometer and for the most part the Tachometer... as for the 150 mile road trip after i filled up in Nevada the Bike seem to run a bit better but i would say that my carbs need pulled again and cleaned up and real good being i just had it rebuilt in April so there should be all new parts in there and maybe when i put all the tubes on maybe i got something in them so i will do that over the next few days in no big hurry cause its not a fun job the real part I hate is putting the thing back together cause of the snorkal tube on the airbox Im gonna assume that its number 3 and 4 carbs due to the fact when i got it back they had quite a few parts lose on them.. but will clean them all because im conviced now more then anything it is a jet issue as far the stumbling because it is running just like it did before i did all the work over a year ago and probably pull the tank and check the petcock and the tank and go ahead and change out my fuel filter while I am at it and one thing I will have to do is break down and buy new spark plug wires and new caps... hopefully that will be the end of it but i only pulled 25 mpg on the way up there... and i was averaging 65-70 MPH on a pretty level interstate hardly any hills.. and anything below 3000 rpm she is not liking at the moment.. Ok i do have one question and im sure its been asked due to where the fuel filter is I tried moving it before and ended up rubbing a hole in a fuel line is there any easier place to put the fuel filter so i aint got to remove the end and tank of this bike i would love to have that thing handy so i can change it every few months
  7. I will call them later on Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  8. Yeh well it was sent after I seen that igniter for our ventures until I pulled mine out and seen it was the wrong one Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  9. I will add one more thing those diaphragms being new are ***** to get in and to seat right so i may pull it out since its had some heat to it now maybe be more flexible..
  10. Glad to hear you all seem to think Carbs... Because I was starting to think TCI issue the number 4 slide appears a little shaky but I wasn't sure if it would cause the stumble.. but yesterday before i took this Video I did get two spits from #1 Carb which is the one with Brand New Slide Diaphragm
  11. As far as the carbs go they were just cleaned and rebuilt and I just replaced one of the Diaphragms after I got it from the shop the slide devoloped a crack and well when i pulled the cover off there it was in 3 pieces inside the carb so it wasnt moving and that is when I discovered my MotionPRo SyncPro was a one use model... Not really but my opinion there junk cause thats all i got out of it and the first one didnt work at all.... so figured I will order the Carbtune one because im sure there out of Sync the deal with the Carbs was I took them off and took them to the shop to be done to save $300 so I dont know if there is a true way to Sync them on the Bench...
  12. Just like back in 1999 when I was living on Bagnell Damn Boulavard In Lake Of The Ozarks my insurance i believe was 80s or so and I moved back to Gerald Mo and my insurance went up 50 bux and I called and asked why is it I move from a tourist attraction to a one horse town where if you get in traffic jam your Behind a Combine/Farm equipment and the tell me there is more DWI tickets there....
  13. All sounds very simple How far of a ride was that from Mitchell to home.. You Forgot Pictures tho.... But from the sounds of it wow I dont think i would have hit him that low to be honest i generally try to stay around 500 lower then the asking price cause i dont want to offend them and piss them off so you got some good skills there i would say.. but congratulations these are some fine Machines..
  14. White light not on have both brights and dims just took it out for a ride after adjusting the screws in the bottom of the carbs the shop was so nice to take the covers off for me one of the screws was at 3 and 1/4 turns out screwed them all in.. and turned them back out 2 turns each took it out for a ride and when i got off I-49 onto Iris I stopped and let it idle and the Volt Meter was going down to below 12 and it start to stumble again... not as bad tho and it appears its from low voltage but I am not ruling out the carbs beeing she sat for close to a month anything can happen.. um i seen somewhere someone say something about balancing the floats?
  15. Hey try youtube.com and search gflowers32 should pull it up there
  16. I had to drop AAA because they said they don't insure motorcycles but that could be Missouri I ended up going with State Farm I got Liability For my Truck Motorcycle and Renters Insurance for 152 a month.. Geico Has always been extremely High for me they were trying to get 358 out of me this last time after I had the policy for 3 months at $134 a month.. sad thing on AAA my Jimmy had broken down so I cancelled my insurance with them I was paying $35 a month for Liability for the Jimmy and when I got the Jimmy going temporarily they wanted $136 a month Because my insurance had lapsed more then 30 days and I ask why would I keep insurance on a vehicle that don't run and told them at that time I had Geico on Both the Rebel and the Venture for $38 a month... They informed me they don't look at 3 yrs of continuous motorcycle insurance the same way they do automobile insurance and that technicallity is what was gonna cause my insurance to go thru the roof with Geico so I switched to state farm..
  17. that is cool i cant remember the bar that burnt down but did they get that rebuilt that place was kinda cool.. i used to watch that show at times
  18. Ok here is a video because it better describes the problem i am having now..
  19. ok dude is telling me it has an s10 rear end the trike link i posted
  20. well here is response i got back from the guy Hello, Yes we do have the replacement CDI for yourmotorcycle. Its $367 shipped. We are currently having some issues with our website, so if you would like to order one, please give us a call at the number below. Best Regards Toll-Free number: (877)239-4390 On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 1:04 AM, Regulatorrectifier.com wrote: Hello, The part on the linked page below has a 3 year warranty. We need the number stamped on your factory unit. Please put it in the checkout notes when the order is placed. The Vacuum port is no longer needed. Best Regards
  21. I found one on Craigslist at a dealer in Arkansas for 1500 there is actually a couple in Arkansas for 1500 believe the one private parties is an 84 and he lowered his price to 1000... then Im not quite sure about this trike if its converted but guy has it listed for 2500 carbs need cleaned http://springfield.craigslist.org/mcy/5695750712.html Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  22. Nah maybe later but I had mine on Craigslist for 3500 and guy called me about it I actually forgot about putting it there wasn't really interested in selling it was a curiously thing after seeing forums lol Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  23. Can that be done on our bikes Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  24. Put the front Fairing, Dash assembly, Windscreen, Headlight Cover on and took Marie for a ride and adjusted the idle up just a hair... and put the saddle bags trunk and antenna back on called it good
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