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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. I wonder why it does that...
  2. I think it just :nanner:
  3. Yeah I couldn't Afford $120.00 a tooth and $150.00 to just walk in the door. I got Insurance now so it is all good. Last time I went to the dentist when I was 12. I could hear the drills and that alone hurt my teeth. I could also hear someone in the back ground screaming in pain. I got done an hour ago, and it isn't bad at all; My numbness is wearing off tho and not really bothering me. I remember it hurt like a dickens when I had two teeth capped 26 yrs ago!!!
  4. Well I found where my fuel is going on mine, I have a clear filter and right where it is supposed to seal together is stained!! I just thought it was the summer Blends doing this. I don't have many dirt roads near me so the dust in the air has pointed it out to me! My metal ones never had this problem... But I wanted to see how my fuel was looking after derusting my gas tank. Seen this thread and looked at suggestions because I had a full tank and have only gone 43 miles and I am down to 2 bars. DAMNED GREMLINS WILL EAT ANYTHING AND KEEP YOU VERY BUSY!!!!
  5. Hey this choke is a new one on me. It is 86 here. I don't know if it has anything to do with the (new mufflers) or not but also have Volkswagen whistle in right muffler. Twist the handle and move!!!
  6. Umm there talking nitrous oops!!! Twist the handle and move!!!
  7. Maybe Wal Mart should start renting them... Twist the handle and move!!!
  8. Don't know ya but I'll add a prayer for you. Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  9. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160908/8d477509fef6bc8656d86ff5c68b2b00.jpg I haven't had teeth worked on since I was twelve.... Not sure if it smart to bring Marie with me. [emoji15] Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  10. I didn't even know they rented them. Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  11. Lol hey they call them scooters! Maybe in another 50yrs I will have one. Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  12. I had to use the choke this morning but it fired with out. I had to pull it to get up to 1000 rpm and shut it down after a minute. Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  13. Only cause it blinds them first!! [emoji23] Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  14. They sucked at oil seal... Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  15. Here is good one I put in 1157 long life low voltage type and Everytime I hit the brake I get a warning... Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  16. Indian sure played dirty.... Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  17. I'm just about to top the hill and a son turning 20 in 6 months can't but wonder where the the time went. Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  18. Thanks for the service and nice to meet ya. Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  19. I guess I've gotten lucky somehow Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  20. There is a few features I enjoy on the phone. There are times however I get a little lost, then again that don't take much for me!! Now here is something I would like is to be able to click a picture or diagram and blow it up. The phone one problem is I will accidently press send before I am done talking. Fat Thumbs I guess.
  21. It would definitely solve the headache on 83's and I'm learning! Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  22. Lol this winter Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  23. Dropped while Pushing: CHECK. Dropped while going slow: CHECK. Dropped when Not Putting kickstand down: CHECK. Dropped while dropping it off center stand: CHECK!!! Gas Station Miss hap: Nope got DARNED LUCKY THAT TIME... but gas is like standing on Magic Bubbles.. My 83 has only seen crash bar landings so Um FLYING FOOL THESE BIKES DON'T HAVE WINGS.:whistling:
  24. Frustrating is the fact I never just plugged the unit in first!! I always reassembled the dash and tested it after. Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  25. I have said it time and time again there is something funky with my dash. Well tonight I pulled it out and went thru it again!!! As I wanted to make sure it was working I just had the unit in my hand. Well as I plugged it in, turned the key on to check it I bumped the Black Wires that run from the print board to the Digital Display. All the sudden Bam it blanked out came back with Warnings. So I moved my fingers and bam it did it again. So then while I was holding it I just put some pressure on that ribbon and All warnings went away!!! So I'm like O.K. You son of biscuit eater is that the way you like it... So fine I wrapped some tape around the unit put it in the dash and called it good. Which explains why I would tap on the screen and it would come back on. If I hit a bump just right it would blank out on me. So hopefully it is the last time I will have to visit this issue.:scratchchin:
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