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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. Geez I tell you My Wal*Mart Just has no logic they only sell the Spray. The fuel treatment they carry at mine is Seafoam there is others but when I went to get Berry Mans they told me we stopped carrying that!!! What it is I bet is the fact everyone around here swears on the Seafoam there for not selling much Berry Mans so they discontinue it to that Wal*Mart. Hey Yammer just curious Because I can't afford Hobby Shop Prices for model cars and such. Does your Wal*Mart still carry actual model cars? I have looked online for this stuff and I keep getting those stupid ones you put on top of the wheels..
  2. I guess I bought into the wet Clutch thing... I thought you couldn't use regular oil, because it would mess up your clutch!! When I first read this I got a little chuckle. I then went back up to the picture. I didn't even realize I had a picture of the plug in the exaust. I believe some good shops will also use this for fine tuning the bike. Wouldn't that be how they check your rich/lean mix when syncing and fine tuning your carbs for optimal performance? I actually looked online to make sure that was the oil drain plug. I had seen it there before just never really thought it was to drain the oil.
  3. See right there I just got schooled!!! I did not know that.. My bike is just Unique.
  4. Your Welcome I will also ad that $12 a year is a darned good price for the knowledge you gain from such a site, there is a couple sites you can go in like boats.net partzilla.com If you have a part your looking for and see it on ebay, I use yamahapartshouse.com to cross reference parts if there in question. I believe partzilla and boats.net also you can do the same there. the reason I use yamahapartshouse.com is they still list all the parts even tho they have discontinued most.
  5. Yes Sir, Yes sir it is a positive fit!! http://www.yamahapartshouse.com/oemparts/p/yamaha/54k-24110-00-33/fuel-tank-comp
  6. I don't know about you all.. When I was raised I was brought up to do unto others as you want done to yourself!! You did something wrong you got bent over your parents knee and whipped with a belt.= this is now illegal!! You may use your hand and spank there butt no where else, but cannot leave a mark!!! Red marks;Bruises;welts; hand prints etc!!! When I was a child if I cursed or took the lords name in vein I got my mouth washed out!! Today its Illegal!! You back talked your parents or authority, you got your mouth slapped or popped!! Today that is illegal!! Now with all that being said kids are also taught in school at there meetings that If anyone hits you to tell someone at school!! Now with all that I do feel that BIG DADDY is out of control. I understand they are trying to protect the kids, from abuse. I don't feel I was abused a child. The only thing I ever struggled with was trying to please my step dad. By god I tell you one thing I grew up just fine, and respected authority. Now I will say I did have a friend when I was a kid used to get beat and come to school with bruises, they ended up moving in a hurry. I heard he got killed in a car wreck a few years later. I don't know but I am at a loss here. I don't believe anyone should be abused, but when you take away from parents that wouldn't abuse there kids... They tell you Time outs work.. My thought Not Always..... Grounding is another that sometimes works, But sometimes a timeout or grounding don't fit for what the kids may have done.. I am in no means backing the parents or the child in this situation, something obviously needs to be done. Too many kids now days run a'muck. It is either the kids parents just don't care, or the parents just don't know what to do for fear of losing there kids and going to jail. P.S. I hope you all understand what I am trying to say here.
  7. I hate to say when I was a kid we didn't have as much BIG DADDY looking over our parents shoulders. Today they tell us to put them in the corner and refrain from hitting them!!! That is what I thought I was just confused when you said local paper! I used to live in Jefferson County they used to be crooked so I got out of there.. And I should edit saying something along the lines of being PTFO!!! The news once again only tells what they want to tell for views and ratings!!! TO TRY AND PLAY THE SYMPATHY CARD!! What are they trying to do start more riots!!!
  8. Hell in my day I would have got my ass Wooped!!!
  9. Wildcat your from Mo? Twist the handle and move!!!
  10. Damn inflation, and evolution!!@(^~^)@ Twist the handle and move!!!
  11. Yeah I'll admit I was trying to figure out how to get my big headed screwdriver cause it's a long one. So I looked on Yamaha parts house and found I should be able to loosen the big nut!! Twist the handle and move!!!
  12. And it all stemmed from 4¢ Twist the handle and move!!!
  13. There is rarely things that don't grind my gears. I came across a news post today, and I have to say it severely PMO!!! News tells only half the story FOR RATINGS!!! (To serve an 8 yr old papers!!!!) Had me pissed and I was a sucker!!! This is exactly why I don't watch the news!!! http://www.kmov.com/story/33054571/boy-8-served-with-restraining-order-at-school Twist the handle and move!!!
  14. By the way don't know how much you know about the carbs but there is one kind of high tension spring behind a circle cover. So just kind of hold the circle in place and just kind guide the circle away. But what ever you decide is up to you. By no means take advice from me just consider it and whatever you feel comfortable with.
  15. You do Its called ventureriders these guys know more about these bikes then anything. Take pictures as you disassemble, This helps with reassembly.
  16. That's what you get for having an Einstein Emoji or whatever that is called.
  17. Warning this is just my This is only my . because if it wasn't my I would actually sound inteligent!! Well your Idle problem sounds like jet block.. I don't blame you the first time I ever took a carburetor apart was on my 1976 Ford Ranger with 360 motor. That being said and not to sound like smart a$$, I will say this I would rather work on the carbs on these bikes 100 times then have to rebuild another carburetor on a car or truck!!! These motorcycle carbs are pretty simple and to the point!! The only real PITA is getting them off the bike and back on the bike. Maybe you could remove just one Carb and Take a shot at it. That was the original plan the first time I did mine. I ended up rebuilding them myself. I will say I was in a little bit of shock because I find them so simple, But the shop here has probably 20 guys that work there, And only two of them will touch carburetors. A guy my girlfriend works with used to work there and he refuses to do his own carb work, He said he would literally destroy them trying to do it himself. This was just my
  18. In the book it shows a simple plug with a copper gasket washer. That is why I was asking in the first place because it is the first time I have ever seen this kind of setup. Then again Most of the work I have done has been cars and scooters.
  19. Yeah I don't know if it is a stock tool but I used the 19mm flat wrench with a bar with a flat end that fits perfectly over the wrenches, to break it loose, I snugged it back in and so far it isn't leaking. Now for that filter mod come spring time cause it was PITA trying to get the O'ring to stay cause it kept curling up on me. So my question, is with the oil Filter mod on there does that do away with the cassette holder?
  20. Speaking of Which has nothing to do with much but.... When I worked for Tyson In Noel Mo. Red was for go and Green was to stop the line... Now talk about confusing!!!
  21. I think Condor may have one of them Chinese Made Keyboards! ☼(^¿^)☼
  22. ☼(^¿^)☼ Sometimes I just have Too much time on my hands. Times is slipping away, Too much time on my hands ☼(^¿^)☼
  23. You know that's a very good point. There was a Winebego setting down the street from my house for a year. The guy wanted what everyone thought was to much I believe it was a late 60's early 70's model. The guy was asking 12,500 for it. The condition wasn't desirable but was in straight clean condition. I have noticed some not very many around here seem to be a little cheaper in the Winter. Then about Spring time You can find prices all over the place. I have seen a few where it won't start or something or other and they go cheap. However with having the experience of owning vans and working on them, I don't believe I would want to work on a motor home after paying 6,000 for one. I know there not cheap machines and I wouldn't want to screw something up. So I would have to resort into taking it to a repair shop.
  24. ›¢ um sir what kind of keyboard you got I can't Make the sun. so when I hit Alt 0162 I get ¢, then when I hit Alt 155 I get ¢. I even tried with 0155 and I get ›
  25. Ok I changed oil in my vehicles yesterday. When I got the Motorcycle I noticed that the Plug has like a screw in a nut looking thing, but it would appear that there is maybe supposed to be a flanged bolt of some sort. Does anyone have there oil pan plug to where they can take a picture of how it is on there bike. I should have took pictures of what mine looks like, but last night I was so frigging oily I wasn't about to touch anything other then the computer that I have set up in my garage. All I have to say is it looks crazy!! I don't know if this is the set up or not. I also found out our Wal*Mart don't like motorcycles no more. All I could find was something called Quick Silver 20-50w oil. They used to have all kinds of oil for motorcycles. They also used to have all kinds of Motorcycle acessorys like my Blue lens glasses which were actually Orange in color.
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