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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. Well maybe she was enjoying the ride and wanted to stay out longer...
  2. What sync tool do you use? Twist the handle and move!!!
  3. I won't know till I get mine synced but I would think the way Missouri fixes there roads. That I will have to reset them every 6 months. I have broke shocks and bent rims from roads around here. What don't make sense is the will do maybe a mile of road then skip to somewhere else. Then come back and patch potholes in the road the skipped over... Twist the handle and move!!!
  4. I think twice a year is sufficient. He basically told me that the carbs stay in sync once set Twist the handle and move!!!
  5. I also told him to watch the video that motion pro made for the sync pro he told me that video talks about the mixture screws. I said no that's for the butterfly valves.. that's when he told me you bench set those.. and that you sync the carbs only when you remove them there is no need to check them in 3 month's Twist the handle and move!!!
  6. The scary part is he is a parts manager at Powersports of Joplin!!! I have hard time letting anyone work on my bike as it is. So if I do go back for parts I won't be taking my bike!!! Fudgen Idiot!!! Do people not care enuff to hire ppl that know what the hell they are doing!! They call him a manager!! Manager of stupidem. I was how the hell would I set my sync the mixture screw are for air/fuel mixture not syncing!!! Grrrr Twist the handle and move!!!
  7. Ok I would post elsewhere but, got told I do have lifetime warranty on my carb sync. The guy told me the reason I have bubbles is cause my mixture screws need to be turned all the way in. He proceeded to tell me that you sync the carbs by the idle mixture screws. Then you just bench set the butterfly valves. So have I been syncing my carbs wrong? Twist the handle and move!!!
  8. I would search reviews and YouTube Twist the handle and move!!!
  9. snyper316


    I would definitely listen to camos last statement about the wires.. and if you got motorcycle shop near go get the caps too.. Twist the handle and move!!!
  10. For some it's a passion and so rewarding when you finally catch that gremlin and get rid of it. Hell today is the first time in months that I gathered my tools to put them up. Sure it is an old bike, but they don't make them like they used to... I see many newer bikes that are for parts.. That really don't even appeal to me. This Venture for some reason I just wouldn't and can't give up on.. if it were a different bike or scooter it would have went straight up to the front of my drive either for sale or to be hauled off! I guess it's therapeutic for me. It is not for everyone. Twist the handle and move!!!
  11. Ah, I see didn't even think of that. Twist the handle and move!!!
  12. I hear the new Venture refuses to listen to directions and won't come out of the factory. Says she looks hideous and won't leave till they doll her up. Twist the handle and move!!!
  13. Pardon me but, what or who is a Connie 1000 is this a bike that talks to you? Twist the handle and move!!!
  14. (Plug cap) I have been trying to catch this since April. But I sure feel like I finally caught that 500 lb Catfish!!! Twist the handle and move!!!
  15. I just been using a $15.00 foot pump from Wal*Mart But this would allow more room in saddlebag.. Might grab one.
  16. Solved a very weird Misfire Mystery.. Bike ran fine then it got warmed up it would start to miss. Today I fired her up and she had the misfire from the start. Held my knuckles to all cylinder heads and could tell they were getting warm except for on in the R/R. Did another spark test had spark. Put plug cap back on same misfire so I pulled the cap and it was rattling. So got 2 new ones as that is all they had came home put them on and no more miss... I have read about coils and pickups doing this but never had a cap do it. So I will be riding her like I stole her now.. Ok I will be honest I got a good spook today a guy on a lawnmower pulled right out in front of me today. I thought for sure I was gonna hit him. I tell ya that bike handles pretty good for being as big as it is.
  17. Pulled Marie's appendix to see if I will leave it out seems like she has bit of a grumble to her now took her to gas station and filled her up. Twist the handle and move!!!
  18. Now I have to say that trike is just awesome Good video
  19. I'll do that later I can get the elbow. I got all the new parts in another carb body. I'm gonna pull Marie's appendix out and cap the ports. Then put the carbs back in. Then get the carbs synced. Twist the handle and move!!!
  20. Broke the 4-way fuel inlet on the carburetor yesterday!! :bang head: Also found out the carburetor had been repairs with some jbweld.
  21. No the four way the side that goes in the carb it was cracked a little so I was trying to push it back together and repair it and it broke off soo... I have looked everywhere for a 4 way fuel inlet and cant seem to find one..
  22. Well went out to try and fix the issue with the four-way fuel inlet and it frigging broke... Guess I'll have to buy a new carb body. Twist the handle and move!!!
  23. So if I ever have to replace the cover I guess mine would stick out more? Or would it be a larger circumfrance?
  24. Ok I have done this... The subframe goes on after you put the gas tank in there is a bracket at the top of the tank that I put on losely to kinda hold the gas tank. Then I put the 2 bolts in the back where the crash bars are and kinda role it into position over the tank. Then I take the bolt that screws to the top of the tank and thread it a couple of turns. Then I go to the front of that frame and line up the holes and screw them in some and double check to make sure I haven't missed anything then I tighten up the neck bracket then do the to front bolts to the frame. Then I tighten up the bolt for the tank. Then I go to lower bolt and nut. Only one problem I have an 83 But I can't imagine it being much difference other then how the saddle bags go on.
  25. Must been a fast one. The buggies here at this Wal*Mart I can get on my belly and flip flop faster then these goes.... Which with a Bigger Person on they might as well ride a turtle...
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