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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. http://www.yamahapartshouse.com/oemparts/a/yam/50042b02f8700209bc789732/seat The call it a stay,seat By the Way your Welcome in response to your thanks
  2. Thanks for moving @Freebird Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  3. Um can someone tell me where the recline lever is. I still haven't found it. Boy if I had a backrest on mine wowzers u I would probably fall asleep. Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  4. Lol I also found another commercial I found comical about toilet freshener called poopouri Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  5. There was an old saying about harley's see if I can requote it right. Crap mind went blank..... But it had to do with all the vibrations vibrating every nut and bolt loose. I love there sound but thats where the buck stop as that goes. I will say I have road bikes for many many years and the smoothness of acceleration and the cushion of the seat I Have managed to ride mine for 150 miles straight if it had a bigger fuel tank I probably would have road it further without stopping. The foot pegs my 83 had however would cramp her feet. So I would say even my preference would be to have Floor Boards.
  6. Prayers Up for a good recovery.
  7. 'THe bracket will fit behind these two holes on either side and there is I believe 10 milimeter bolts that go here. And this is the tabs I am talking about For your black plastic inner fender.
  8. That bracket is for the front tab of your seat and the retaining screw for your Faux Tank Cover mainly. There is two clips on your gas tank that your black plastic fender to slide into also.
  9. I'm going to assume you mean the gear that jousters wear.
  10. **** Cowpuc Never realized you been to Missouri! LOL there is a 2 towns about 20 miles from me to the west one is known as Reddings Mill it has a Biker bar and a fire station. I think they just added a train car restaurant there. Then there is Racine Missouri which I believe you would have a blast going down that road. Thats if you don't mind playing chicken:Avatars_Gee_George: It has a gas station and a Bar. I have even been to one town that has one building that contains Gas station, Bar, Truck Stop/Restaurant. That one I believe is between Ft Leonard Wood and Rolla. I just never realized what you said till you pointed it out.
  11. Ummm Ummm You think your Warden is bad that might end you up with the kind of Warden you don't want around!!!
  12. Ok now I feel like a dimwitt I never noticed this whine in mine till recently after I installed my New to Me Mufflers. Thought it was cause I used that Wal*Fart Quick Silver oil. And Marie sounds just about like Tweeks. I thought maybe cause second gear was going but thanks for the post there Puc.
  13. Damnit that took me 20 minutes to read. and woke up the Warden' You people should put warning labels on things. O wait that's the thing I hardly read Like for instance Safety glasses should be warn with this Hammer. HUH? Bam Chink DOH!!
  14. I do not believe that is what the Dr meant...
  15. Well the past few days have been mild and today it was 85. Tomorrow its supposed to be 90!! This darned Missouri weather is just friggin crazy. FYI this weeken its supposed to be in the 60's.. I thought it was October but it sure don't feel or look like it. I have only seen one tree with changing colors.
  16. Yeah I discovered that after I bought them, that was the only complaint that came from the warden she did not like them pegs. Now to get me some Highway Boards on the crash bar. I got some plastic spacers washers etc from True Value Hardware. Got lots of stuff on this bike from Hardware store My faulse tank lid screw tabs broke so got allen head bolts and nuts and got it all fixed up nice. Now to get rid of the ducktape for my coolant/cubby door.
  17. When I was having issues I went and bought me a VoltMeter. It has come in really handy Since I have gotten it Mine also has a Temp Guage in it and something I can shoot at hot wires in my outlets to see what voltage they are pulling I think I paid like $40 for it at Wal*Fart. Only down side it claims to have a work light which is more like a mood light.
  18. Ok you all have me lost. Adjustable Back Rest I did not know this was possible but I have a standard Venture. My GF loves the back of the Venture My oldest boy has fallen asleep back there.
  19. Refund
  20. How many miles do they allow on your antique up there? I am only allowed 1000 anually and the only advantage is I won't have to get it inspected AND!!! they are permanent.
  21. Top Heavy as meaning me sitting on top of it.
  22. 60 was scary on my 2013 Tao Tao Powermax it was 150cc if I was going down hill I could top 75 but man was it Top heavy a gust of wind made you feel like you was going straight off the road. So I could just imagine trying to do 80 on something of that size.
  23. Where did you see Floor boards? If it was my post I bought them off fleebay they come from a 87 venture royale... And damnnnnnnn just how bad did this guys shed leak.
  24. Question, what about bringing up and outward. I would think you would want to get it up in the air somehow. Like maybe window trim, or you does it have to remain under for a reason. Guy next door has ran up on the bow of his boat. Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
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