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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. Sounds like what happened with my bike when the starter went out, I chased that darn miss for months replaced wires and such. I also replaced the tci and ended up with same spark issue, Altho my old TCI was faulty. But with new to me one it was doing just about the same thing. What would happen tho is it seemed to run good at idle till it got warm then start to like a miss then one day it just started missing all the time went and pulled the caps off while they were hot and 2 out of 4 rattled, went down and got some ngk caps and replaced the OEM one with those got them all plugged in and the darn miss was gone. So I would suggest going to a car parts shop like a napa or something and get the 7mm wire I payed like .66 cents per foot for mine got 10 foot of it and get you some ngk spark plug caps and see what happens. My OEM wires needed replacing they were corroded all the way thru and I think bongo said something about something broke down inside the cap. When I took the one cap apart it had like 3 thin copper pieces that came out not sure where they came from but they were all round.
  2. Yeah I seen that post but me it was grandpa's house, we would go ride bikes at like 5 in the morning to pick up cans up in Davenport IA. Good times.
  3. Well being our tires are like my 6ply trailer tires I had 2 flats on it one actually blew out with probably well over 2000 lbs in it. Now the side that simply went flat was a little warm with slight bulge the other side was shredded and after changing out that tire I was able to pull it about 3 miles and the front one went. I know you can't compare much from tandem axle trailer but when that front one went i felt the Jimmy take a squat but was still able to limp it to Wal-mart come to find out my step dad had put all the weight on the front of the trailer. Instead of a more balanced load but wowzer at 55mph was about all I could do to hold it on the road you talk about weave. Then there was a wobble heading down a hill 😱. I thought for sure when I let off the gas I thought for sure we was done. A hell of a vibration I thought for sure one of truck tires had went. Managed to get to a gas station checked air pressure and one tire had nothing the other was a bit overinflated but once I corrected air pressure no more craziness. Got back here and got it parked. The next morning he had it opened up and wow everything crammed in the front and some tools in the back and bunch of empty buckets. Not sure but other then pulling a couple bed trailers,boat,and a motorcycle trailer. I haven't had much experience but I would think you would load most weight from wheels to front but kind of counter in the back. Anyways pretty much input so far is same as I would do in car ease off gas and coast her home persay. Can't really panic save that for once your stopped. Sounds like the time I had a blow out in my 74 ford in mid curve at 65mph, mind you this is highway 19 between Salem and steelville mo. This curve had speed rating of 30 mph but when it let loose I looked outside the window all I could see was pavement spun a complete 180 and came to rest at the side of the road facing the wrong direction but perfectly parked. But I tell you it was scary as hell, got out of the car and laid down in the snow my heart in my throat and my stomach in my chest. Thanking the lord I lived. Man it was a beautiful moonlit night and glistening off the snow crazy how something like that slows you down. Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  4. For me the auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, and renters insurance I pay $147 a month. I used to pay $52 a month for motorcycle and car insurance. My truck broke down so I cancelled the car insurance. 5 months later got the Tahoe and went to insure it and it was $148 a month just for it. Liability only. They told me the reason was cause of the lapse in car insurance. I don't understand till this day why mine jumped so much. I am not gonna pay for something that sits in my yard. They told me I should have got some other insurance for driver with no vehicle, But in this state they don't offer that. Misery is just bat ass backwards if you ask me.
  5. @cowpuc was this tweaks in the early years?, because she sure does look like my ride.
  6. 1 Hour 30 minutes to Dairy Queen and back. I could do that what I could really do for a ride would be go 250 miles for a suitcase of burgers. We have no White Castle Close. I would even go 213 miles for a Jack in the Box which is also the closest one to me.
  7. I have heard of people doing this many of ways, One being using a temp laser, Of which I do not have but there like $40 at harbor freight. Now that being said I bought my voltmeter a while back it has an inferred volts for something or other haven't figured that part out just yet. Back to original thing about temperature that voltameter also came with a white wire and a temp setting and just found out exactly whats going on. I have 3 cylinders running right around 160-170 ish the back left one however I knew was hotter because I could feel the difference on my legs. Its running about 205. Someone told me I believe you want it 185 ish; I don't know I just assume get the Morgan tools and do it the closest to the right way.
  8. I honestly forgot about it... @cowpuc I would go thru and read threads after the intention was to post about it. I would assume being on pavement would be alot different then being on a little minibike in dirt. Had front flat on it and of course your riding on dirt, it wide round tires I wouldn't say no bigger then 10 inches, and only going about well I would say 25. No clutch and I don't believe I ever used the brakes on it to stop. It was a little 3 speed you would shift same as motorcycle just no clutch. Something else they teach in safety classes is if there is an obstacle you just can't miss you stand up on the bike. So standing would make sense. I wonder also if you ever watch motocross racing and there doing there stunts,jumps, bumpies, they are standing up on there bikes and there legs are working just as much as the suspension if not more. I also noticed a friend he would ride and remain seated and bumped that tire on the fender and tore up the back of the bike so maybe it helps prevent that.He also dumped is dirt bike alot. So I believe the standing would help you maintain control. I think it will be very interesting the input we receive in here.
  9. :worthless:or maybe a link to this. There was a Blonde for sale in Fayetteville Arkansas a couple months ago.
  10. Misery!! Heck I just pick a place and go thats gonna be at least an hour ride...
  11. I'm sorry I thought when you said Government Insurance that is what you meant.
  12. Sorry never meant to go off subject, But technically it falls under the commercials that stretch the truth. Now here soon I bet we will see a bunch of H&R Block Commercials and the Edward Jones. I would like to know if anyone has ever tried this app called sling TV, I have thought of cutting cable and phone here. But kinda curious what the Data curve is on sling tv. I average about 400gb with just Netflix Computers and smart phones. We really only use netflix once in a great while. Only reason I have cable is where I live I cannot get the local news station with any kind of antenna I even have a signal booster.
  13. I have good friend who couldn't get insurance before and I avoid the insurance subject. Anyway I know there is ways around it.I wasn't sure this year tho since she got a raise. Didn't want to take the chance. I also know the people at H&R Block are lazy two years ago we had to pay the fine which didn't make sense since neither of us worked the whole year. I usually do our taxes, When your looking at quite a bit back and then all the sudden they come back and tell you well that will be $782.00 please, I have some other friends they go to H&R Block every year around this time of year to get a loan due to mispending, then back to H&R Block for them to file there taxes. They say so they can get them back faster. Every year I file electronically and every year we get ours a couple days before they do sometimes a week before. Told them if they want to pay someone they could give me $100.00 And I would file it for them. But every year they turn me down and pay like $500 to have H&R do it then pay the anti audit fee. Whatever As long as I can do numbers and I can see and read I will continue to do ours.
  14. AH Hah, Thanks forgot about those.
  15. Is this yearly rates or monthly rates? My girlfriend as of current pays 250 to 300 a month depending if there is five weeks or not. Before this "Affordable Care act" she was paying right around $130 a month. Now while it was cheaper she would go to Dr. Or a Hospital the copay for Doc was like $25 for in Network and $30 for out of network, The hospital topped out at $400. Now it cost her $45 In network and $65 out of network. The Hospital well she has just gotten 3 seperate bills for an emergency room visit one is $860, the other is $400, some seperate thing for $1300. Sir come on this is AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE!!! Everyone will be able to afford insurance. It will be just like Canada and where else did the Pres. say owell can't remember. They need to overhaul the really messed up system, maybe I am off my rocker here but I think it should work like car insurance, the less you use it the less you pay for it. But I do not feel we should be fined for not having it. I do think we would get off cheaper just paying the fine and paying cash when she needs to go. Oddly enough, When I took her to the hospital before the bill was one bill and for $600 this was before her insurance kicked in. Mind you both times were for the same thing, I think she got gauze the last visit tho. Back to commercials and pure annoyance I have 15 missed calls. I did answer one call today and it was a recording pleading with me that we need to continue his legacy and vote a certain way for the next governor so the Affordable Care Act he worked so hard to get into law continues to do Great Things and help people Like me get the medical attention I need, only reason I answered it is because I have a good friend in New London, Mo.
  16. Yeah I seen this thread come up was like hummm,, then clicked the link. Got to reading thru looked at the date of first post I was like um, must have done some digging to find this thread to comment on it.
  17. I have already done so this morning and a couple last night, I think the rest do it on there own.
  18. Yeah was referring to 360 degrees just making sure on that. I haven't hydrolocked anything but I have done the other. Vapor locking sucks to specially when you need two more tree's and the damn chainsaw does it... anyways thanks.
  19. Hey you know maybe some jokester put popcorn in there. On a serious note I have a question I am wanting to make sure I remember correctly. When you all turn the screws on the mixture how do you count the turns? I usually turn the screw twice and call that one full revolution. But when I was playing with my spare carb I was messing with the hole thing I took everything out of it. Anywho's I was playing with that screw a little bit and it don't seem like it would be for fuel or air. Maybe for vacuum on the diaphragms. Also as I was turning the screw in and out I did kinda strengthen up not much but I could tell when it bottomed out. On the bike however I just turn it in until it is snug, Because I was affraid of screwing that screw up or worse the carb body's. I wasn't out to destroy it but I did notice what I consider half a turn which is would be me one turn that fine point in the carb throat did noticably move. Not much but did move, so anyways just checking I would suggest maybe if you can tell what side it is on is turn the screw out just a hair.
  20. Um wow, Just Wow. I would never even think such a thing. I am sure our virgin eyes are just scarred now!
  21. I do the same darned thing I hate commercials they are utterlly frigging stupid now there is like 2 or 3 Which I like because they are either that damned stupid there laughable. I can't even begin to name them right now I have a migraine from hell right now. Another thing that grinds my gears Last Month I went to wal mart bought some tea bags and they were 5.98 went in yesterday and they got on there Was 7.48 now just 5.98. I threw them back on the shelf and left... They do this crap all the time. It annoys the piss out of me. Now I can remember the commercials its the ones that Farmers run with the dogs having a swim party. He called it the mermut then there is the Hot Dog that stole the pizza.
  22. Wow, just wow Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  23. Quote *YOUR OUT OF BOUNDS* Was only in couple places in Fulton,MO Mainline church,and receiving n diagnostic. Rnd is basically where you come in from county and the infermery. In county they had yellow line in the drunk tanks. Which I been in counties where they had metal beds and the others who had concrete. I wished I never listened to people who said sex was free cause 18 yrs later I'm still paying. Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  24. Will do @cowpuc btw how fast did you get on the salt flats Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
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