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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. Yeah mine ran perfect till you tryed to give it throttle lol, other wise she purred like a kitten between cracked slides, Church Diaphragms, bad Air Cut Off Diaphragms. One had a broken spring. The only time I got any popping is when I gave her too much throttle and it sounded like it was missing 3 cylinders till I would top my hill then she would straighten out. I couldn't do the diaphragms I ended up buy the OEM which was 105 a pop and 2 used ones @75 a pop.
  2. I am glad I don't live in your area, But when I was looking at places without a garage I checked into climate controlled storage units crazy thing was gonna take a 4x8 foot unit but that was just $45 here, $55 if I wanted the outlet it was also a slightly bigger unit. But no longer the need to move at the moment.I know Minot, ND they get some crazy snow and then the spring they have to worry about flooding.
  3. Prayers your way Heather, I never realized just how far away I am from Tennessee now days. I was thinking I could make there and back before kids got out of school, But I don't think Tinker is that fast. Darnit Hope you find someone.
  4. Um sugar Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  5. @leroy I can't own a gun. Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  6. Amen and more prayers for you, good to hear. Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  7. Now the 4th deer I hit I was in a 93 Chevy Cavelier going down a back road shortcut home at 2 in the morning and she came out of nowhere. I slammed the breaks into a nosedive it flew over my car and into the ditch. Broke its back had to go get someone out in the back country up at 2 am to tell them I needed them to shoot it. So he came up with me with his gun and sure enough its back was broken. The guy shot it I asked him if he wanted it. Guess it was just to early for him he said just make sure you report it and gave me his number just in case conservation gave me any hassle about why it was shot because all my car got out of it was a small dent in the hood. Was sure some good eating tho...
  8. Hey this is not always true as I have hit 4 deer with my vehicles, 2 out of 4 were facing towards the woods and like jumped a starting heading up from me then all the sudden made a 180 towards the road. I have been in a car where the damned thing literally ran into the side of the car. Never did find that deer guess he was ok and ran off.
  9. Condiments
  10. No new Texas well I am glad its big enuff, no need to follow in New Mexico's footsteps. Besides where would they get the land?
  11. But it was fun going along with it. Lol Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  12. Very Very Beautiful, I love those shots you got of canyons, hills, mountains I don't know if you have made it back, But Would sure love to see a back drop of a waterfall.
  13. Hey I hear I want this Dvd Along with the rebuild I wouldn't think it would be much different then my motor. However I do wonder if I can buy a vmax motor and do a straight swap.
  14. I was trying to do some math in my head is why I was asking because I bought 10 foot for 6.60 plus tax then I bought the caps from the motorcycle boneyard/shop just thinking about making sets up and selling them. But at $20 I really wouldn't be making much. But I believe pre-made sets go in upwards of 35-40 bucks... I just need something to do, At the moment other then a few things to tinker with in off season I have nothing. My son wants me to do wood working I don't have the tools to do it. I would like to make tables and chairs to sell but, most people go well I can go to Wal-Mart and get it cheaper. Don't understand the logic of pressed wood furniture.
  15. My coil points used to look like that so I took some wire and inserted and exited repeatedly till I didn't see it no more then blew the rest out with the CRC Electronics Cleaner. That may be backwards but it seemed to work. I ended buying wire just because by the time I got done trimming they were being pulled kinda tight and thought that was creating my miss. Come to find out it was a single cap but figured might as well replace them all.
  16. Just curious where did you end up getting your wire and how much was it?
  17. I did not notice myself till you pointed it out
  18. I guess I haven't a pleasure of messing with the cables my push cable has been busted since I got the bike.. as far the video there is no real link you have to purchase them.
  19. That's what happened to me I just couldn't get the right so I had to pay someone to do it for me. They can get some things we can't. Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  20. as you can see in this picture there is at least an inch to pull this plunger out so unless you can pull the choke rod while the rack is on the bike then there is no way to get them out without removing the rack.
  21. I was kind of interested in this trick. The problem would be is the fingers that pull the plungers for one, the other is you have to pull the rod to get to the fingers, and the only way I know you can pull them is to pull the Carbs.
  22. Well being it is cold here but he said something about our bikes sitting by a lake during a sunset or sunrise.
  23. What windows used to be on your system? I do recall an update taking forever I unplugged anything connected to USB went wireless and unplugged my ethernet cord and ran update that way. I have the computer in the garage that I run 10 on it was originally win 7. I have to go to settings then windows update and recovery then unchecked some updates and kind of ran like 3 then 2 if they were small I would run 6. So maybe you could try that. Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  24. Don't know if you have ever seen shipping wars but I will say 2000 seems cheap I hate to say so maybe if you didn't mind someone driving it possibly pulling a motorcycle behind it. You might save some there. Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
  25. We probably knew it but does still make me wish I knew someone that could help, maybe someone here has trailer for you or even a motorcycle trailer. Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk
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