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Everything posted by snyper316

  1. Um Bob the battery I am looking at is An Odyssey battery for 106 its agm but the terminals look as if they would work? http://www.batterymart.com/p-odyssey-pc680-battery.html
  2. Well on the bright side the room it flew in will be very very clean and vents cleared of dust bunnies!!! Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  3. Unload the gun first and make sure chamber is clear. Watch out for flying parts. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  4. Just to clarify I did not spend 5500 on the bike that was spent on a 02 Tahoe. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  5. Guess you could say that.... But when you have spent 5500 and another 1200 getting the bike going you cut corners you shouldn't. Should have spent the 40 for plugs and 120 for the battery wouldn't be replacing already. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  6. Well something I never realized, me and my son both got our batteries at the same time. His rebel has the AGM battery we have never charged it. It spins that bike like it's a 50cc motor. I thought maybe I could spin mine over. Nope no good but that is when I noticed and remembered it was AGM. Think we got it AutoZone for 80 or so mine was like around 50. I remember the Convo we had why his battery was smaller but cost more then mine, I can never remember his name at AutoZone but the guy knows his stuff, I believe he owns a roady. He suggested we get the AGM and said he has one in each of his vehicles. So that's why I'm kicking myself for not listening to him about the iridium plugs. Sometimes I just too stubborn and a tightwad. After this battery I believe I will listen to any suggestions this guy offers. I bet if he tested my battery he would have knew what I needed. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  7. That's an awesome deal I would say Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  8. Just asking because that is how I tested the voltage. This battery has been junk since I got it. It is an everstart power sports battery the one you have to add acid too Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  9. While testing directly to the battery with my voltmeter? Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  10. Yeah I know better then that too I asked if he load tested he said yes but he set it for 225 at autozone Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  11. I haven't a clue how this post is showing new but.... Took my battery to autozone and oreily the both told me battery is fine. I just don't see how when even fully charged I get no sparks. Now I charged battery to full it get to 12.9 to 13.1 as soon as I turn the key on it nose dives within a minute to 9.6 volts. Unplugged the head light fuse charged the battery to full hit the key within 1 minute it nosed dived to 10.2 volts. So I have very good reason to believe my battery is toast. When I hit the starter it dived to 6.8 volts. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  12. Merry Christmas @Condor And kids Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  13. That is really cool!! The only thing I have seen is a cougar hit a deer never seen them eat one, the cougar I had just ate gas! Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  14. I would love to seen Dan modeling this apron. I take sumitriptan and I got Furiocet for the on set of one, but say your out and about and don't take your pills with you that kind of sucks. Sometimes before they come on I will get sick or really dizzy all the sudden, or simply Blam there hitting you. But I pray for all of us that suffer from them may we not get them Tomorrow.
  15. I hate to say yes they are bad!!!but thunderclap ones are far worse and yes can be sign of bleeding in the brain. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  16. What is with the migraines.... I have had one for about 5 hours now.. Can't sleep grr merry Christmas to you all. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  17. Ok give me a cure for BG being around 300 because I want to try these!!!
  18. Ok, Now that I got it I seen what that nub was I got the cables all lubed up used motor oil, a corner of a baggie and a rubber band worked out fairly easy. I also found that cable in the grip was also broke. Fairly easy at replacing the cables now I put the junction box together last a bit of a PITA. Got it done tho I am just gonna dread it if I got to pull the carbs out again tho. Haven't got the carbs down yet tho because I am thinking about just putting the YICS chamber back in those middle plugs scare me. Just because how hard they are to get to once everything is back on the bike. My thoughts tho wasn't there a mod where someone switched the vacuum hoses on the chamber? Would it even make a difference on where you plugged the hoses into. I know how they are supposed to go just curious if say someone switched the hoses around.
  19. Merry Christmas to you all!!
  20. Only one thing to say or well do on the last two commentors:Avatars_Gee_George:! But here is my reaction
  21. Skid Prayers Up, You have a very dedicated friend in Dan here. Hope to get to meet you both one day.
  22. Puc you sure have a way of wording things bro. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  23. Ouch, double prayers to him, I pray he pulls thru all this. You guys will be in our thoughts and prayers. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
  24. I will not touch that sounds like another conspiracy. Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.
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