Well something I never realized, me and my son both got our batteries at the same time. His rebel has the AGM battery we have never charged it. It spins that bike like it's a 50cc motor. I thought maybe I could spin mine over. Nope no good but that is when I noticed and remembered it was AGM. Think we got it AutoZone for 80 or so mine was like around 50. I remember the Convo we had why his battery was smaller but cost more then mine, I can never remember his name at AutoZone but the guy knows his stuff, I believe he owns a roady. He suggested we get the AGM and said he has one in each of his vehicles. So that's why I'm kicking myself for not listening to him about the iridium plugs. Sometimes I just too stubborn and a tightwad. After this battery I believe I will listen to any suggestions this guy offers. I bet if he tested my battery he would have knew what I needed.
Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.