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Everything posted by Skid

  1. Skid

    New ride!

    Looks good
  2. Skid

    Ride on

    I take my tire off and take it to the dealer to change so I wonder if they would properly clean it out or complain.
  3. Skid

    Ride on

    I just put a new tire on the bike and my question is how hard is Ride On clean during the next tire change.
  4. Thanks
  5. Ok just a quick question. I am debating changing the exhaust and have a set RK mufflers. Are these the ones with the catholic converters? I can't find a date on them of how old they are but I understand I don't want the ones with the catholic converters in them. Correct?? http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/09/05/udu8u5es.jpg
  6. I'm on E 3's and very happy. Just ordered another rear last week from Jake Wilson for $159. The date code was 4513.
  7. You and Bubba should consider becoming team drivers and go cross country.
  8. I hope to be leading a group of riders down that way this year starting at fancy Gap and head west till we run out of road. Anyone else interested are welcome to come join us.
  9. I guess we all needed a good laugh.
  10. So what are you going to do on your first weekend of retirement?
  11. Great pics Lew, thanks for sharing. I even saw some old faces I haven't seen in a while...
  12. Congratulations and let the beard begin!
  13. Yes folks, for any of you that haven't read it on FaceBook yet, my doctor called me yesterday evening and told me the tumors / masses are continuing to shrink. I had the CT scan last Thursday but not scheduled to see the doctor till tomorrow. I'm sure glad he called me with the good news yesterday instead of having me to wait. Thanks all.
  14. That looks great!
  15. Skid


    Well the ole girl rolled out of the drive today. I'm back to having one motorcycle in my garage again. Sure glad the Midnight is still here.
  16. I was in there last night while you was logged in, but you never answered me. I guess I'll try again later.
  17. I was just starting to get you two figured out, and now you go changing things again.
  18. I still know people. (LOL)
  19. Bridge Day is interesting from underneath the bridge too. I got a chance to go across the cat walk under the bridge a couple weeks ago. Fabulous. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/21/6e2agype.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/21/muvahegy.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/21/5y6ugase.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/21/azudugyp.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/21/tanatumy.jpg
  20. Kool Pics!
  21. I've never been known to break any laws while riding have I?
  22. Insurance Fraud !
  23. Skid

    my new toy

    Jeeps are great and I really enjoy mine when the wife wand kids has to go. Take the top off and let the wind blow. Just a good all purpose vehicle that will go practically anywhere
  24. I wouldn't have missed it. Every Asheville event has been great not only because of the beautiful area, but the people that gather together to make it happen. Its hard to believe its been two years since the last event, and that Mark has been gone two years as well. So glad to see old friends and some new friends. I love you all and consider you all as family to me & Leslie. This will mot be my last as I will return! Just that some of you may not recognize me next time either. (LOL) Thank you Randy & Linda, and to Woody & Trina for all of your work.
  25. Home around 3:30 safe & dry. Miss everyone already, thanks for sharing a great week with me.
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