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Everything posted by Skid

  1. Skid

    New Site

    I had to use a new book mark to get here. My old one was just blank, so I googled and came thru from there and worked fine. just had to update the old book mark for here.
  2. Prayers my friend. I'm glad to hear that he knew the Lord.
  3. I'm going to need one too.
  4. The menu bar has changed. I can't find the link to get to the chat.
  5. NO! I refuse to let it snow!
  6. Just an update on my latest upgrade. I added the HD lights on the rear and purchased a set of visors to make them match the existing lights. Also got the trailer wiring isolator and harness completed and tested.
  7. Glad you're ok and hope you both heal fast.
  8. RESERVATIONS ARE COMPLETE! I guess now I need someone to split the costs. (guess where I'm at?)
  9. Don't worry Lew, I'll be there. I will make reservations tonight.
  10. Yep sane here. The weather is going to be in the mid 70's today. Sadly it may be our last good warm day this year.
  11. I have a good excuse. I was sleeping
  12. Thanks Mike and Kevin for your responses. I guess I may have got wax in them is the reason I have just noticed them.
  13. WOW that is some beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Yes it appears to be a seem but I've never noticed it before. If it wasn't dark I would have taken pics. I wasn't sure if the seem separated just enough for me to notice it or if they both cracked down the middle. Just never noticed they were two pieces before.
  15. Are the elbow rests two pieces or do I have a identical crack down the middle of each one?
  16. Sure made for a long day with our VentureRider.org. Thanks Don
  17. What happens in Asheville, stays in Asheville.
  18. Dan, Don't touch any buttons.
  19. I had KZQ-8589 from the early 70's myself, but I have now advanced to an extra class ham radio with the call sign N8YOW. Those was the days...
  20. I think your wife just wanted a new ride.
  21. Looks good. Can't wait to see it at the next meet & eat.
  22. Thanks Don
  23. Do we have any pics of this event? I was hoping to see what I missed.
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