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Everything posted by Skid

  1. I heard the Blonde will be at Vogel again this year too.
  2. Yep its a Stallion. I have a friend down the road from me that has a white one.
  3. I just sold my big Dodge yesterday, so I got an extra 20 feet of garage space again. It really looks empty in there. Wonder how many bikes I can add before Leslie catches on...
  4. Should be the third weekend is the 17th to 21st of August
  5. I have about 430 miles
  6. Dan, I got lots of time now. I have one less vehicle to clean.
  7. Getting closer
  8. I had some stock for about thirty years and it keeps going up up up. So much that last month it split so now I have twice as many shares now and it still going up. Just like my retirement, it keeps going up up up.
  9. I will be early on Wednesday too
  10. Crap I hate to hear this again. Sounds like she wa following this car and the car pulled off the road on the right then swung back across the road. Hope Melanie heal fast and hope there is no more accidents during the Venture West Meet or at the International. Ride safe folks. Prayers for Melanie.
  11. Skid

    Ram mounts

    My GPS and XM Radio are mounted using Ram Mounts. May cost slightly more but well worth it.
  12. Super Great Day
  13. I never travel above the posted speed limit
  14. Saturday night I will be staying at Orangeburg, South Carolina
  15. Thanks
  16. Lew, you may not consider me old but I got a lot of miles on me.
  17. It has rained about everyday the past couple months. I am just about to go crazy. I have a couple free days this week on Wednesday & Thursday & figured a couple days on the Parkway could do my soul good. Starting at Fancy Gap and go till I get bored. Anyone game in the area?
  18. Eck, I hope so, I'm not sure there is enough business in this are to keep him going. Although I would like to rent a couple myself to try out. My next machine will probably be a trike.
  19. I got a chance to check out our new dealer in town. He sales & rents everything from motorcycles, trikes, to slingshots. Indians & Harley Davison bikes. Very nice place with a few accessories. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/10/76dc7f698bdab135255cff487a8a2894.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/10/d680add86876e3d75afa4043ca714d59.jpg
  20. I have had a couple sets for years. I got mine off ebay for about $25. May have been a discontinued color but same as any others. I like them
  21. God is still in control. Another good report from my ongologist today. The results from my CT scan showed stable and even slight reduction in the size of the tumors. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers recently. Keep them coming...
  22. I am interested in camping again soon. I had a good time last year and would try hard to make another one if other activities didn't get in the way.
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