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Everything posted by Skid

  1. Skid

    Back to Court

    That is why it is so important that the right people gets involved to make a difference
  2. Skid

    Back to Court

    You should know I don’t give into peer pressure nor am I politically correct.
  3. Skid

    Back to Court

    Judge Jeffy? That has a good ring to it.
  4. Except for this time I will be behind the bench. I have always felt strongly about the right people being elected or appointed to the right positions. I once heard Franklin Graham say that each person needs to do their part whether it’s the office of the president or local position in your county, city, or school board. As I feel compelled to “do my part” and help my community. I was elected to town council about a year ago and will remain on council but now I have added another position.
  5. Praying everything get worked out quickly
  6. PS: I had a good time partying with the Shriners at Seasons...
  7. I hope the next Vogel is planned far enough in advance for everyone to reserve a ground level cabin. Just throwing it out there, but the third weekend starts August 14th, 2019.
  8. My advise, NEVER stay in any of the cabins up on the hill. Make reservations early and stay on the flat ground No, I was not one that dropped a bike. and since we only had six bikes & two trikes. That it narrows it down pretty good.
  9. Just over 6.5 hours... HOME
  10. Super man is here
  11. The blonde rides again
  12. She's back!
  13. Very low turnout this year. TDunc & I are the only ones staying at a Seasons.
  14. Pretty good day. Lots of riding so we all are wore out.
  15. We are at Mikes Seafood for dinner. Come on down. You have time. There is a line
  16. We are about to take on the Dragon.
  17. No DragonRider didn't make it here this year
  18. Guess who is who !
  19. https://youtu.be/4doMwKKD9i8 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. I have arrived. Let the party begin
  21. I have arrived. Let the party begin
  22. Is Bubba Coming too?
  23. Down to the final hours before Vogel. I can't wait to get on the road.
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