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Everything posted by Skid

  1. I had it out and back in by the time he got here but was a big help finding a leak and bleeding the system.
  2. I completed changing the slave cylinder, motor oil, and air in the tires. May have to change the battery before next long trip but as soon as the weather breaks it will be ready to roll.
  3. Needless to say I got a couple pistols in my inventory. The AMT .380 I consider is just a personal protection with not much accuracy over 40 feet. My everyday carry is the S&W 9mm Shield with upgraded sights. The 9mm has a good punch and easily concealable. Accuracy is pretty decent but comparing it to the 686 revolver, 40 cals, or 45 cals is like comparing apples to oranges. Everyone has got to find the middle ground between being able to conceal and having good accuracy. When you give up barrel length to conceal some accuracy is lost. But lots of practice solves that problem
  4. I've been going there for years during bike week. The city tried to ban things but failed. Only thing accomplished was a loss of revenue. The venders are just set up out of the city limits of Myrtle.
  5. Myrtle Beach Bike Week is coming up soon again. I'm hearing Hamburger Joe's calling me for another "mini meet & eat". Maybe thinking about mid week on Wednesday, May 16, '18
  6. Today was a success I think. Took about 20 minutes get the old one out. And maybe 4-5 to get the new one back in place. Thanks to Yammer for his assistance today too. And don’t no one ask how I know but you must place both crush washers back on the clutch line or it will leak. Especially on the back side. Took longer to bleed the lines and get the pressure back up than anything else.
  7. Ok folks its out. Now to get new one back in....
  8. Ok folks its out. Now to get new one back in....
  9. I got my parts so time to change them out. Hoping to do it Friday morning...
  10. I got my parts today so hopefully very soon i can get them changed out.
  11. Is that what Yamaha calls the... Push Lever Comp 1FK-16381-11-00
  12. I am needing to replace the slave cylinder very soon before riding season. Anyone have advice where to purchase one at? Is Yamaha the best way to go or is there better options to find a better price?
  13. WooHoo looks like a good time:thumbsup2:
  14. Well TDunc & I will be there all week. If we're lucky Chicago Dan will show up too
  15. Thanks for the birthday wishes
  16. You all just need to say it is a Yamaha holiday that lasts all week long
  17. Bring the Warden to Asheville this year Yammer
  18. If you retire you don't have to worry about how many vacations you get...
  19. The Platinum is $30/month the Silver is $13/month SILVER $300,000 in Self-Defense SHIELD Protection $13/MONTH $147/YEAR get silver $250,000 Civil Suit Defense And Damages $50,000 Criminal Defense Protection Up-Front Attorney Retainer $2,500 / $25,000 Up-Front Bail Bond Funding* $250 / day Compensation While In Civil Court $2,000 Personal Hardship Coverage $2,000 Psychological Support
  20. Probably the basic at $13.95/month. That is what I got yet. USCCA is $13.00/month plus your military discount
  21. My reservations are made! Arriving on Monday! Guess where I am staying at....
  22. Hey Thanks. I'll have to record and watch that
  23. USCCA offers more coverage at less cost and seems it covers any incident involving a gun and not just a shooting incident. Which is better. Also they provide a discount to military, & law enforcement. I'm comparing the two to make sure the list is correct.
  24. Some of t he features and coverages are better than the Carry Guard.
  25. Has anyone tried the USCCA insurance? I’ve been comparing them to the NRA’s Carry Guard Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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