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Everything posted by Skid

  1. No pics? I bet that was a surprise. Glad you didn't get hurt, that could have been nasty.....
  2. Well, officially you're right, but I consider November to about March as winter months. It can snow in any of them, but we usually will have at least one 70 degree day each month from now through March.
  3. Looks like the first six days of November is going to be in the low 70's. It just doesn't get any better......
  4. The front wheel won't stay on the ground.....
  5. Glad you are home safe Jeff. A very interesting story, sure glad it had a good ending. Sorry I wasn't closer, but if you had no other way I would have been there......
  6. I carry a pair of homemade jumper cables on the bike. I cut the cables off of an old battery charger and put a smaller set of clips on one end to fit the bike. They came in handy a couple times, just asked Yammer Dan. Works greats.
  7. Save me a spot in the front yard for a tent......
  8. Joe, there is a Microtel about three miles up the road at the I-79 Sutton / Gassaway exit. That is where several members stayed last year. Also there is plenty of camping space available in the yard....
  9. At $2.59 a gallon in central West Virginia....
  10. Looks like Thursday, June 25 to Sunday, June 28, 2009:thumbsup2:
  11. West Virginia is the same way but we have to be able to estimate within 3 miles per hour at least 8 out of 10 cars any direction. Its not difficult after a while of running radar. About all the newer radar units will detect speeds coming towards or going away in either in front or behind the cruiser.
  12. Could go ahead and retire, I saw "Help Wanted" signs at Taco Bell today.....
  13. I just picked up my Harbor Freight trailer today, now the fun of putting it together.....
  14. I know I'll be at the Skid-In, Vogel and hopefully make St. Judes next year..... And whatever else I can get to......
  15. Time to have a VentureRider.org Meat & Eat !!!!
  16. Not yet, but pick a place and I'll see...
  17. I plan to be there if at all possible. Don't know about 2 or 4 wheels, but hope to be down there sometime on Friday.....
  18. :clap2::clap2::clap2::GREEN:
  19. Great pics !
  20. Still at $2.89 a gallon in central West Virginia....
  21. I have a First Gen, but it is the same engine. The carb-tune will help. The mileage an change a lot according to driving habits. I'll get about 42 mpg at 70 mph, and 47 mpg running along around 55-60 mph. If I really get in a hurry and run above 75 mph, it will drop below 40.....
  22. I just got a set of Pioneers G1042R to change out tomorrow on my scoot.....
  23. Impressive...
  24. Then where did he go? Did buy an HD?
  25. Welcome to the family... Hope to see you all at a VenrureRider.org rally sometime.
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