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Everything posted by Skid

  1. But I never had the chance to meet Black Owl Now I never will.......
  2. Makes me kinda thirsty!
  3. Oh yeah, we still got Squid to watch us....
  4. No wonder he can afford feeding everyone on Maintenance Day:happy65:
  5. Let the bidding begin.....
  6. Skid

    Asheville video

    I ready to go back to Asheville......
  7. Hey I recognized that pic of RiderDuke....I took it!
  8. Have you saw any of these on the road yet? One is running around here locally..... http://www.wildfiremotors.com//index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=388&category_id=26&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=75
  9. It will come before long, I'd better get a set of brackets before they are gone....
  10. Good job Squid, I'm glad someone has step up to fill your shoes. I still need a set yet.......
  11. How long is it going to be before the small business is wanting a bailout. When does it stop? I feel for anyone losing their jobs, but these big business bailouts can't take everyone down with it...... Lets see: I'm going to start a small business. I'll can be the CEO with a pay check of $2 million a year. I'll even put my wife in as vice with $1 mil a year, and I'll have to have a couple employees to do te work. Maybe I'll pay them $100K a year. How much profit will I need each year? Do you think it will survive? Can I get the government to bail me out? Its a no-fail situation!
  12. ok I forgot it was red...
  13. No tent Dan?
  14. May 30, 2009
  15. A First Gen......
  16. Boy, Squid is being tracked more than Santa Claus...
  17. Depends on which way he is going, he may be passing close by here...
  18. Which Fayetteville? West Virginia?
  19. Thanks for the pics, looks like everyone had a great time...
  20. Who's Wayne?
  21. 1975 Honda CB 125 S ......
  22. Welcome back Jonas, it will be nice to meet you at Don's next year. I've met a lot of VentureRider.org members, but none of our international members.....
  23. So what is he getting in place of the Wing?
  24. Save me a spot somewhere Gene, I'll bring my sleeping bag. I got your phone number so I'll try to give you a call tomorrow...... or meet up at dinner Friday night.
  25. I'd let you look at mine, but I didn't get one either. Do you think Ramona took mine too?
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