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Everything posted by Skid

  1. Gee wiz, are they a bunch of tight-wads? I got $59.00 a day for meals when I was on my business trip.....
  2. I love a good story...
  3. Way to go Dave.... Send him up Mini, and I'll see he gets all he wants to eat at the DQ....
  4. I fixed the rocket panels on Leslie's old 91 Mazda 626 by using a can of exspanding foam insulation. I rolled up and placed some plastic mesh inside the panel, sprayed the foam in. And after it expanded and hardened. I cut, sanded smooth, and sprayed some pain over it. Looked ok, but then this car over 250K miles so it didn't matter so much.....
  5. First: Shouldn't have bought a Ford... Second: Remember the good offer on a Subura?
  6. "You've Got Money" Just sent money for two VentureRider pins (via PayPal) one of each.... Thanks Bob
  7. I would like one of each, are you still taking orders?
  8. I've already got my Flu shot and I will be getting the H1N1 here soon too.
  9. I like my XM radio. I have been using the Roady II for several years and been able to switch it from the bike to the car to the boat when want to. I use a Ram mount on the bike and the suction cup in the car & boat.... Its on the right side in the pics....
  10. Yes, that is common, but remember you are dealing woth a 25+ year old scoot. Mine started that a while back, but then stopped on its own. Sometimes the baffle will burn off and lodge elsewhere inside the box...
  11. Well I made it back today. I had a good trip and really enjoyed the few days I had, but I'm glad to be back home......
  12. I got a little vibration myself, but I think mine is caused by the unbalanced tires or type of tires. I'm going to be changing tires soon and hope mine goes away. My Second Gen is definately not as smooth as the First Gen, but hope to fix that by next year....
  13. The wife and I are member of the Flatwoods, WV Chapter "Crusin' fo Christ" #2589....
  14. but don't we have a pin like that already?
  15. Thanks, I'll have to check that out. I am in the Sheradan City Center Hotel. I'll have tiem after the meetings to search around tomorrow evening....
  16. Here is another link about several Ram Mounts other members used. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=40918]GPS Mount - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  17. WOW ! This is different. Just slightly bigger city than Gassaway. Right down town Baltimore. I could get lost here. Glad I have a GPS with me. I'm here on a three day all-expense paid trip. Too bad its a business trip.
  18. Yep, You just discovered Yamaha's biggest secret.......
  19. Sorry it took so long to return an answer. Here is the link to the posts when I changed my antenna. There are also pics included if you read through all the oposts. I used the Firefly FL3. Works excellent. I was receiving signals that I never heard before. The old antenna would hear anything out of sight of me. I'm a ham radio operor too and had some better coax here already so I changed the cable from th CB radio to the antenna. There are two types of ends at the antenna. One I went with was the PL connector. Also there is a antenna base that uses crimp-on lugs. Either will perform the same, but I like the looks of the connector over the lugs. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24485]CB Antenna Question - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  20. Congratulations.... we need pics....
  21. Where is the best location to get a good price on a Stebel horn?
  22. Don't give up, stay on them. I also know a good attorney.
  23. Glad to hear the good news. Sometimes the courts actually does good. Just hope some attorney doesn't get that date moved earlier..... Good Luck. Sound like you got plenty of time to practice your speech...
  24. OK. Best I can tell mine was ridding 1-up with a smaller light weight feller. I don't think his wife ever rode with him that I heard of. I was always told this machine has been babied all of its life. Probably always will be too.....
  25. You must post a pic. Everyone will want to see how you done it.....
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