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Everything posted by Skid

  1. Oh, by the way, West Virginia doesn't have a Highway Patrol, its a State Police....
  2. Congratulations...
  3. You should not be wearing out your brake pads. This means you are using them. They will only slow you down........ Go Fast!
  5. I really like my Wagner Grill. I got mine grill at Vogel this year and got a free instulation....
  6. OK, I guess I did, but I've been telling Leslie I bought the Second Gen for her....
  7. All I got today was a blood test and a CT Scan....No Fair!
  8. I was trained by the best....
  9. http://www.fordvehicles.com/services/cars-proxy/NGBS/Model_CompareImage/Model_CompareImage_8801F25B-D81E-AAA4-A057-A794A057A794.png
  10. I have a three foot Firestik on my first Gen, it works great.....
  11. Yeah sure, what are you waiting for this time...... You've been saying that for two years.... Did you forget about our last ride together to Clendenin?
  12. There isn't anything slow about that 86 close by....
  13. At least it is the same time zone...
  14. Comparing his temperature against mine, I think I like his better.... Maybe I should leave his weather bar in my signature, I can always pretend that my weather is that warm too...
  15. Your weather sucks.....
  16. Click on the second link and another page will come up showing the weather. Right click on the weather bar and paste it into your signature.... or click on this link below. http://weathersticker.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetempbig/language/www/US/FL/West_Palm_Beach.gif
  17. You're beside good company Lew......
  18. If you are considering $30K for a trike, you also have the Stallion Trike. It has a little 155 hp Ford motor with a 5 speed automatic, cruiser, heater and AC. Also comes with a CD player.....
  19. That was very good.....
  20. Skid


    I was there last year. Maybe I can do it again.....
  21. Since you took the day off, you should have took the bike out.....
  22. To charge it, just hook it up and take a long ride..
  23. Skid


  24. More bikes won't do me any good, I can only ride one at a time.... Tell her payment plan is interest free....
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