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About esitgreaves

  • Birthday 07/07/1964

Personal Information

  • Name
    Rick Sitgreaves


  • Location
    Wright City, MO, United States


  • City
    Wright City


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1990 XVZ1300D
  1. Indeed I was considering I had no idea which one I was buying. Glad I got to do the job all in one day as well instead of having to wait on the part. Next thing to do to this bike is take care of a leaky clutch. Could just be the gasket on the clutch plate, tried salvaging the original but it still leaks slowly. Have to add fluid and bleed every few thousand miles, so any help concerning loss of clutch fluid would be helpful as I may be overlooking something. Bike is very fast as mentioned, no problems with speed.
  2. Well I dove into this throttle cable HELL today and cussed like a sailor most of the way as well. Wasn't as bad getting everything off as I anticipated because the fairing could be removed as stated on one side. Getting to the cable junction box was relatively easy, have to pay attention to the spring inside as it will pop out upon separating it. There is a top wheel and a bottom wheel of which the top one slipped right off where it was rather obvious that the #3 cable to the carb had broken. Now comes the cussing part, getting between the carbs to pop that little bastard out seemed like an endless challenge for me just as getting the good cable back in was. Very little room to work you finger, light isn't good, but once your able to get a grasp on the cable and twist the stop out your good to go. Placing the new cable in place was very frustrating due to the fact that you have to rotate the end stop in such a way that it will slip into it's slot, but once in the slot the tension slid it right into its groove. Also helps that there was a groove down where the metal elbow slides into place. Once I had the carb end done the junction box wasn't bad although I asked myself if I should have hooked up the box end first oppose to the carb end because of the pully configuration. I had to push up on the carb throttle to enable enough cable to fit length wise into the box end and into its hole before I could put the cable into the wheel groove, once I did that I just tugged the cable back some and tightened down the cable clamps that are inside the box. Next step was to put the spring into place which fits in a groove on the top plate of the box then reattach the top wheel while sliding into place the cruise control cable before attempting to close the box back up. Once you attempt that a few times, get the spring right etc. your good to go. Assemble the fairing back together and that's it. Was a challenge to say the least. Fortunately I spontaneously bought a throttle cable on ebay for 99cents just to have as a spare, wasn't sure which cable it was as the seller didn't mention it. So when I went to open the package I was rather pleased that it was the actual cable I needed because I'm typically not that lucky. I definitely appreciated everyone's input on this little VENTURE! Thank you...
  3. Update: Still haven't gotten to the cable yet. Been working weekends, will update as soon as I dive in. Thank for the info.
  4. Greetings! I'm new to this very informative site. Anyway, my throttle cable seems to have broke/snapped on my 90 Venture when I went to start it. Never had any issues with it, cruise works fine etc. What I did notice is when I gave it gas I heard a mild pop then the grip loosely rotated. My question would be how do I approach this issue? Meaning should I disassemble the throttle itself first or follow the cable elsewhere. Read some of the other threads regarding this issue, just seeking some advice on where to start wrenchin'. I definitely don't want to turn a 2hr job into a 2 day job because I did something perhaps I shouldn't have. Your comments are appreciated.
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