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About SteveP

  • Birthday January 2

Personal Information

  • Name
    Steven Pazillio


  • Location
    Media, PA (Philadelp, United States


  • City
    Media, PA (Philadelp


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '06 Royal Star Venture & '03 Intruder Volusia
  1. I actually have a 2003 Volusia, albeit stirred away in a different garage. I set up a garage door opener in a similar fashion, but put it behind the right side cover -that's where there was room.
  2. You might want to take a look at this thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13400 It includes pics of how I mounted my garage door opener under the plastic cover on top of the gas tank. Though not specifically waterproof, it is relatively protected and has survived many hours of riding in the rain. Good luck with your project!
  3. Post #24 in the thread I mentioned above. Here's a link to that post with the pics you're talking about.
  4. I do not have the chrome ignition cover, only the stock black. The risers do hit at full left/right, but only enough to put a small blemish at the point of contact. I guess the chrome is subject to cracking, but the stock black plastic ignition cover works fine with the risers as long as you don't mind the minor cosmetic imperfection.
  5. Check out this thread, which includes several photos (posts #7, 12, 24, 25, 30 & 31) of how other members have handled the issue: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=44815 I have had the longer risers installed for more than 7,000 miles without the rubber dampeners and nothing in their place. It has not posed any problems (yet?). Good luck!
  6. I'll give a BIG thumbs up to the Phase Change Material vests for keeping cool in the saddle. I have the hi-vis reflective model from www.coolvest.com (sells for $199, non-reflective available for $179). I picked it up at Wing-Ding a couple of years ago and use it all the time when riding in temps 90 and above. It kept me comfortable in 100+ temperatures out in Indiana over the July 4th week. I also use it when I'm running Motorcycle Safety Foundation class range days out on the hot parking lot for 5 hours (recharging in a cooler of ice & water during the breaks). I could go on about this product, but I'll spare you. Also, note that I have no connection with this company other than being a satisfied customer.
  7. They sure do! How far do they wrap around the sides? Are they dual intensity: running & brake? What lights did you use?
  8. I don't have your solution, but in the interest of troubleshooting: I do have two images in my signature so you can eliminate that as the issue.
  9. Gerbings also makes a line of battery operated heated clothing. Here's the link for the gloves; you'll find the rest of the products easily from there: http://gerbing.com/Products/gloves.php
  10. Take a look at this thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=43040 There are pics of my RAM mounted GPS in post #8.
  11. Any chance you can post a few close-up pics of how you ran the wires? I'd like to add LED mirrors, but don't want the wires to stand out. It would be helpful to see how you ran yours.
  12. Mum's the word! Thanks for lending a hand. He's out in front by a couple of votes... with about 19 hours left until the end (3pm on Friday).
  13. You guys are great (which we already knew)! Will is very happy to see his count growing. Keep the "likes" coming; I'll let everyone know the results once the voting is over. Thanks!
  14. Over the years here we have all clicked on various webistes to place our online votes for a member of our group... now it's my turn to ask: My nephew is in the running to win an autographed jersey from a Philadelphia Union soccer player. On the Philadelphia Union's Facebook page, he needs as many people to "Like" his comment as possible. If you are on Facebook and have a minute to spare, please help him win the jersey. Here's the 'how to' from his father: First, go to this link and "like" the Union. Next, go to this link and scroll down the comments, find the comment by Bill Malone, and "like" that comment. My son thanks you!!! Thanks to all for your help!
  15. SteveP


    I fixed my left side lower using J-B Weld. That was about 2 years ago and it's still holding strong. http://jbweld.net/products/jbweld.php
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