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  • Name


  • Location
    Wichita, KS, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2003 Venture Midnight
  1. September 20-never ...
  2. $21.50 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Alpha-Motorcycle-air-shock-pump-Harley-Davidson-Kawasaki-Honda-Suzuki-Yamaha-PSI-/302093404255?hash=item46562b885f:g:7woAAOSwhOdXo~5t&item=302093404255&vxp=mtr
  3. Folks, I have had my new 2003 Midnight Venture, ride it every day to work and am loving it more and more each day. My only gripe is the dashbaord. Dang, it is something I cannot get used to. I like old analog style clocks, also the fairing just does not 'do it' for me. Was at the Cassoday ride this weekend with thousands of riders - the bike itself in black and all its studliness looks great, its just that fairing and it digital speedo that 'has to go'. The Kawasaki Voyage has such a great fairing and dash - I'm a little green!
  4. Thank You, you guys are awesome! I'll give it a bash this weekend. Alan
  5. Guys, I'm new here, also new to a 2003 midnight venture I am looking to fit new rear brake pads, can't seem to find a video of this on youtube, or here for that matter - How hard is it to do this. Do I just need to remove the rights side panier, or do I have to do the muffler as well. Thanks in advance (yes I did use the search button!) Alan
  6. I like it - dang. Makes me want to paint my black midnight baby. Does anyone know of there are chrome covers for the air filters? My bike needs a new black left plastic shroud for the bush guard ....
  7. Well folks, that 'cable' was the vacuum tube for the cruise control actuator. It pulls of the actuator quite easily. Got the crash bar replaced, it was not too difficult - just tedious. One word of advice, fit the plastic shroud first before tightening the crash bar bolts!
  8. there is so much crap on these engine guards its unbelievable ... anyone know of chrome covers for the air boxes?
  9. On the underside of the metal tab is a solid metal loop. The cable runs through this loop up to what is I assume to be the vacuum actuator (cruise control?). It runs to the right side of the bike. I need to dismantle something to get this cable unhooked.
  10. no V-Max 1700 powered Venture I bet! Heck, they could make it an 1800 like they did to the old 1200 to 1300 dream on ......
  11. Its an original electric cable in a rubber hose. There is an enclosed metal loop at the bottom of the crash bar and the hose runs from the right side of the engine through this loop up to some cylindrical electrical thingy (I'm not a mechanic) - Anyway, I got the crash bar loose, but now have this hose/cable to deal with - why oh why design something like this?! I'm guessing its the vacuum actuator?!
  12. woo hoo, found a used left crash bar, am busy fitting it. I have run into an issue. There is a cable that runs through a loop in the crash bar to the right side of the bike. Before I start pulling things apart, how do you get this cord out without cutting it?! I'm thinking of cutting the loop, and not run the cable through when I reassemble, just zip tie.
  13. $280 shipped from partshark.com anyone looking for a trailer hitch, wiring and ball?
  14. Crash bar was cut in half so a new one is needed. Guy did not bother taking time to straighten. Pinwell don't have a left guard in stock. Missed one by a day. I'll remember to take my time with the oil change in the future. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. and French Lick Indiana ain't got nuthin on Beaver Lick Kentucky!
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