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Everything posted by Aimhigh

  1. Scary stuff...and this is but a few of the ones that could be caught on tape. It approaches terrifying when you think that these people are coming at you on the highway, with but a few feet of clearance between, at cumulative speeds of 140 MPH! Oh, by the way...they also vote.
  2. But I'm afraid that you just don't understand that germs affect us males with a greater vengeance than our female counterparts. It is a medically known phenomena...one that I am surprised you all seem unaware of! You should be nicer to Tom, he is suffering more than you can imagine!!!!! :sign **** happens:
  3. to make some $. It certainly appears there might be a market for someone who could figure out how to market these gauges in discussion. It appears the biggest obstacle is mounting them in a fashionable manner in a limited space. I wish I were more mechanically inclined...I would jump on it. With over 6,000 members, I gotta believe that someone is capable of doing this...I know I would place an order.
  4. I know it will be more expensive, but I would sure take it to the dealer...I wouldn't want to do anything to void the warranty...I'm just saying.
  5. Your posting caught my eye...you okay with a plugged tire? What has been your experience with them? Are they safe?
  6. The Navigator and I went on a 187 mile circuit of south Texas...about 80 degrees! Whoo-Hoo!!!!:crackup:
  7. Fried grasshopper...I was in the fourth grade and it was on a dare! Plus whatever that stuff was in Vietnam...tasted like chicken...but, I don't really want to know!
  8. There goes the site's "G-rating":o:crackup:
  9. Sure glad we decided on the San Antonio area...I do NOT miss those storms!
  10. Aimhigh


    Don't need to tell you to enjoy the time together. Please tell your Son that we thank him for his service, and pray for his safety. Too bad about his having to leave the bike behind...but, good for you!
  11. Where did you get the information that HEB filed for bankruptcy? I live in San Antonio, and I am unaware of this fact.
  12. And we wonder why our Country is in so much trouble. Ronald Reagan said it..."Government is not the Solution...it is often the problem." Really kind of makes you sick...all the things going on and the gangsters in congress sitting in judgment of everyone else...when they are the ones responsible for 90% of it...and then they are going to tell GM, FORD, Chrysler and Bank of America (to name but a few) how to solve their "problems"...give me a break! Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. Ronald Reagan
  13. Don, I wish you the very best...may the damn disease be gone! You certainly have my prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.
  14. I have been avoiding signing up for pay pal due to concerns about security of my information. Upon reflection, perhaps I am more at risk in providing my credit card information each time I make a purchase. Just wondering what you all think about the "Pay Pal" transaction process...any negatives that you have encountered? Appreciate the feedback.
  15. My purpose for my original posting was to hopefully urge you guys to ensure you get the testing that might prove as fortunate to you as I have been. But you all turned the table on me with your prayers and well-wishes. I am truly humbled more than I can express. It is just another reason to be a part of the venturerider family. Thank you all...I wish you the best.
  16. Laughed out loud at this one. Thanks for the posting...made my day!
  17. While the colon tests are equally important...my original posting regards prostate testing...this is merely a urine sample...if the PSA level is good...no problem. But if not, this simple test can identify prostate cancer in its earliest stages thereby allowing action to be taken (even if it's just "wait-and-see") to eliminate the possibility of the cancer spreading to other parts of the body. While it is not a pleasant situation, prostate cancer can be cured...much easier and more effectively, with less live-changing results, than if the cancer spreads. Even if you are avoiding the colonoscopy, please have the PSA checked. I am very thankful for the opportunity to find and treat this in its early stages...I love my life and want to be around for as many years as possible to enjoy it with my Wife and Son.
  18. thanks for the feedback...it appears a few have gotten the message and i feel my story has been of service...as i said at the onset if only one person gets the message, it will have been worth the posting.
  19. that's exactly how i feel about my ordeal, Kevin.
  20. Let me begin by saying that, like most men, I visit the doctor as seldom as possible. That being said, one beautiful day last July, while riding the 07 RSV that I have grown to love, I was within my fence leading to my house. Our land is southwest of San Antonio and anyone familiar with the area knows that the one thing in abundance is SAND. Because I was waiting for the gate to close to ensure the dogs did not go out, I was stopped. I was in very soft sand…and…a very stupid negligence on my behalf; I did not ensure I was in first gear. As I revved up the engine and released the clutch, the front wheel, in the soft sand, turned. Being in the incorrect gear I did not have the power to get moving forward and the bike started falling. My reaction was, of course, to attempt to hold it up. I am 5’ 7” and weight 175 lbs…so you know the outcome. While attempting to right the bike as it was going down, I hurt my right wrist. After trying to cope with the injury, I finally gave up and made the doctor’s appointment. While visiting the doc, he noticed it had been a while since I had been in to see him…therefore, he asked me to get the usual tests done that should be accomplished every year…especially for a 60+ yr old man. Well, the tests revealed a problem with the ole PSA, which most men know is a possible indication of prostate problems. After two biopsies revealing “atypical cells” the third one confirmed prostate cancer. I am scheduled for surgery on the 16th of January to remove the prostate. Although I am nervous about the whole thing, I am very happy to have this situation found early enough to be alleviated…thus avoiding any further, more significant, conditions. Guys, don’t be foolish like I had been and avoid the doctor…had this not been caught (had I not had the bike incident)…the condition would have continued to worsen and, well, who knows what may have been in my future…assuming I would have had one. If my posting helps but one of you to have the same good fortune as I have experienced, it will be worthwhile. Knowing that my health is in good hands will enable me to have a great Christmas…I wish you all the same.
  21. Thank you for posting this video. The young lady did a very good job. The message is right on, REMEMBER...Our military men and women are why we can sit and surf the net, drive anywhere in our Nation, and say and do the things we do...all in the comfort of knowing that THEY are keeping us safe. God Bless them ALL...no one hates war than the military...let's hope they are able to come home soon.
  22. I know the government intervention and the problems it caused in the housing sector...I had no idea they had imposed their stupid sanctions on Motorcycle companies as well. I call your attention to my signature block.
  23. Yeah...but can you get calls on it. Just kidding...it's good to be excited about things that make your life better. We just had a similar situation...we ended up going with the Verizon "Dare" which also provides GPS, among other things. Hope your new "toy" continues to serve you well.
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