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Everything posted by Ladyrider

  1. The cross at the accident site was run over. There is a ditch there and it had to have been a 4 wheel drive truck that jumped the ditch and ran right over the top of the cross we had there. I have asked my BIL to make me a new one to place there...now I have to get to Benecia to pick it up and bring it back to stick in the ground. I go over there and pick trash up and put fake flowers there...I always feel closer to Tom with I am there. I go up and down the road when I go to Lodi for anything. I am glad it happened on his way home, as I knew he was feeling good and not stressed...that he was coming home...
  2. you may suggest to your lawer to look into the "ride like a pro" dvd for imfo on avoiding accident to see if he can use it for support of tom's actions in the wreck, that way there woun't be any suprises. keep up you faith, as you deal with all that faces you and i know you will do ok, don and susan. Thanks Don and others for the ideas. I cut and pasted an email to the lawyer about it. The following is a tribute that Randy wrote to his dad. It was read in church yesterday, as all the kids in his private school were to write tributes to their moms and one to their dad if they wished. This is what Randy (14yr) wrote about Tom E. Dad One year ago, my dad, a husband and a friend died on April 30th, 2007 at 7:30. This tribute is to my dad, my best friend and to say how much he meant to me. He meant a lot to me because he was my father, he was there for me when I got hurt. When I entered Kindergarten and when I entered every grade from then to 6th grade. He was my dad, he meant a lot to my mom. He was my mom's best friend as well as mine. I will never forget my dad's generosity towards others and toward his family. He was the man, he was the one who went through all the hard work to get us a christmas tree every year, and he helped keep our family running smoothly. One of the things I liked was how he played the accordion (a type of flute) he taught me how to play it a little bit , but i admired how he played it so well. He listened to a lot of composers like Bach and that is how I got into liking composers. Every Saturday night I would stay up with him and watched him play his accordion and i tried to copy what he did and he helped me with some notes. THere are a lot of things I remember doing with him but there is too much to tell, my dad, you can call him a friend, but I call him my best friend. One year later after his death it is still painful seeing him in my mind every day. I haven't heard his voice in a year and it hurts. But life continues and there is nothing I can do about it. To me every day is the same, I go to school come home and there is no dad waiting there for me and I wish that he didn't die, but God has a reason for everything. And my dad's time is up and he had to leave. My prayer today and every day from now on is that Jesus will come soon and i can see my dad again. Every day I have the same scenario comes through my mind that if I am at home and Jesus comes I will take my bike and ride as fast as I could to get to the cemetary to see my dad, because every day it kills me inside that I cannot see my dad. One year ago my dad died and this tribute is to him, my beloved father. Randy Patterson
  3. I talk to my attourney about taping the deposition. I am going to guess he will tell me that is not necessary, and the court recorder is there writing down every word. I have read the two they have already done. Yesterday, I got a call from my oldest son Jason. He had been in an accident on his MC. I guess there were two witnesses that stayed by to say it was the womans fault driving the car. I praise God he was not hurt very badly. The bike had to be towed off, he says the farings will have to come off. No broken bones, but bruised up foot and hand. I think most of you know, not only did I loose Tom on his bike, but my brother died back in 1979 on a MC as well. Also died instantly. Its my worst fear to also loose my son. But what can anyone do? Riding feels great! It saves gas as well. But we all have to weight the risks and take life and each day at a time. I look back and think "I should have told him, no bike" No, that is wrong. To deny someone pleasure that he received from riding, I just could not do that.
  4. still missing Tom. Hey you guys and gals, hug that driver tight and give him or her a big kiss...isn't it sweet? Yessiree, it is.
  5. Chat room is a great idea. But, I am not sure Iwill be home till later. The kids and I will go to chevy's tonight and eat, as that was Tom's favorite place to eat. cheese enchilada's. With chipolte sauce. I thought we would go by the cross by the road and put some flowers there and say a few funny words about dad. We should be home by sundown. I will hope in the chat room when we get home. thanks for the sweet idea. Nice thing, for our Tom E. I have my venture rider shirt on today...Tom's favorite place to hang out!
  6. I wish I could show you the photos of the skid marks. They clearly show TWO skid marks in the MIDDLE of Tom's lane. He broke hard and the bike went side ways, towards the back of the trailor putting his right side down, banging his head and pushing his left leg up into the wheel cover/casing on the back wheel of the double lengeth horse trailer. My lawyer says his 'prilimenary' estimate on speed per skid marks was 38 MPH. Speed limit was 35. 35 MPH is a short spot in that part of the two lane 45 MPH stretch of road. I am not sure if you can google earth it, but the accident was the intersecton of Lower Sacramento road and Collier road in Acampo, california. Even with MY LIMITED experience and my MC training, you maneuver to avoid hitting something and lay the bike down. Tom did what ANYONE would have done. God bless my man.
  7. It is one year today. Although this belongs mainly in the memorial thread, I am posting here due to information on the accident, lawsuit and other information that maybe helpful to other riders some day. Please record your life with photos, notes, cards and emails. Are you on the computer at night or in the morning when your spouse and kids are in bed, at work or school? Send them an email. Let them know you love them, adore them, etc. Leaving for work? Packing a lunch? Stick in a note saying you love that person. Proud of your new bike? Get a FAMILY photo of all of your around it. Anniversary coming up? Mark it on your calendar with stars and hearts. Keeping these little momentos in a box, in the computer, etc come in handy in the case of a lawsuit. The insurance companies want PROOF you were a great dad, great mom, super husband or wife. I have taken in a LOT of photos, love notes, cards, emails Tom sent me long after I had gone to bed that prove his 'significance' as a husband and father. Who would have ever guessed one would need to prove their worth. Lets not talk about his wages. They do not care. Tom is being blamed for 50% of the accident. Their stint is, He CHOOSE not to stop, but to try to go around the back of the trailor. This is based on the driver of the truck and the driver of the car behind the trailor. I am going to give my deposition June 18th. I have been warned, and will go in to be briefed, that it will be brutal. I cannot be defensive when they ask questions like "how often did you have sex? What different ways did you have sex? What hobbies did you have together? How much time were you together when not at work? What medical problems did your husband have? What drugs did he take? on and on and on. I plan to have my cousin go with me to sit by me and help keep me calm. I have to put it in my head "they only care about the money. Keep your cool. Its just a business deal". I am mad because they are trying to blame HIM for even part of the accident. So, I will stand my ground. I will be calm and answer only what they ask and be careful with my words. I still have not sold Tom's bike. I will be putting it in the paper soon. It needs to be sold. I no longer have insurance on it, so I guess the guy will just have to start it and see that it runs. I do not want to be liable for anyone driving it. The kids and I are doing better every day. Its rough, but it will get better...one day at at time. Thanks AGAIN and AGAIN for all the love and support that has poured out from this site. You were and are Tom E.'s family. You saw to it we had your support, and we appreciate it so much. I will be printing up all of the things said about Tom and taking it to the lawyer's office to add to the testimony of his family here and his life, with Don's permission. I am not sure if that is legal or not, to print what you all have said in condolences. I keep trying to gather each piece of EVIDENCE of Tom's life. And all of you were a big part of that. I may even print the thong threads.. That thread was the last great laughs we had together. Tom loved a play on words and rushed to the site for weeks before the accident to see what else had been said about those silly thongs. He laughed so hard. Couldn't wait to tell me what someone else had said about that. Funny how loosing your purse can put the ladies into a tail spin about cheery pairs of thongs. I cherish those laughs, those smiles you all gave him. Thanks again, you sweet loving riders! I LOVE YOU! Sherry, Jason, TJ, DJ and Randy (TJ graduates from Highschool memorial weekend. Jason broke up with his GF in Nov and moved out in Dec to the UOP campus. DJ will graduate next year. Randy and DJ have both grown at least an inch. Randy will graduate 8th grade next year.)
  8. Could someone send this message ont Connor's mom.... My heart goes out to you. Please contact me any time day or night if you want to talk. I know your pain. I got my 13 year old Randy into art therapy group through the hospice program this last January. It seems to be helping him. There are a number of younger children there. He is the oldest in the group. I am sure they some something like that and you may have already heard about it. God bless our children without their daddies. Sherry Patterson (wife of Tom E.) 209-810-0998
  9. go Chat room, Go Chat room, cis boom bah....give me C give me an H give me an A give me a T....Go, Go , GO CHAT ROOM! i love to cheer lead. yppeee....shake those pom poms! *ya and first gens are the best*
  10. WHO DIED ON A TOILET AND WHY WOULD YOU BRING BURRITOS TO A DEAD PERSON? On the serious side, I vote for full face helmets. And I think there are too many careless idiots driving cages and trucks with trailers to educate.
  11. Thanks! I will write to them at that address. It would be so exciting to see what exactly they said about what he did. Tom was humble and modest. He would not offer to tell his heroic stories, unless I insisted he tell someone. He was my hero. He was my superman, batman and spider man. (in their street clothes of course)
  12. who/where do I write to for copies of these awards letters?
  13. tHANKS GUYS! I guess I could have figured it out if I thought about it. It didn't make sense that they spelled out Silver Star and abbreviated the others. The marker looks very nice. There are two. His miilitary and the one with both our names on it. I am so glad he got to see the wall back in 2004. Oh God, I wish I were as brave as him. Life is Hell, my darling Tom, without you.
  14. What the letters Silver Star "BSM PH" mean on Tom's military marker? Thanks.
  15. wish I had told Tom to just trike my bike. He wanted to. But said he would not ride it if he did. He liked riding my bike, as well as his own. So, I decided against triking it. I am sorry for that now. He would have been on his own bike that day in April, instead of mine. Maybe his bike would have been better equiped to get around that trailer. The farings on his bike would have protected his leg.
  16. I do not know what to do with Tom's bike. It currently sits in a friends garage from church. We had not advertised it, but he was going to park it out front of his house. I feel awful just leaving it sit there. But, I cannot bring it back here. We emptied out the barn to build a cottage, but the construction has stopped on that and now the part bike sits out on a slab of concrete with a tarp over it. I guess it will not be sold this year. I do not trust EBay. I don't have an account there anyway. I asked Jason to post on here and ask what we should do, but he is too busy with everything else he is trying to help me with, with his school and job What to do with my Tom's pride and joy?
  17. I guess I will always wonder if a full face helmet would have helped Tom. I saw the pictures of the sceen this week, and now I know which helmet he wore that day. It was a half one. It really upsets me. It does not say in the report whether the helmet came off his head or if someone removed it. Tom did not own a full face helmet, but he had a 3/4. He had a skull fracture and damage to his face. Its something I will not ever have the answer to.
  18. Is there an update on Leslie's funeral? Who went, and any details? Sherry please direct me to that thread, if there is one.
  19. I like the title of this thread. Goes right along with my attitude. Hope you get treated right with your bummed up bike. Any news on if they are going to fix it or not?
  20. I am crying with you, Gary. Oh God. I am here for you. If you need to talk, when you need to talk. DON'T hesitate to call. Sherry Patterson
  21. well, trike smike, Tom said "if you trike your bike (or training wheel it) I will not ride it." I should have had him train wheel it. He would have been on his scoot and be alive today. He wanted to trike/train it for me. I should have let him. Thats an awful pretty motor bike with four wheels, YM. I like it. I love it. You share any and all photos with us. Some of us ONLY get to look at riding. Some of us only drool....
  22. This was a great thread. Over my head, but Tom was learning a lot. I am saddened he did not get to make it work. He surely would have if he had more time...you guys are all an awesome source of knowledge and information. God bless you each one.
  23. I wish I had a headlight modulator on my red devil. Every step needs to be taken to BE SEEN. Driver of the truck said he "saw The motorcycle and it was a ways off." CHP says the truck driver DID NOT see the motorcycle. Who would pull out in front of a car or cycle pulling a long trailer? Even with another vehicle coming "a ways off". Why not always wait? What is the hurry?
  24. Ladyrider


    Mike and Allan, thanks for your support. You have been wonderful. Debbie, Caddy and Ladyrider picked some awesome guys...Didn't we girls?
  25. Don, Thank you for having this section. Who would have dreamed I would need it. I have just reviewed all the posts from my dear friends here and it comforts me. 7-8am on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are going to be the hardest...those were the mornings I waited for Tom to walk in the door...I am sure I will re-read these again in the future. So glad these many words are here to know how much everyone cares... love you guys... Sherry and boys (I need prayer for Thurs, TJ's birthday is going to be a downer for sure. Tj has Tom's first name. says he wants to be called Tom now)
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