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Air Ready Auto

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Everything posted by Air Ready Auto

  1. For those of you who know/have read about how much I love my mother in law,,,, she's back!!! Only for 2 weeks though. So that means for 2 weeks I will be on tamales and other tummy treats. So I have decided to celebrate her being here and my wife's successful immigration process with a BBQ on 3-10-18. Grill fires up at 3pm. Any and all are welcome. P.M. me and I will send the address. We have room for anybody who may need to spend the night for travel reasons.
  2. Top or bottom, I'm jut happy if someone in the house besides me manages to put a fresh roll on.
  3. It might not be the carb. First and easiest way is to feel the exhaust pipes right off the engine. If one is heating up slower than the rest than you have one that isn't firing right. From there check the plug and do a spark test. If that checks out than move to the carb. There is a post somewhere about synchronizing the carbs. Do a search in the second gen technical section.
  4. Congrats on the new bike! Can you be a little bit more specific about what you mean when you say it doesn't handle as well after 75 or 80 miles an hour. I have an 83 that backfires whenever I downshift coming off the highway. If I just use the brakes and do not downshift it does not backfire. I have tried everything to correct that but nothing seems to work.
  5. I wish I had stuff. My wife is the anti-hoarder. She throws everything out. I joke with her that one day I am going to wake up in the garbage can. I can't tell you how many times I have had to go buy something that I know we had and she just up and tossed it. There was one time we were in the basement and she picked up one of my wrenches. In no uncertain terms I told her that she is not to touch any of my tools for any reason no matter what. I tested it once and left a hammer on the counter for two days. Much to my surprise, she left it alone. I also didn't get lunch packed for me for those two days...
  6. Ya right...
  7. New favorite play land!!
  8. They are also a nightmare to work on. They have little tolerance for even the slightest deviance from speck and they have overheating problems when the boost runs a lot. They burn oil if you look at them funny and won't run if you cuss where they can hear you. This old school mechanic hates them... +1 on that 5.4 engine. My shop won't touch them.
  9. I am looking at a Honda Nighthawk 650 for my brother-in-law for a spring birthday present. The seller has it for dirt cheep. The post is below. Looking for any input anyone might have on these bikes like common problems and how hard they are to work on and such. He has wanted a bike for years but his wife has been hesitant about them. He is not very mechanically inclined so I would want to have it in good shape for him/me as I would be doing any work on it. Any help or advice would be awesome. P.s. I would get him a venture but he is inseam challenged and can't even come close to reaching the ground on mine. Plus this one is in my price range. ---I have a 1982 Honda Nighthawk for sale. The odometer reads 26000 miles. Its in good shape for an 82. It might need a new clutch, and probably a tune up. The cycle looses charge after about ten miles. I've been told it might need a cylonoid, and some other thing, which is a common problem with these bikes.---
  10. :scared:I could never destroy such a marvel of engineering! You see, I was born here in the great white north and therefore i have an affinity for the great white stuff know as snow. No, the white washer would be in safe hands with me.
  11. You know Jeff, should you ever decide you would like to retire from the snow launching business, it would be my great honor to assume the responsibility of official VR snow maker. I grew up loving the snow and am doing my best to pass that love on to my children. I strongly believe in sharing the majesty of the amazing white stuff with as many people as possible. I understand the heavy burden you are under with maintaining the launcher and the worry of the many levels secret probation you are threatened with. I feel that with the extensive training I received while in service to our great country that I would have the fortitude and strength to carry on the great work you have started. I would honor the job and care for the snow launcher as though it was my own creation. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you will sincerely consider passing this considerable responsibility on to me should you ever decide to give it up. And I would like to thank you for the white Christmas you provided my family. Keep up the good work my friend.
  12. Merry Christmas everyone!
  13. Yours is only 2"? We have two of them that are 5"... Plus 2 copies of each binder just in case. I figure we have eliminated half a national forest with all of the paper we have used for all this. Want to fix global warming? Eliminate all of the govt required paperwork... Just saying.
  14. Don't worry Mr. Puc. She is keeping all of the cook books. There will be plenty tamales available for you. Just let me know when you are coming and I will make sure there are more than enough here for you and Tip to:fatsmiley: up on. Hope you are feeling better. Miss reading your posts here.
  15. Don't just wave. Stop on over and see the new house.
  16. :sign back to topic:Came in the mail yesterday. Our appeal was accepted and my wife is now a legal permanent resident! We will be starting citizen paperwork soon. At least now we don't have to worry about her being deported and she can travel freely to visit family. Beers, burgers, brats, and whatnot on me. Will post dates for a M&E at my place sometime after the holidays.
  17. The garage she is kept in is in the warehouse where I work. It never gets colder than 50 so freezing isn't ever an issue. The room she is in is 15'X20' and two of the other guys I work with keep their bikes in there too. I trust them not to be taking my fuel mostly because I run 87 and they both run 91. I have faced the fuel gremlin before and not figured it out. It has to be a gasket somewhere because as long as I run her at least every other day the fuel doesn't vanish. Mr. Cowpuc- glad to hear from you again. I hope your recovery goes well and we see you out here this summer for some tamales and secret family recipe venison burgers. :fatsmiley:That looks exactly like my coolant leak. I have been meaning to upgrade my water pump. Looks like I will also be doing some seal replacement too. I will get pictures of the splatter and maybe sample the fluid coming out to make sure it is oil and not something else. It sure looked like oil and not condensation. It had an oily feel to it so Im fairly sure it is oil. I will also check the oil to make sure no fuel is getting in there. Thank you all for your responses.
  18. Started Lucy today. She hasn't been run in about 7 weeks. She up and decided to spit oil out her tail pipes. About an equal amount from each pipe. Not much, just enough to put a little splatter on the wall. Looks like a speckled star burst. Also, the fuel gremlin is back. She was full when parked and she was empty today. No sign of leak and no fuel smell in the air. I walk past her every day so I would notice a smell. She has also developed a coolant leak. Might be needing to rebuild some stuff. Ideas on where to start anybody?
  19. How is it that I seam to be the only person in my house that can change the toilet paper roll?!?
  20. Well, my family and I upgraded our living situation. We moved from a cruddy townhouse with awefull neighbors (except one family we became quite close to), crappy management on the best of days, the main railroad switching station in spitting distance, and the building falling down around us to a lovely house in a quiet neighborhood with almost exactly twice the room and the monthly rent is exactly the same. The only real problem is that this house seams to be where cell signal goes to die. Outside the front door, full service. Step in the house, nada. Oh well. And yes I will post pics.
  21. I have a complete Knipex set. Pricey but completely worth every penny.
  22. My wife is the anti hoarder. She throws everything away. EVERYTHING. I have had to go buy something we needed more than once because she threw away the last one shortly after getting it. I had to section off a part of the basement and mark it my no wife zone just to keep my hunting, fishing, camping, important paperwork, children, exct from getting tossed out. I'm not preped for anything more than a weekend. If that.
  23. Ok so 18 years of auto wrenching here. Almost all newer cars/trucks are designed so that your average Joe can't do anything with the tranny. If there is no stick to check the fluid level than it is a dealership operation only. Trust me, trying to do it yourself will cause more harm than good. The only way to get all the old fluid out on these new sealed transmissions is to crack the housing and flush from the top with a pressure system similar to a radiator flush. My shop won't even touch these new ones because there is too much that can go wrong. There is a pressure band in there that can slip/not seed properly without the proper tooling. It sucks but the dealership is the best way to go. At least it should come with some kind of workmanship warranty that way. Good luck.
  24. Our lawyers office is right in the middle of downtown. Next to the Chicago stock exchange. No quick way in or out...
  25. Had a meeting with our lawyer yesterday in Chicago. Took us 3hrs to get into the city and almost 4 to get out. Toss a little snow on the ground and everyone looses their ability to drive... Anyway, we are appealing the decision of the last adjudicator. We submitted a bunch of new paperwork and are requesting she rehear our case. Our lawyer is writing up some fancy lawyer thing and laying everything out to show what kind of extream hardship my family would face if Gabby is deported. We should hear back in a few weeks or so.
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