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Air Ready Auto

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Everything posted by Air Ready Auto

  1. Anyone planning on attending the Slimy Crud Run in Wisconsin this spring May 6th? I will be there with several of my work buddies. Google search it if you have never heard of it. I have never been but it looks like a fun time. Located in the Madison area.
  2. I have a known coolant leak from a hose. Just been too busy/random excuses to replace it. Might be time to actually replace that. I tossed the filter before I thought to check it for chunks...
  3. I have run a total of 2 cans of SeaFoam through her. One last spring and one this spring. I was planning on replacing the plugs before any major riding this year. I'm still having the problem with the left front pipe not warming up at the same pace as the rest. I have done a spark test on that cylinder and all of my wires have the same resistance. As far as I can tell, they are all getting the same amount of fuel. I have yet to do the syringe test to see if it equal all the way around. Also, she has started to backfire out the left tailpipe more than before. I'm hoping that is because of the pinhole exhaust leak that has about doubled in size from last year. As far as her performance goes, after she is all warmed up, she doesn't seam to have lost any power from last year. The only change is a slight shake when between 40ish mph and 55ish mph. I'm thinking I have that narrowed down to my front tire needing to be changed.
  4. Where can a guy pick up said relay?
  5. Does anybody know what voltage our horns are? I'm thinking about taking a horn off of a 2001 Saturn SL2 and mounting it on my bike. The horn is a 12-volt and puts out 180 decibels. Way better than the anemic thing I've got on there now.
  6. This was not the first start of the year. I started her at least twice a month through winter. I think the wet plug is because my hands were full of oil. The stuff on the magnet was metal shavings with some dust. No weird noises.
  7. She just rolled over 60,000 miles and I am going to pull that plug and send a picture.
  8. To the best of my knowledge she has never been overheated. My second gear was in the process of going bye-bye when I got her. It is now fully gone.
  9. That is correct sir. I'm thinking it's probably head gasket and piston rings. Not a project I wanted to tackle this close to the riding season.
  10. Found this during an oil change. I've also noticed the left front exhaust pipe is not heating like the others and I have white smoke coming out of the left tail pipe.
  11. Too bad I'm not any closer. I have big industrial tools for work on big rigs. My 1/2" impact is 1200ft/lbs of reverse torque and that had a dandy of a time getting my starter clutch off. P.s. Do NOT be in front of that thing when it lets go... Just saying.
  12. I have a wife, 3 kids and $20... Highest bid??? Hope the two of you are in the clear now.
  13. I have to admit I like the look of the new ones. Be sure to post your ride reports and first impressions. Let us know your thoughts on how she handles and any heat issues if there are any. Congrats on the new ride!
  14. It does not come apart by unscrewing it. Check the first gen section. There are lots of posts on it.
  15. Those legs you see in the pic by the grill belong to this gent. Our very own white washer controller Flying Fool. Thanks for turning the machine off for the weekend. Hope you had a safe trip home and some of the food we sent with you made it to Erika. Was great to see you again. My girls being shy. Ember in the chair and Miranda trying to steel her food.
  16. A huge thank you to my wife and mama for all of their hard work into preparing the amazing food for today. Love you both! This is just a little of what was available. Secret family recipe burgers, brats, chorizo sausages, hot dogs, and bombas. Not to mention the other food Gabby and mama made. Didn't get pics of that... Most of it was gone by the time I got free of the grill. Nobody left hungry. I will add some more photos later for you . It was a fun time (I hope) for all.
  17. My first gen gets 43mpg when doing 45 to 55 mph. 38mpg 60 to 70mph. 34mpg when in the city (back and fourth to work is 12 miles one way at speeds 30 or 25 mph). If yours is anything like mine, your mpg will be largely based on your mph.
  18. I have not pulled the shaft yet. It's on my list of things to do.
  19. I plastic welded mine. I forget the brand name of the stuff I used. Got it at Napa. I drained the coolant system, scuffed up the area and applied the stuff. Seams to be working all right. No leaks for the last year and a half or so.
  20. I wouldn't turn down anything that came from your garden.
  21. Please turn the white washer off that weekend thanks. I hope you can make it up. We would love to have you. One of these days we will get some of these tamales in your belly. Just so you know the menu so far..... Tamales, secret family recipe burgers, brats, chorizo sausages, loin steaks, pulled pork, discada, venison steak, home made guacamole, Mexican corn..... Just saying.
  22. I did not try pulling the clutch and coasting. We got more snow today so I will have to try that later. The vibration was steady when holding any speed between 40 and 60 and went away if I let off the throttle or accelerated. I left for the ride with 2gal of fresh fuel on top of what was left from last fall. I treated the fuel before parking her and have started her at least once a week and let warm up. I added a half can to a full tank when I put her up for the winter.
  23. The temp was nice enough yesterday that I got Lucy out for a few miles (77.4). I let her warm up good then hit the road. She did fine in town then I got out to the country back roads. I noticed a vibration (almost like an engine misfire) between 40mph and 60mph. There was no vibration below 40/over 60 or when accelerating through to 65. Im about 90% sure the problem is not the tires. Anybody have any ideas on where to start checking?
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