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Everything posted by Backinthesaddle

  1. My dad was a pipe smoker for years. I remember getting him pipes for Xmas. if I remember correctly, Borkum Riff was one of his favorites. I remember his old pipe box that held his pipes.
  2. they have good prices on oil and filters. I got the Rotella T5 gallon for $18.24 and the mobil 1 110a filter for $9.97. Also noticed some of the accessory seat cushions in automotive which give nice additional cushion to our passengers. I noticed that they have the supertech filters again as well. Peace out, have to change the oil Paul
  3. I believe that is the six disc cd changer location
  4. djh3, I sent you a couple of pm's. I am not sure if they went through. they were in regards to the ignition bypass kit. Could you let me know if you received them. Thanks, Paul
  5. Well this is weird. Awhile ago I posted about my battery and high voltage. with your help, I replaced the voltage regulator and all was right with my world. Well coming home from work at a stop light my radio starts to cut out and I noticed my lights dim on the car ahead at the light. I revved up a little to keep the bike from stalling. I made it home ok. After I turned it off, I immediately turned the ignition back on there was nothing at all. I tested the battery and that was fine. I then checked my fuses and pulled each one, including the main and they were all good. Just for giggles and laughs, I turned on the ignition and everything came back on. What the heck happened? Can a fuse just work itself loose? Even if it did how would the bike keep running? I await your input and knowledge. Thanks, Paul
  6. Assassin no more. I got the new thingy put back in. I did test the stator and it was good. My only gripe is what the xxxx were the engineers thinking when they decided on the location for the thingy. Good luck unbolting let alone bolting it back up. I just used the Red Green method of fastening with duct tape. Well no I didn't, but I wanted to.
  7. The 9v battery in the tester is new, but thanks for the heads up
  8. Ordered new voltage regulator
  9. Thank you both for the quick replies. The battery is an Interstate. Anyway just put the meter on and on enrichment high idle I was getting readings of 16-17. This then would point to the regulator correct?
  10. Here goes, I have an 02 RSV and it assassinates batteries. This has happened three times in the past year. I come out to the bike and nothing. No lights, etc. I take the battery in and it will show fully charged, but the cold cranking amps way down. They give me a new battery in exchange and repeat the cycle (no pun intended). I am afraid to take the bike on any trips, because I don't know when it will fail next. I have 44xxx miles on the 02. Should I just put a new stator and regulator on it? Any suggestions? thanks, Paul
  11. hickok45 had a nice video on carry insurance. I have the uscca coverage. There are a few others available. It comes down to choosing what is right for you.
  12. That is incredible.
  13. So here I sit in a laundry mat washing sleeping bags with nothing better to do than go through all the pictures on the Yamaha journey site. After going through all 280 + pictures I noticed that there was not one picture of a warrior, zero zip, nada.
  14. Yep. Had a heck of a time down shifting amnd then into neutral. I thought my clutch was going out. Pulled over and saw that bolt hanging on by a thread, literally. I check it regularly now. Good to know about the side cover bolt. paul
  15. I went to the show on Sunday. Yamaha has dropped most of the big bikes. They seem to be limiting themselves to 1300 Vstars and the 950 vstar and its variants. Only the raider remains for the 1900 engine. Lots of adventure and sport bikes. The victory exhibit was terrible. They had if I remember correctly only two models from their lineup. Polaris was more focused on their money losing venture in the Indian brand and the slingshot. Even if he Honda exhibit seemed weak as well. DEFINITELY not worth the price of admission.
  16. I can't imagine what your arm would look like if you did not have a jacket on. This is my wake up call. I always wear my helmet and gloves, but I am pretty slack on wearing my jacket. Heal up quickly
  17. I was there last year. It was beautiful beyond words. You missed the monks bread at the bakery you went by. Also where are your gloves? Hwy 41 after Phoenix I think rivals the dragon in twists and turns and ups and downs. I can't wait to get back there
  18. But the .98 good and plentys. That dal can't be beat. Sometimes I will go to Menards just for those
  19. Well Menards does have the small grocery section so.........
  20. I had two fzr 600's, xt350, yz250wr, 2001 road star, 2006 road star and my current 2002 midnight rsv. Plenty of other makes as well.
  21. The GL shock is used on road stars. They are called the road wing. There are some folks on the Road Star Clnic who modify the wing shock to work on the Road Star. Supposedly works great.
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