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  • Location
    North St Paul, MN, United States


  • City
    North St Paul


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2004 Royal Star Venture

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  1. so I have installed a Fusion MS-RA50 Stereo that is hooked up to a Sony Marine 600W Amplifier with 2 RCA Jacks that are split into 4 RCA Jacks where it connects to amplifier. then the Amp feeds 4 ea 4" Round Pyle Marine 100W peak speakers. and...it sounds like crap! I do not know much about the settings on the amp itself. I played with them a bit but with know success. Can someone help me dial them in or point me into a direction that will give me better sound at higher volume? different speakers or amp??? I believe that the Fusion Deck is rated at 80w (40x2) if that helps. thanks in advance for any help!
  2. So I have replaced the stock radio with an after market one. I am now looking to replace the front and rear speakers as well. Has someone done this and can give me directions towards size / watt of speakers, and amp size(watts) ?
  3. UPDATE After hours and hours of working on bleeding clutch I was finally able to get all the air out! Thanks Puc...I did start at the Master cylinder/banjo fitting and got clean fluid to come out with no air. Then I moved down to the bleeder valve. I cracked it, slowly pulled clutch lever, then tightened it, release lever. I only had to do this about 25 times! But never gave up. One clutch lever was back to how it should be, I started bike, pulled in clutch and shifted into gear....and didn't quit! Test drove it. Turned out to be a great weekend put on 100's of miles with no issues! Love the new 10" bagger apes, and new fusion Radio!! Thanks everyone for your help and patience... " newby"
  4. How do I reverse bleed? Question...when Im bleeding the clutch, I have master cylinder cover off, I crack bleeder, pull clutch lever in, tighten bleeder, release clutch lever... Should I be pumping clutch lever at any point??
  5. Update. I tried gravity bleeding, tried other ways. Now when cover is on master cylinder, and bleeder valve closed, clutch lever has no action, no resistance... Ugh..I must be missing something!
  6. I am letting it gravity bleed with cover off of master cylinder and bleeder screw cracked...is that ok
  7. 2004 RSV I have bike in neutral, start bike, clutch is pulled in, when I shift into 1st gear bike quits! If there is air in clutch line could that cause it???? or is it something else???
  8. I found the bleeder valve. here is what is happening... I took clutch cable off of reservoir that goes on handle bars to re route the cable because I put new handlebars on. now what happens is I have bike in neutral, start bike, clutch lever is pulled in, when I shift into 1st gear, bike kills im stumped! it did not do this before I put new bars on, could I still have a lot of air in line? I power bled it for a long time.
  9. i have a 2004 RSV and I am looking for the! clutch lever bleeder valve. is it under a cover I have to remove?? can someone send instructions or pictures? need to get done today! thanks in advance!!
  10. Has anyone else I stalled a fusion MS-RA50 radio on a RSV?
  11. since I have purchased my 2004 Yamaha royal star midnight venture I have done a few things to it, lowered the back about 2-3", changed passenger backrest/seat height locations.. what I want to do now is 2 things.. I want to put 10"(roughly) mini apes on it. I like that location of bars better than the stock ones. I am concerned about the fairing location compared to the handle bar mount. Has anyone put 10" mini apes on one of these? please let me know if you have. 2nd thing is looking for drivers backrest. there are some on ebay that I like. just want to confirm that when I look up parts for my bike, is there any difference between a royal star midnight venture and just a royal star venture???? thanks!
  12. So I love the bike so far, I was able to fabricate some brackets to move the backrest forward 3 1/2"s. Now my question is this, trying to make the passenger seat lower. With metric bikes the passenger seat sits much higher than the drivers seat. If I can get both seats to be closer in height that would be great. Any suggestions..thoughts??
  13. ill let you know, I just adjusted the dampening, do not know yet if it is an improvement. weather is not cooperating!!
  14. UPDATE: I got radio to work great!! Under the clarion radio box is these Big cable connections,the one with the Yellow color tape on it when unplugged The radio started working awesome! Could not find what that cable goes to though, Anyone know??
  15. I am at a loss...the volume is up to 20 before you hear it. And 30 is just a little louder. Is there a way to find if the talk button is muting it?
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