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Personal Information

  • Name
    Tom Samms


  • Location
    Fergus, ON, Canada


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  • Bike Year and Model
    1987 Yamaha Venture Royale
  1. OMG!!! Its gotta go!!!.. I mean the alternative is driving my Ram instead....LOL
  2. Hey, Well if it doesnt hurt leaving it there, I think its fine where it is. I will run the new one and remount it. Thanks again
  3. Thats Awesome Cowpuc, Thanks for the pics. That makes a world of difference for someone like me who has no idea about bikes. However, I am willing to learn. lol
  4. Any suggestions on the easiest way to remove the TCI so I can dry it out and relocate it?
  5. I certainly dont want to be throwing money away. I am picking up a TCI on saturday anyway as the price I thought was reasonable at $250 cdn. However I will be trying the connector issue. If it was easy to get at, I would do it in the evening. However, I understand it is not so. I also understand it is located under the battery box. Tom
  6. Thanks Bongo, Yes the Tach goes to zero. It will go back to normal when running right, engaging clutch or neutral. However, if I engage the throttle the tach drops again.
  7. Great. Thanks
  8. So... I picked the old girl from the garage I had it at. As expected, it ran horribly for approx 5 min. Then all of a sudden went back to normal and ran like a top for the next 25 min until I parked her. I am not sure if thats normal when the TCI box is faulty or not. Maybe I am over thinking this too much. Signed...Frustrated. lol
  9. What do you recommend to clean the connections with. Electrical contact cleaner? I know it comes in an aerosol can.
  10. Thanks Yammer Dan. I have a lead on two of these units. Following up today. However, when I limp the bike home today I will take it apart and do what you mentioned. Will see how it goes. Really appreciate the help folks.
  11. Hi, info is so helpful Yes the tach drops. The engine keeps running but has little to know throttle. Can you tell me where the tci is located? And what I need to do to get to it. If anyone has a pic of what it looks like it would really help. And to clarify...I can use one from 84 and up correct? Any I
  12. Is there any chance it could be the TDI box?
  13. Hi again, I have a 1987 Venture Royale with approx 134000 kms on it. several weeks ago I posted that I lost RPM on my bike. I ran a can of seafoam through it. Seemed to be working good...until yesterday. I had approx 1/4 tank of fuel in it. Filled up with supreme. Only run supreme through it. Made it about 5 min out of town and it started again. Bike started to chug, RPM started to fluctuate and eventually dropped to zero. It was speratic at first. Then it was full on the entire time until I limped back home. Happened in every gear. If I put her in neutral or pressed in the clutch the rpm would return to normal. If I gave it throttle while in reverse or clutch in the rpm went to zero and no power. I was able to limp home at around 60 -80 km an hour with little to no acceleration. I bought the bike in April. Was serviced regularly at local dealer which I will be calling today to see if there was any history on her. Replaced battery recently. Thats when this RPM trouble started. Not linking one to the other. Just providing some history. I am at a loss here. I googled my issue and cant find anything on any make of bike with these symptoms. Just so everyone is aware I have little mechanical knowledge of bikes. I dont mind taking it to a dealer. Just trying to get a handle on whether I bought a lemon or wasnt told the truth at time of purchase. Any info someone can provide is appreciated. Cheers, Tom
  14. Perfect. Consider it done. lol
  15. Thanks Don, Any recommendation on how much my first time around? I know the owner before me babied it and really took good care of it. Also, if anyone knows where I can get a front fender for her. I noticed a substantial crack in it last weekend. have clear gorilla tape holding it from splitting. Its the gold two tone model. Cheers,
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