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Everything posted by Hotrod

  1. I have searched the forum and the links I found did not answer my questions.I would like to know if any one has adapted a set of Harley saddlebag top rails to their saddlebags.I do not like the looks of the ones from Yamaha.Pictures would be nice, and what was involved in modifying them to fit the top of the Venture's saddlebag lid. Any help or links would be much appreciated.I have seen pictures before on this forum,but they will not come up for me now in my search.I think I want to try this. but want to be sure before ordering parts and drilling holes in my saddlebag lids.
  2. The heat shields are not removable, I used a marine epoxy stick. You break off what you need and knead it together to activate it. Feels and looks like play dough. There was a dimple pinched up on both of mine, where it was crimped at the factory.Pushed as much as I could up in the dimple and then laid laid a seam all around the rest as far as I could get to.I think it was actually leaking at that dimple.It has been holding for 3 years now and has not leaked or had any popping in the exhaust since I did this.When this stuff hardens it will be hard as a brick.I hope this helps,worked great for me.
  3. I had read a previous thread by flb78 where he had purchased a Deka ETX20L battery for our bikes at Oreilly Auto Parts under the Super Start house brand name.I have a 2007 RSV that was put into service in November of 2006 with the original Yuasa battery.It still started great and tested at 12.73 when checked with my volt meter,but going on 7 years old, I started getting worried about getting stuck in BFE and it not starting. Push starting a 1,000 lb. bike is not my idea of a good time.I stopped by my local Oreilly's to see if they had one in stock, and to make sure it was a Deka.I was talking to one of the guys at the counter and he told me they would match any competitor's price on a similar battery.Their list price was $101.I knew Walmart had an Everstart battery that listed for $81.88 and asked if they would match that price,and he said yes,they would call and verify the price.I got the battery with a 1 year warranty and with a core swap for $91.88.I hated to turn in a battery that still worked fine, but peace of mind is worth a lot sometimes.I thought I would pass this along to hopefully help some of our members save a little money,if in need of a battery, and thanks to flb78 for the initial info I used to save some money and buy a battery that I hope holds up as good or better than the original.
  4. There have been a few over on the Delphi forum that have replaced the oil in there shock before they failed and I don't think any of them has had a failure after doing this on a regular basis.I personally have not tried this but I think I will.You take the shock out and turn it upside down and let it drain out of the air hose into a catch container(remove the schraeder valve)preferably overnight.It takes approximately 44 cc(ml) to refill.They also say to use a teaspoon of 10w30 high mileage synthetic motor oil mixed with 15 or 20w suspension oil for the lubrication properties. The original is only about 5w,very thin.One member has over 150,000 miles on his original shock with out a failure.Maybe he's just lucky,or maybe he's on to something.I figure it is a lot cheaper to try this than have to buy a new shock. I hope it works as well for me as it has him.
  5. After thinking about it, I'm with djh3.It seems you could just cut the brown/white wire and solder the resister in before it goes into the flasher and get the same effect. It would be a cheap, less than $2 fix.
  6. I was looking on some other motorcycle forums and came across a modification to alter a stock flasher to work with led turn signals and keep the original flasher and the self cancellation function.www.650ccnd.com/PDFs/Flasher_mod_Revised.pdf . I haven't learned how to attach a link, but maybe some one who does will do that for us.I did a google search for Denso flasher modification, and it was the second link that was on the first page.When I convert my turn signals,I'm going to try this to keep the original functions.Hope this helps someone and thanks to the person that invented this and posted a step by step with pictures.
  7. The cables for the TD are about 2 inches longer than the Venture. I used the handlebars and the cables for a TD on my Venture.
  8. Over on the Delphi Royal Star Venture and Tour Deluxe forum there was a discussion on doing this.It was titled(Regular Fork oil changes) under Tech talk.The poster talked about replacing the fork oil and the rear shock oil by removing the rear shock and turning upside down and draining over night.He replaced the oil with 20 wt. fork oil(44 ml).You can search the threads and the thread # is 12767.1.I have not tried this, but the poster said he has changed his 3 or 4 times and has almost 150,000 miles on his shock with no failure.
  9. Thanks for the help.I ordered 2 different sets of cables from Pin Wall and hope I get at least 1 with the spring still inside the box.Thanks for the links FuzzyRSTD,you have been a great help.I hope to eventually get a lot of enjoyment from the handlebars I purchased from you.
  10. I have a 2007 venture.I have been wanting to upgrade the handlebars on my bike for sometime and came across a great deal from a member here and bought a set of Tour Deluxe bars to replace my stock ones. This past Saturday, I proceeded to swap everything out.This is when the nightmare began. When changing out the throttle cables, I opened up the junction box where all the cables come together, and the spring that is in there popped out and went in on top of the front of the engine and fell down like a plinko chip.I have removed the lower farings to get better access as well as remove the engine braces to be able to see better and still cannot find this spring.Tried a magnet on a telescoping pole and put it anywhere i could hoping the spring could be located.No luck.Tried using air compressor and blowing up in and around engine to maybe dislodge and fall out.No luck.I went online to order new one. I found part# and ordered one.$5.50 for spring and $9.95 to ship.I received e-mail today that says this spring is on back order until July 25 2012 or later. I called other Yamaha retailers and was told the same thing.One checked and said there was not one in any warehouse or dealership in the States or in Japan.I asked how that was possible,they still make this motorcycle.He said he did not know.He did say the junction box is exclusive to the Venture and Tour Deluxe and the 1st Generation Venture.Does any one have one thy can part with new or old,does not matter?I am desperate
  11. Hey Big Iz,where did you get the Venture M/C covers?I have never seen any like them.
  12. Just hold your old bulb up to the new ones and compare the pin alignment.File off one pin on the 1156 that doesn't line up.Been awhile since I did mine, but I replaced mine with 1156 SilverStar bulbs. If you file the wrong pin, you are not out very much money.Buy some more and you will learn from your mistake.The bulb only needs 1 pin on the new bulb to hold.I replaced mine in 2007 and have never had a problem.
  13. Just wondering, it was previously discussed in a prior thread on stator and rectifier problems that the 2006 through current model has the highest output stator,equal to the upgraded models that are available as replacements. If that is so, they recommend that the wires be hard wired.Would cleaning and dialectric grease help prevent the bad connections that happen in these areas or would it somehow make it worse? I'm not having any problems right now, but was trying to do some preventative maintenance and save some time and money down the road. I don't want to have to hardwire until it is necessary.Also, what are some thoughts on replacing just the rectifier to one like SkyDoc17 sells. It is supposed to be better.but I'm not to good on electrical, and wish some one could explain it as simple as possible so hopefully I understand.If it would help,I would replace the original to get the most out of the system.Any thoughts or experience on this would be greatly appreciated
  14. Could you please post the manufacturer and part number of the rectifier and approximate cost? Any help would be much appreciated.
  15. I don't know what is available in Canada, but here in the states there is a product called Scratch Out by Kit. It is in a bright yellow bottle and only 3 or 4 bucks. it will help hide swirls and scratches and not hurt the coating on the shield.It is in the car wash and wax sections of most auto parts stores here. I believe this will get the remainder of what you have left on the shield and make it look like new. I had some scratches on mine and after using this, they are barely visible.
  16. I have a 2007 RSV.If what SkyDoc is saying is true, then replacing your stator with the High Output stator would not be an improvement over stock in the 2005 and later.If that is the case, then why not just replace the current stator with an 2005 and later and not have to cut out the connectors and hard wire and heat shrink the connectors.Does the 2005 and later have upgraded connectors to with stand the increased voltage and heat?I'm not doubting SkyDoc's knowledge, I just have never read or heard of this before.It would be nice if this is true. It would let me spend that $200 on something else
  17. According to their website, they now include an on/off switch.
  18. One of the first things I bought when I purchased my Venture in 2007.The stock mirrors are too small in my opinion.I love mine and could not imagine riding with out them.You have got to be able to see what is going on behind and beside you.One of the lessons I learned from driving an 18 wheeler.I bought them from Harber's and had a good shopping experience at the time.I hope you have the same results.
  19. I put mine on and left them a little loose. Push down hard on rear corner till you get the rails to line up with the bottom of the bags and then tighten down. No drilling, and only takes a few minutes to do.Looks better and doesn't rub the turn signals.
  20. With all the talk about bad coils, has anyone replaced these on a suspected bad coil and it alleviated the dead cylinder?Just wondering if the coils are truly bad or if it is the caps.It would be great to just replace these instead of having to buy new coils for those that are out of warranty. I know this has been discussed before, but i have never seen a definite answer.
  21. I did mine in 2007, at the time I didn't know any one else had done this.One of my friends has a GoldWing and we eyeballed his windshield and mine and determined that we thought it would work, so I ordered one. I will say that if you decide to get one, make sure it is a genuine Honda part.Had another friend order one aftermarket and it was not as well made and did not have as much adjustment as the Honda part.I think I paid around $50 for mine at the time.I took the vent and laid on on a piece of construction paper to get the outline and taped the front of the shield with painters blue masking tape and then measured about 200 times,or so it seemed, then traced it out and cut it out with a dremel with a straight cutting bit. Take your time and work slow as the plastic will melt with the heat if you try to go too fast.Drilling a hole at all 4 corners is a good idea and will help from making a mistake and cracking your shield. If you do it on the bike, make sure to cover every thing up as the dust will go everywhere and stick to everything.I had to use a grinding disk on about an 1/8 of an inch all the way around the cut out to thin the shield enough for the vent to fit properly.You can not tell mine did not come that way from the factory.I think there is a step by step on the Venturers.org website under 2nd Generation Tech section under aftermarket accessories. Good Luck!
  22. Hey Darrin, I wish you would find out the details from your Dad about the Alfalfa regimen and post the details. I know I would be interested. and I'm sure others would be too. Thanks for any help.
  23. How do you reset the emergency kill switch if it is bumped during filter installation? Do you just switch the ignition off and back on to reset or is their a reset switch some where else? Thanks
  24. What kind of gloves does every one use to keep your hands warm, but most importantly,keep your hands dry in a torrential down pour? I rode in a hard rain with a pair of leather gloves with Thinsulate and my hands were soaked and cold. There has got to be something better out there. I would like to hear some reviews and opinions before I buy another pair that doesn't do their job.
  25. They are the ones in Buddy's post,but these are the smooth ones, not the ball milled.
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