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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Personally I will not be installing this type of product on any of my motorcycles. Instead, I will LEARN how to properly use the brakes on my motorcycles in a controlled area.
  2. he first must separate the hydrogen atoms from the oxygen atoms by using Electrolysis of water. this takes more energy to do than the energy he gets as output from the motor. about 700% more. BUT it does work. Look HERE for more info BUT if you have abundant electricity just laying around, you can use it to break down water. NOW storing Hydrogen is not a problem, but storing LOTS Oxygen is DANGEROUS because if you have a leak, you can have LOTS Of problems!!!!!!!!!! And NEVER store Hydrogen and oxygen in the same container!!!!!! BOOM if you get a spark!!!!!!
  3. It sounds like you should drive your cages down and take up all the parking. Be sure to wear your leathers and buy an Ice Cream Cone from time to time while sitting on the steps (so you are not loitering) Or get a large group to walk the block....(so you are not loitering) and feed the meters.... you have to hit him where it hurts.... in the pocket book, but kill him with kindness:bighug: How about siting in the bed of a pickup truck in front of the store with a freezer and GIVE AWAY ice cream novelties all day long at the top of the tourist season. You cant get in trouble that way, as you are NOT conducting business and you are on public property. be sure to obey all parking regulations. and wear your leathers. Maybe get the AMA to send you some handouts about MC safety or some other reason to be there. check to see if you need a parade permit etc to pass out handbills and free ice cream. Make sure you have enough ice cream to last the day. buy it wholesale!!!!at Costco!!!! I'll Pay Pal you $20 to get you started!!!!!!! If you park bikes in front of his store ALL DAY, have some on "standby" a few blocks away... call one when you have about 10 Minutes left on the MAX parking time, have them drive by and take the recently vacated space. And DON'T hang around (watch the loitering ordinances), go shopping etc, but have somebody sitting by inconspicuously to keep an eye on the goings on.... run a video camera.... Maybe somebody who is not involved might be pulling a boat on a trailer, and have a flat on the trailer JUST before the entrance to his parking lot...... and have to take the wheel off in the middle of traffic to get it repaired...... no fix-a-flat to be had....... bummer..... where is the nearest facility that can repair a tire for you?????(oh i meant to say, the tire for the unrelated party......)
  4. In that collage, isn't there a 1st Gen Venture in one of the photos????? it is in the top right quadrant. From the top right corner, count left 5 photos. it is one of a guy coming at the camera with a blue helmet on. Now from the top right corner, count down 5 photos. it is of two guys coming at the camera. Look at the intersection of those photos, and you will see what looks like a guy on a 1st gen without a helmet.......throwing a rooster tail of mud and water!!!!!
  5. or at that price, it would be a great "hanger queen"
  6. Manufactures are not required to post TSB's, that is why they are not on the Internet. The service departments at dealerships have access to them.
  7. Thanks for the xray! OUCH!!!!! On one of my knee surgeries, I was able to watch the TV that had what the arthroscope showed the doctor what he was doing in there.....
  8. Someting like this????? http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/yoyostore_1952_852542
  9. please report back to let us know what fixed it...
  10. I would like to drive the Roadog, Dodge Tomahawk (Motorcycle like Vehicle), the Bigtoe and Smalltoe bikes made by Tom Wiberg of sweden.
  11. How far did you lower the front? I lowered mine 1" and I think it is too much....
  12. Now THERE is an OUTSTANDING idea!!!!!! The DVD is on my Christmas list. I hope MrsSquid gets it for me!!!! (Or I'll just have to buy it in January......)
  13. Thanks for reading all those boring labels and reporting your findings.
  14. What happend to the turn signals?
  15. Yes a few inches longer, but I dont know about the Rake/Trail measurements diffrences between the two bikes.... I just wish I had 10% of his handleing skills............ I guess I need to buy a cheep & Pre-dented bike to learn on, then try it on my RSV.....
  16. From what I understand, "Good Buddy" doesnt mean what it used to.....
  17. Watch the video again and watch his use of counterweighting!!!!!! SUPER display!!!!! I gotta learn HOW to do it!!!!!
  18. Looks like FUN!!!! However, the RSV is the lighest bike I like to ride.
  19. I like the good rear brake on my RSV. Please practice your emergency breaking in a safe area!!!!!!! Take the MSF safety course, every riding season!!!!!
  20. I just seal the empty envlope and send it. They have to pay the same postage weather it is full or empty. But the person who openes them and reads it or enters it into the computer, may enjoy a dirty gym sock. Maybe a printed joke. How about a pizza crust or a good dried fish as they might be hungry........
  21. Read the label!!!! If it says "Energy Conserving" in the "doughnut" shape seal, DO NOT put it in a wet clutch application, like the RSV
  22. That makes me want to go and learn HOW to ride a motorcycle properly!!!! AMAZING!!!!!
  23. I do wish that Rubbermaid would make their drain pan again. It holds about 15 quarts and the entire lid screws off and on, so you don't have to wipe down a funnel section before transporting to the oil recycling in your area. The only down side was I had to be careful when screwing on the lid to keep from cross-threading it.
  24. You probally should go to USPS.gov and make shure you can mail the item first. as an example, I dont think you can mail a quart of used motor oil......
  25. I use a Rubbermaid Draintainer that sadly is no longer made... On my 1950 H-D FL to remove the oil filter, I cut an empty 1.5 L plastic Gin Bottle (IIRC it is Miltary Special brand) to fit behind and around the filter, to catch all the oil.... Modifying plastic bottles from the trash works for me.
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