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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Move up-wind!!!! also I did not get any audio on CNN. I found another video at the orignal TV stations website HERE let it run past the comertials as there are at least 5 videos...
  2. Will they fit in a 2nd gen RSV??? the magnets look HUGE, which is great for sound, but will they fit??? Also, I did not see on their site, if they are weather resistant.... And there is not a 4" speeker in their Marine Audio line.
  3. too bad I have one.....
  4. Every system is only as strong as it's weakest part...
  5. I have a 1950 H-D in the basement.
  6. Can you provide a URL for the big bore kit? I cant seem to find it when I search the Internet. Are you going to have to modify the Carburetors? I am toying with adding HP to my bike.... and would like to know the total cost of some upgrades.
  7. That is FAST... He must have had it in stock. Photos of it installed are required.....
  8. I wish the RSV had EFI and ABS. EFI generaly requires less maintance than a carberator. better fuel economy, and more HP from the same cam, crank, and psitons. Also EFI will correct for altutide changes, and changes you make to the intake or exhaust tracts. I hope that the EFI RSV that will come in a few years comes with cylinder by Cyinder engine management, true variable valve events and fly by wire, but I am asking for the moon.... Just give me the non-detuned Vmax prototype motor!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. A few years ago, I purchased a new set of pants for my Service Dress Blues. The old ones wore out.......in the closet.....Yeah, that's what happened.
  10. Does anybody know if a past, present or even the next generation of V-Max motor will fit in our frame???? Maybe with some modifications to our bike or the motor???? buying a salvage title v-max may be the best bet!!!! THAT would be FUN!!!!!! What I am trying to point out is instead of trying to modify our motor, why not start with a hot motor to begin with and modify it with parts that have been tested by others and are already in production...it cuts the engineering/tweaking time and cost down. BTW I put 150 HP of Nitrous on a 1986 Corvette I once owned.........so more power in my bike would be a nice thing....
  11. I joind the Navy in 1981 and retired in 2001 as an FCC(SW). For all the non Navy people who read this I will decode it to be a Firecontrolman Chief Petty Officer (E-7) with a certification as an Enlisted Surface Warefare Specialest I worked on the MK 92 FCS on USS McInereny (FFG 8) AN/SPY-1A (Part of the AEGIS weapons system) on USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55) (plankowner) and USS Mobile Bay (CG 53) I also instructed the operation and maintenance of the AN/SPY-1 A, B(v) and D variants. I retired from my last job in the Navy as the International Military Students Officer at the AEGIS Training and Readiness Center. 20 years sure went quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Wash it when I think it looks dirty. Wax it when the water does not bead up. I must have used up 100 large cans of Never-Dull in the Navy, lots of brass on those ships.
  13. I had a guy that worked for me in the Navy that was a c/o. It was in his initial enlistment papers.... so it was no B.S. He was a hard worker, but I could not put a sidearm on his hip... it made me think more about how to employ my men. BTW he was a Firecontrolman, meaning he worked on the computers and RADARS that controlled the firing of the ships guns and missiles. He worked on the PHALANX ship self-defence system that only fired on incoming hostile ant-ship missiles. so it was self defence firing at a non-human target.
  14. KiteSquid...... Kite: I fly and build kites as my primary hobby. Squid: I was active duty Navy when a civilian friend of mine said "you are a kite flying Squid." BTW if you call a sailor a Squid, your nose may point in a new and interesting direction, as it isn generaly considered to be quite derogatory. The nickname stuck, so now it is my Internet "nom de plume".....
  15. If you find a helmet that is close in size but not quite right, try this chart as a good place to start..... There are other motorcycle helmet size comparison charts on the Internet, if the brands you want are not listed.......
  16. KiteSquid


    Can you please post a photo???
  17. Yup, thats them... Thanks for your photo as I now found them on page 70.
  18. On the 2007 RSV in the Star Custom Accessories Catalog there is a custom chrome air cleaner with the Star Motorcycles logo on it however this part is not available in the catalog. Look at the photo on page 72......... Interesting.... So did this part exist in previous years catalogs? Why isn't this part available in the catalog it is featured in???? INTERESTING......
  19. Thanks!!!!!
  20. Who or what is BP I only know BP as British Petroleum http://www.bp.com/images/bp-logo.gif Clickable icon.
  21. Thanks for the phone #. I'll file it away!!!
  22. Look at the licensing requirements in Japan to get a car license....... Then they have many levels of motorcycle licenses depending on CC's... There are MANY drivers in the US that should NOT have licenses!!!!!!!
  23. I will buy the cheepest battery from Wallmart, or local autoparts stores... and replace often.
  24. KiteSquid


    Part number????
  25. It is the bar ends that hit my legs, I guess my controls are rotated more "up" than yours are... Whatever you do PLEASE post some photos of the before, when the controls hit your legs, the during, PLEASE show some photos of HOW you modified your bike, and the after, how the controls clear your legs. Us long legged folks would like to see some of the options available.
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