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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Plasti-Dip also comes liquid in a can so you can dip thinks in it... the spray version is newer..... Both work well in different applications. Click HERE to go to thier website
  2. I can use most tools, but sadly, I don't have a sheet metal brake or shear.....
  3. kantornado, Thanks for the photos, they are very...illuminating (pun intended) Please correct me if I a wrong, but it looks like you put a strap under your highway peg's bolt. It also looks like you have used a set of QH-7CC Driving lights from Optronics. have you thought about changing the bulbs out for a different beam width or color of light? All, Have any of you installed a pair of driving lights using a different method?
  4. Nope, just a 1st gen MK1 sitiation. That and the stator are the only known problems for us 1st gens. Thanks.... I was concerned that this issue covered all Ventures as it is in the Watering Hole section, not 1st or 2nd Gen tech talk section..... Sorry for my confusion....
  5. I have had no problem with my 2nd gear... is this something I need to worry about???
  6. I am looking for how others have mounted Driving Lights on their 2nd Gen RSVs... Also how you routed the wiring? I am looking at purchasing some inexpensive Driving lights for my bike and am curious as to my mounting options...
  7. By all solid state, I mean witout a mechanical hard drive in it, like the big Ipods have....
  8. If it is free, I'll take it...
  9. You are a Saddle Sore Biker You don't care what the destination is; it's all about the ride. You choose a direction and go. A numb butt comes with the territory, but so does terrific scenery, time to think, and lonely roadside diners in towns past their prime.
  10. I use mine to listen to books on tape I get from my local public library....BUT most of thier new books on tape are comming as books on CD....
  11. I have a Sansa C250 It has 2 Gig on-board and it will accept a MicroSDHC memory card. There are 6 gig cards on the market so you could have 8 gigs for not a lot of $, if you shop carefully. I put a 1 gig MicroSD card in for a total of 3 gig and that is enough memory for me... I normaly listen to the radio but go to the MP3 when the reception gets flaky or I want to listen to a certain album when riding down a stretch of road. Just whatever you buy make sure it is all solid state...
  12. Bike related: Utopia Products back rest. A MP3 Player
  13. SHE got some road rash!!!!!!!!
  14. Correction: What do you call a person that has no fear?? "The Mortician"
  15. If you want the bike the Heritage Classic was patterned after, I have a 1950 H-D FL for sale.... $18,000 and it is yours!!!!!
  16. those bags kinda remind me of the bags on a Honda Valkyrie Interstate...
  17. I think that the 3rd Gen Venture will get some of the fallout from the 2008 V-Max. They already paid for the engineering... but they will probably de-tune it some.
  18. Where are the results from independent laboratory testing?
  19. NOPE, you need to print the coupon in my first post, which was valid when you posted. Take the coupon to your local Harbor Freight store with a pile of cash and they will exchange it for a lift at the price on the coupon.... I have also had the store manager honor an expired coupon... it never hurts to ask...as this offer is now expired..... you might try it... Ask nicely, and if the manager on duty says no, try again with a different manager on duty.
  20. It may not be Mobil coperate policy, but they are allowing it to happen. I will contune to pray...
  21. Merry Christmas to all, and I have prayed for the management and staff of Mobil Corporation.
  22. Actually you will do what you have practiced. If you have not practiced enough, you will probably do the wrong thing. I try to practice quick stops as often as possible, so when the time comes to quickly stop my bike, it wont become a panic stop... I recomend that all riders attend a Motorcycle Safety Course at LEAST annualy!!!!!!!!
  23. BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. I think I live closer, and I would pay the shipping to get it to my house!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. I would also recommend that you use a switch that is water tight around the toggle, as it will be out in the weather. Check near the boat accessories, or look around the toggle to see if there is a rubber dam, to keep the water out of the switch.
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