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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Photos???? Part numbers?? and were they easy to install????? What bulb types do they take???? are they H-3????
  2. KiteSquid


    Moderators Please delete this tread due to crude language!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. OR a Corvette...... Double retail plus 50% is the markup....
  4. Nice site!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
  5. Actually the ugly sticker would be very hard to see as it would point to the engine... apply a little heat, and the sticker will probally peal off. The manufacturer probably wants the horn in the vertical so any condensation will drain out.... but I am guessing.... I would lave it where it is, but wold probably mount it more rigidly, zip ties to hold that heavy of a unit is unsatisfactory in my book...... also the floating relay on the right of the photo is unsatisfactory!!!!!
  6. Yup, gotta wait for the investigation report.
  7. So we have established that the factory head unit drives the front and rear speakers in stereo. or said as having 4 separate channels. Thank you!
  8. I thought head unit drove the the rear speakers in stereo... I'll have to play with the fader and balance controls on my bike when I get home tonight as I did not ride into work today.... More power to drive the speakers would be nice, but I am unwilling to give up any space in the trunk or bags, so the amp would have to be water proof and mount with the CB or inside the fairings. Also the power of the amplifier must be rated at a THD of .01% or less........ What will the Dynamic Range be, I hope as near 120dB as you can get. How do you plan on getting the audio out of the current head unit before it's amplifiers to minimize distortion? What class of amplifier are you building? Class A I hope..... or AB at worst... I would like to see a twin monaural independent construction also....
  9. Also, to see what codes others have used, click to Qutoe their post, and all codes will be revieled to you.... VentureRider
  10. Is it an officially licenced product, or will the Yankee's lawyers make you repaint it???????
  11. OH, I just took jaho's listed location of Liberec and punched it into Wikipedia. It is a city in the Czech Republic: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=liberec+Czech+republic&ie=UTF8&ll=50.787272,15.056076&spn=0.197949,0.462799&z=11&iwloc=addr&om=1 Regrettably, I don't know where you can get one over there..... Sorry....
  12. I will have to assume that you bought a Victory Vision Tour model http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/Victory/2008Navigation/Vision/VisionStreet/ What is MSRP on it? What did you pay for it?
  13. Thanks for all the advice. I will ALWAYS use the kill switch to turn off my bike, so it will be the FIRST thing I check after turning on the key switch when I want to go for a ride...
  14. Could you please post a photo that details the mounting of the lights. I have a set of inexpensive lights I have not yet mounted but would like to put them in a similar location as you did....
  15. Just try it for a while.... I LOVE mine!!!!!!
  16. But that measurement MAY be withe the cover installed, which we dont use.... for the price diffence, I would buy the db400's
  17. ' 2001 yes, but what was the original purchase date????? It might have been as late as 2002, but Yamaha might do a good gesture..... It might be worth trying.....
  18. IF you want a motorcycle experience, I have a 1950 H-D FL for sale....
  19. 1,900 miles??? Why not use your warranty???
  20. Also, how is the stock shock valved? Straight? Progressive? Other? How does it's valving comparred to other shocks that might fit?
  21. Sea Foam web site is HERE
  22. Cycle trader is where I found my RSV.... Link is in the post by Popeye I would look to pay $13,375 +tax & Title for one.... According to Kelley Blue Book online http://www.kbb.com/kbb/OtherVehicles/PricingReport.aspx?VehicleId=176241&VehicleClass=Motorcycle&PriceType=Retail&ManufacturerId=343&YearId=2007 MSRP from Yamaha's web site is: $17,099 (Galaxy Blue/Raven) $17,399 Midnight Venture (Raven) adn MSRP for the 2008 is: $17,299 (Black Cherry/Raven) Available from September 2007 $17,599 S model (Charcoal Silver) Available from September 2007 so why not look for a 2008??????
  23. Nice article. I'll watch for him on the road. I live about 24 miles from Bowling Green Va.
  24. WRITE a letter to Harley. Do NOT send an e mail Make sure your fried document names, times and how the communications went. how he felt that H-D might not be the iron he would like to ride, if that is the way H-D treats it's customers. Yes it is an independent dealership but it is the H-D logo on the door!!!!!! Be sure to tell ALL your and his friends in the area HOW he was treated at the dealership.... Let EVEERYBODY know how your friend was treated!!!!!!!!!
  25. Sorry, but I had to put in a low ball bid, just to get it over $1 I do want one, but with the price of gas, I cant spend more than $1 for one right now....
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