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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. I totaled my RSV and bought an Airbag Goldwing to replace it.... It did cost me a few dollars difference... BTW, I dont recomend crashing a bike to get a diffrent one.
  2. I too own a 2010 wing but I don't record fuel mileage.........
  3. I'll ride all year, as long as the roads are not icy or salty...... I have a pair of Gerbings heated gloves and jacket liner....
  4. I don't remember what they are, but you can file off one pin from a 2357 or better yet a 3496 bulb for more light output. Look HERE for what I did with incandescent bulbs to save some $$$$$$$
  5. I have not washed it sense..... it is quite dirty now. Thanks for the tip!!!!! I have removed the seat twice sense then.. once to install the CB radio and once to install the wiring for some heated gear to extend my riding season from 8 to 12 months!!!!!!!
  6. A few months ago I totaled my 2007 RSV. MrsSquid and I are OK. Here are some photos of my new bike the evening I got her home.... Yes, I know that I tied it down wrong as I found the proper procedure after I got it home.... http://inlinethumb40.webshots.com/11815/2296511360056765227S425x425Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb25.webshots.com/45528/2826732790056765227S425x425Q85.jpg
  7. I am still contiplating purchasing a H-F Tag-Along trailer and the coupon would save me $100. http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/370x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_1919.jpg But I would pull it behind my Goldwing.....it is about 10% of the price of a Buschtech trailer....
  8. For others that are contenplating how to get a bike home long distacne as the OP's issue is OBE by now, here is an alternative idea, get an one-way ticket on the least expensive airline from home to where the bike is, and ride the bike home. That is how I would do it.
  9. I think it would work as a comuter bike for someone who has a short commute and can plug in at work....
  10. Its too late for me as the store is now closed....... booo hoooo
  11. the carb tune is NOT an upgrade for Mercury Manometers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a mechanical version that can go out of adjustment. the only way for mercury manometers to go out of adjustment is if the earth's gravity or atmosphere have a major change, and the calibration of our carb sticks would be the least of our worries. Oh and it is not a toxic as some mercury compounds......
  12. They work, in a Honda Goldwing 1800cc, AKA GL1800. I have a GL1800 but have yet to try one. It will NOT work with the C-Buss equipped RSV.
  13. I think he is talking about this kit: http://i7.ebayimg.com/03/i/000/c9/be/a1e0_1.JPG I found it at THIS auction on ebay.... I'll stick with my four channel mercury manometer (AKA mercury carb stick).....
  14. Just remember: it is not necessarily how the filter is made, but how well it traps particles in the oil that is important. That said, I did enjoy the how an oil filter is made video. I use Purolator PureOne filters on all my vehicles. as I agree with the guy in the first video as I will never buy a Fram oil filter again.
  15. I used a PIAA Intense White H4 bulb in my RSV and really liked it. IIRC it puts out 5000 K light which is more like daylight than the 4000 K light from the Xtreme White Plus bulbs. PIAA's H4 bulb page is HERE
  16. I have three digital calipers and one dial caliper. The advantage the dial has over the digital is there are no batteries to go dead....... for the occasional user, I recommend the diall type.
  17. $24.00 including shipping....... I'll pass
  18. I dont know what you are talking about. I have not watched brodcast TV in my home for over 10 years.
  19. There are many leather waterproofing products on the market, but I think that Mink Oil has been around the longest. It often softens leather too......... Great for boots, gloves, jackets, chaps, etc.......
  20. Gold is at an all time high, I would be shorting it instead......
  21. I would NOT put it in pure to run the motor on for more that about one minute. BUT I would fill the carb and try to start it on camp fuel if I had an carb that sat for a LONG time to clean it. I would NOT run the engine very long on camp fuel as it will smoke like crazy and it will probably run to hot..... I wold fill the carb with camp fuel, let it sit overnight to soften any gunk, drain the carb using by removing the bowl and wiping it out, reasonable then fill with fresh gasoline and run the engine.
  22. This thread reminds me to do some research before forwarding emails....
  23. If you are using seafoam as a fuel stabilizer, get Stabil Ethanol formula. If you are using seafoam as a fuel system cleaner, use Camp Fuel.
  24. Have you looked into other options before lowering the bike??? E.g. cutting the seat down and/or making the nose of the seat narrower or having thick soles installed on your boots, etc... I as because when you lower a bike you also increase the minimum turn radius which might be a problem in an emergency maneuver. For your and your passenger's safety please explore other options before lowering your bike as we want you to be around for a long time!!!!!!!
  25. Interesting version of the Vulcan Voyager. Not for me as I limit myself to owning one V twin motorcycle at a time and nobody is interested in my 1950 FL.
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