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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. AND you don't want to stick them into your air cleaner, as they need to be at atmospheric pressure....
  2. I went on the cheep side. I bought a Sansa C250 (2GB and a small screen) MSRP $80, but look for it on sale.... Adorama has them for $65.95 right now, but you might check FatWallet.com or other places as I only did a quick search of the internet for a low price as I have seen them as low as $47. 2GB a lot of music if you used 94 KB/sec setting when you ripped your CD's For expansion I got two 1GB micro SC cards for free via buy.com and Google Checkout. I play an album or put it on random. The Sansa CLIP (4GB model) looks like another good choice, but no expansion slot. I would suggest that you get a player with an expansion slot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the price of memory will only go down over time..... I originally just plugged into the aux jack next to the CD Player, but I had to split the fairing for another reason, so I put in the splitter and another stereo 1/8" cable to the front brake master cylinder. The player is velcroed on and I put a leash on it too... Battery life is quite long, but you have to charge it via a USB port on your PC or purchase an aftermarket charger. My original player had an issue, so I returned it to Sansa, and they sent me a new player with all accessories. OOPS I forgot to put the battery and headphones in the box when I sent the original one back..........
  3. Do any of you drink coffee while you are riding? Can you post a photo of your cup holder? I cant find a good solution to this situation....
  4. Do any of you drink coffee while you are riding? Can you post a photo of your cup holder? I cant find a good solution to this situation....
  5. There has to be an easyer way. I would recomend Acid Dyes from Dharma Trading or the nice folks over a Pro Dye and Chemical. I purchsase from both houses for the dyes I use on my kites. If they recomend Acid Dye, I might have some spare black I could give you.... But I would have to dig thru some boxes in the garage for it. Dont let the term Acid Dye throw you off, you use some Citric Acid to make the Ph about that of Lemon Aid.... The only thing I dont know about is how to keep the underlying skin soft and supple at the end of the process..... but it must be easy to do, as there are a lot of dyed sheepskins out there.
  6. I would have to spculate 2010 model year for the Gen 3 RSV also... that would put it in line with the second tier of the EPA regs
  7. I'll wait till i can afford an Ariel Atom 3. The Superchared version so I can go QUICK 0-60 in under 3 seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have to buy the kit car version, so I can drive it on public highways.
  8. GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sombody else at VentureRider has been to a kite festival!!!!!! I have some kite building frineds that were there!!!!!!! I hope you plan on attending more kite festivals soon!!!!!
  9. I have one on mine and it is just the ticket!!!!!! put in ear plugs when you test it. ALSO make sure you run it's power thru a relay to get max power to it's motor for maximum sound!!!!!!!
  10. I would use an ultrasonic cleaner to get the filter clean.
  11. I try to practice the three points every time I ride!!!!!!! and the forth point is comming this summer. The "dip", as I did not practice it much last summer..... stupid me..... I have my Uturns down to about 16 feet and will watch the video once a week durring my frist two months of riding this summer. I bet I will have my U turns down to 14 feet when I get the dip into my brain!!!!! and 11.5 feet is my goal, riding 2up!!!!!! I gave away copies to my ridding/Navy buddies, and they are RAVING obout how their skills are improving!!!!!!!!! even though they dont have RSVs If you practice the skills you will find out that the RSV is not top heavy, it was your riding skills that were lacking, which was tough for me to admit, but I have learnd a LOT by watching the video and THEN going out a practicing the skill sets that are demonstrated. The RSV has GREAT handling and is IMHO the BEST touring bike currently on the market!!!!
  12. Probally both, but more inexperience, as an experacnced rider knows his limits. Purchase the video HERE for more help.
  13. Being inside the enclsosure it would attuniate the SPL. Gary N., IF you can convince him to test them all we would need is a set of horns.............. All, So who is contemplating purchasing a horn that could loan it out while still in the sealed package???? I have a Stable on my RSV, but it is used, or I would loan mine. Also, Stabel might be selling off the horns that dont toot as loud to Wolo, or they may be detuned...on purpose.
  14. BTW the wattage of a speaker is a rating of how much average power they can use without being dammaged. This is not an indicaion of how much sound comes out for the same input power.
  15. I refuse to put a cheep part on my vehicles. I prefer to put on quality parts that were purchased at low prices.
  16. Who has access to an anechoic chamber and some calibrated sound pressure level meters??????
  17. Nice scoot. I would like to get one painted in the Belted Galloway scheme, as they look more like an Oreo. Here is one on jack stands, as somebody stole the wheels off of it. http://www.hainaultforest.co.uk/BeltedGalloway1.jpg
  18. BTW my local Advance Auto Parts store stocks the black Wolo unit, and it is a twin for my Stable unit, but without the chrome and an added sticker on the back... I would like to do a side by side comparison of two new units in a anechoic chamber with a calibrated sound pressure level meter. I would bet that they are within 3 db of each other.
  19. They are the same unit, just with or without a sticker and you can buy them with or without "chrome" plate.
  20. I am going to the used book store with this list. Thanks!!!!!!
  21. Stereo Bluetooth with a more powerful stereo made by Yamaha, not Clarion!!!!!!! More horse power along with higher fuel economy (Variable valve timing and EFI will probably do it.) Higher wattage charging system. More options on the hot air flow from the radiator. Look at the gold wing, but NOT the stying, just the air control.
  22. EPA or lawyers chasing liability suits????
  23. Just give him the spec sheet for the H-D Ultra Classic and ask them to sell it for $14k US.
  24. Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. I found Motion Pro web site, but I cannot find the carb tuner that uses mercury. They have a replacement tool for $100 that does not use mercury. Click HERE to go there...
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