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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Rhino tires web site is HERE It looks like they will apply the goo an ship you a tire too....
  2. I too am never lost. I am just exploring alternative routes....
  3. Most post I have read state that they have purchased directly from the manufacturer.
  4. Not the best riding, but go look at Great Falls. Nice views there.
  5. Lemon Laws vary from State to State... Check you State's Laws.
  6. Around here, I have NOT seen a Gold Wing sell for less than MSRP...........
  7. BTW, the 2008 RSV looks real nice in the Dark Cheery/Raven paint. Good luck, and keep us posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. MSRP at Honda power sports web site HERE has the prices from $19,599 - $24,349.
  9. This technique only works on carburated engines...
  10. The only tip I can offer is to find a friend with small hands!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Nope...it will be the 2010 model.
  12. Squeeze, the other window you are talking about, is it the 2008 RSV???? there is a black cherry and black on in Fredericksburg VA already..... old news. the only change I could detect was the color...
  13. Its Time!!!!!! I'm reading the site NOW!!!!! IT ITS THE 2008 VMAX!!!!!
  14. On a side note, don't run Avgas in any car built after 1976. It still contains tetraethyl lead which will plug up your catalytic converter... I run Regular in my vehicles. The RSV does not yet have EFI so you wont get higher gas mileage using premium fuels. When I had my 1986 Corvette, it cost me less per mile to run premium over regular fuel.
  15. photo does not download for me:bawling:
  16. Yes!!!! Recalls are for safety items only. Like the tire could fall off, or the brakes lock up while riding, the fuel tank spontaneously combusted on three bikes, etc.. TSB's are for non-safety issues. Like the paint peals off, the coolant leaks, it makes weird noises....etc....
  17. If the noise goes up and down with the RPM of the motor, it could also be Radio Frequency (RF) noise coming from your ignition system. Check to see if you have resistive spark plugs and wires.. the previous owner could have swapped it out for more HP. Also a loose spark plug wire, a broken spark plug wire, or a broken spark plug can cause RF noise. It is due to the electricity jumping a gap like lightning... The gap of your spark plug makes RF noise, but you don't hear it on your radio because the metal of the motor makes a complete shield. Once I followed a car that made noise on my radio. When he stopped I asked him about it, and he showed me the magneto that was on his car....... LOTS of wide band RF nose generation comes from a magneto. They should be use off road only.
  18. The 4 gauge model is about $80 now...... The Morgan Carbtune Pro 4 column with tool pouch is £62 (or $121.59 at today's exchange rate.) The gauges do cost less, and probably much less once you figure in shipping from the UK on the Carbtune, but which is more accurate???? Looking at the photo form Carbtune .co.uk, the Carbtune pro is graduated in 0.25 cmHg, but I could not read the scale for the gulage at JC Whitney, but they say in the write up that the NOTE: I think the meant to say that the gauges are graduated, not calibrated, as calibrating gauges would cost more than $79.99 and has an expiration date. But trying to adjust four guages to point at the same point, or trying to get four columns of Hg (or SS Rods) to line up, my money is on the manometers over the guages.... BTW the dealer where I purchased my bike at and had my first service performend at has a digital carb sych tool, but I bet it cost well over $400.... but it worked GREAT!!!!!!! If nobody within riding distance has one that will let me use it, I will probably build a oil column manometer when the time comes.
  19. Exactly what the DQ needed.... durable and pilfer proof. Do you think about peanut buster parfaits when you sit on it? http://www.dairyqueen.com/upload/item_peanutbuster.jpg
  20. AMEN!!!!!!
  21. your mechanic messed something up!!!!!!!!! Have them fix it!!!!!!
  22. I wish I would have kept the stock horn.... Wire the factory horns only to honk when I push a button, but to have the stable horn and the stock horns to all honk if I push the horn button. so I can honk to signal other bikers, and one to honk when I need to be recognized!!!! MrsSquid does not like how loud the stable horn is...........
  23. V&Goose is corrcet. Hg is the symbol for the element Mercury. More info at Wikipedia by clicking HERE
  24. I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. The no-mar changer looks like a good tool at a fair price. BUT it is out of my price range too.... Maybe I could find eight other guys locally that would put $100 each in to purchase one.
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