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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. I'll second that. Click HERE to go to Ride Like A Pro web site and PLEASE buy the DVD. BTW I am not affiliated with Ride Like a Pro, but I am an advocate of the lessons presented!!!! and Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice!
  2. Check the local real estate office for free maps!!!!!
  3. I have not yet purchased... I was hoping that someone else had beat me to the punch!!!!! BTW I found THIS site, the mic looks familiar and it looks like it has the right plug on it, but the price is MUCH higher....
  4. My brother lives in ABQ, but does not ride:( While you are there, swing into a Blake's Lotaburger and get a Green Chili Cheese Burger!!!! I do when in NM!!!!!!! http://www.lotaburger.com/images_index/lotaBig_index.jpg (Click-able image with a link to Blake's) Why do most of my memories of travel revolve around local eats???????
  5. UMMMM..... what trailer are you raffling off???? Is it one to tow behind a bike or to put a bike in and tow behind a cage?????
  6. Are you talking about the passing lamps????
  7. The product most people use is called Kreem, but there are other products on the market. http://www.usa-ps.com/osc/images/kreem-combo-pack.jpg Regrettably I could not find the manufacturer's web page but I did find an interesting write up at EBay's guide pages..... Click HERE to read it. Search the internet for more instructions. Check your local bike shops for it, to save on shipping and to support you local retailer!!!!! I used it in the tank on my 1950 H-D FL and am quite pleased with the results.
  8. Look at THIS thread.
  9. Seafoam is HERE and like rod stated, use it for the final clean up as it is rather expensive. You can get it a most autoparts stores, marinas but the best price is usualy at WalMart type stores in the automotive section. Camp fuel is mostly Naphtha, with some stabilazers added for long shelf life (Cyclorhexane and n-Haxane, Xylen and Ethlbenzene). It is easly obtainalbe anywhere and is retalativey inexpensive compared to some of the alternatives. It makes a good solvant. Check your hardware store for Naphtha. It might be less expenseive.
  10. Seafoam or a gallon of Coleman camp fuel....
  11. You got an error bike!! It might be worth MILLIONS to a collector:stirthepot:
  12. I would bet that they will hold off to the 2010 model year as that is when the new EPA Tier 2 emissions regulations come into effect. The current bike does not pass, but a bike with EFI would!!!!!!
  13. In some countries that is a VERY rude gesture!!!!!!!!!
  14. How did you wire up your driving lights? Please provide a schematic! I ask, because you might have lowered the power available to the stock bulb if you wired the relay in series with the bulb. the relay's coil should be in parallel with the factory lamp. IMHO the Silverstars sold in the US are overpriced for what you get. Look at the Piaa Intense White bulbs for a better value.
  15. He had and got some great visibality!!!
  16. A gas turbine motorcycle!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 320 HP and 425 Foot pounds of torque!!!!! A SERIOUS case of HANG ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! 200 MPH in under 15 seconds!!!!!! $185,000 bike! Jay Leno of "The Tonight Show": "I've got to go with the Y2K Jet Bike as one of the all time sexiest. It's the most fun because it's a bike - and it's a jet. And because it's the best ever motorcycle for shutting up the Harley guys…" Motorcyclist: 'Jay's 10 Sexiest Bikes' July 2004 The company's website is HERE
  17. Add it to the oil to clean out the engine!!!!! Change the oil AND filter soon. Read and follow the directions on the can. Seafoam is good stuff!!!!!
  18. If they do or do not require it, it is probally in the fuel as the refiners get credits for using it.....
  19. If Chuck Norris says something we should do it because when the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
  20. Have you called your local motorcycle salvage yard????? no shipping cost. IIRC the rebel has quite a rake to the front end which makes them a little more difficult to handle at low speeds. This is actualy a plus as she will learn on a more difficult bike and not the other way around!!!!!!
  21. YUP it would be good too!!!! Who has a Honda Valkyrie Interstate????? How did they do operator cooling on that bike???? I hate to say it, but I also might want to go look at some BMWs.... To bad Yamaha did not locate the radiator's heated air output behind the seats.... and to make it adjustable as it is NICE to get the heat on a cold day!!!!!
  22. Look at a HD Ultra Classic or at Kuryakyn Dragon Wings They have/are Variable Air Deflectors for the lower part of the fairing.... open em up on hot days and close em on wet or cold days... here is a click-able photo of the Kuryaken Dragon Wings http://www.kuryakyn.com/graphics/products/popup/12303_kur_1117_tt_h_pu.jpg So the project would be: What would it take to make either our deflectors adjustable or removable without splitting the fairing? Adjustable would be better, as you could do it going down the road, but probably a lot harder to execute as our deflectors have a rounded cutout on the inboard side to go around the fork tubes and would probably involve vacuum forming or injection molding of parts. Removal would require stopping the bike and removing some screws or pins to remove the current deflectors that are modified to come on/off easily while still maintaining the structural rigidity of the fairing. Removing them would also leave an open slot on the bottom of the fairing for water and dirt to get into and insects to enter when the bike is stopped. BTW I wrote Kuryakyn an e mail about this and they said they were not going to make them for our bikes. So, is it an idea worth the R&D or not, like Kuryakyn thinks....
  23. :sign20:Funny, however this is what I was refering to.... [quote name="From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "]Throat microphone A throat microphone, also laryngophone is a type of microphone that picks up sound directly through sensors in contact with the neck. Because of this design, it is able to pick up speech in loud environments such as on a motorcycle or in a night club where other types of microphones would not function well because the speech would be drowned out by background noise. This type of microphone is also able to pick up whispers and works well in an environment where one has to keep quiet while communicating with others at a distance such as during a covert military operation. Throat microphones were also extensively used in World War II-era aircraft.
  24. Does anybod use a throat mic for thier CB??? What brand works well with the CB in the 2nd Gen RSV???? I wear a half helmet and would like to use the speakers on the bike to listen to the CB and would like to talk on the CB, but I dont want a boom mic on my helmet. Any sujestions????
  25. I would like to conduct an experiment on a fairing, but I don't want to damage mine, so if somebody has a damaged one (both inner and outer) that I can have for the price of shipping, I would like to receive it. Regrettably this would probably come off a wrecked bike.
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