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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Look at the last two pages of the service manual that is FREE to download from the tech section of this forum. They are not color coded but they do use standardized schematic symbols instead of the drawings of switches etc that the kojaycat diagrams have. If I have some time, I will redraw the schematcs in color in AutoCad, transfer them to a PDF file format and share them for free, but I will have to shake loose some time......
  2. No, HOWEVER if you are in that far anyway, why not do some preventive maintenance and grease it up with some Moly 60 from you local Honda dealer. This is OUTSTANDING grease!!!!!! No, but while you are there, why not do some preventive maintenance and grease it up with some Moly 60 from you local Honda dealer. This is OUTSTANDING grease!!!!!! Yes. strap the bike to the lift or the walls of your garage to make sure it does nto tip over. Also make sure that all childern and adults stay away from the bike in you absence, while you are getting the tire mounted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. The cheep way to do it is to get a key blank. Remove the locks and remove all teh tumblers. reinstall the locks. Now any key, including the blank will operate the locks..... it might be a good or a bad thing, but it is the cheepest way I can think of...
  4. I think it is a good idea for ALL riders to attend a MSF safety course. I am ready to be flamed, but I am GLAD that FLA has made it mandatory for new licensees. I think that all riders should take the course annual!!!!! I DO!!!!!! BTW I am in no way connected with the MSF.
  5. And my God Bless you and your mission!!!!!!!
  6. And I hope his buddies learn too!!!!!!!
  7. Had mine up to about 80 but my helmet started to buffet real bad, so I slowed down. The buffeting stopped, but then the lecture from the back seat started.........
  8. Make sure the bulb is in the socket correctly!!!!!!
  9. I was curious so I did some reasearch and thouguth I should share what I found. We used a high moly content grease (I don't know the %) on the moving parts of an antenna for a RADAR I worked on while in the US Navy and it was wonderful!!!!!! but it sure made a mess, if you got it where you did not want it... like on haze grey paint. A shipmate of mine got it everywhere and we had to repaint the antenna to cover it up as it leached into the paint within a few minutes!!! Dry-cleaning solvent took off the grease base, but it would not remove the "Moly-B-Denim" from the paint!!!!!!!!! We wanted to kill him for the work he caused us. I will purchase a tube of Moly 60 ASAP!!!!!!
  10. Sufficient? Yes. Best? No. Are there no Honda bike dealers near you? A Honda car dealer might have it too, but I doubt it.
  11. A good article on the Moly 60 grease is HERE It also talks about Krytox, but the price of that stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$30 for a 2 Oz tube!!!! Wikipedia has a good article on Molybdenum disulphide If you choose to use this grease at home, be sure to wear disposialble gloves, or you will be scrubbing for hours!!!!!!!
  12. I would think so, if Rick was actually running in the photo...............
  13. You do have to find a buyer that likes the bike accesorized that way. BTW, I have never paid extra for any accessory that a prior owner has put on any vehicle I have ever bought. Good luck!!!!
  14. I do hope you find a buyer!
  15. You spray it on the BACKS of the pads!!!!! Click the can to go to Permatex's web site http://www.permatex.com/images/DisplayImage.asp?210|/images/ProductPhotos/80077.jpg They also make a 2.5 oz tube, that you spread on the back of the pad also. Click on the Technical Data Sheet (TDS) link on the above page for more information. Take note of the step that states I have seen several people put it on the wrong side!!!!!!!!!! I have always used the liquid type, but might try the spray on type this time around.
  16. IF you have access to a dial or digital indicator you can check the run-out on the front rotors.
  17. Home ownership is a double edged sword. You will now have to maintain the place. BUT, you will be building equity (paying yourself, NOT the land lord) I think it is well worth it!!! I purchased where there was NO HOA!!!!!!!!! TRY to buy the least expensive home in the neighborhood as when you decide to sell, it will probably go quick!!!!!!
  18. Nope, but PLEASE report back with any tips/tricks and your findings. Do you own a non-contact pyrometer (AKA infrared thermometer)? Harbor Freight has a cheep and inexpensive one for $19.99 with a tempature range of -27 to 482°F (-33° to 250°C) : http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/photos/93900-93999/93984.gif Click-able image. Or for $39.99 you get a wider temperature range of -4°F to 968°F (-20°C to 520°C) with this model: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/photos/96400-96499/96451.gif Click-able image. With this type of tool you can measure the difference of the temperature of the chrome heat shields that are around our exhaust pipes.
  19. Service manual chapter 7 has all the info. But like stated above you can use a C clamp to retract the slave cylinder.
  20. I would say somewhere between $8,060 and $10,605. http://www.nadaguides.com/default.aspx?LI=1-23-38-5697-0-0-0&l=1&w=23&p=38&f=5698&m=0310&d=1200016621&y=2004&ml=Y&gc=MC&gtc=MC or click HERE
  21. It is on the last two pages of the factory service manual. You can download it for FREE!!! On the left side of the page look for the link for the VR Tech section!!!! Once there look for the Second Gen and Royal Star Technical Library link!!!!! TOO COOL!!!!!
  22. I would say somewhere between $8,060 and $10,605. http://www.nadaguides.com/default.aspx?LI=1-23-38-5697-0-0-0&l=1&w=23&p=38&f=5698&m=0310&d=1200016621&y=2004&ml=Y&gc=MC&gtc=MC or click HERE
  23. use the seafoam straight!!!!!! half a can at a time. AFTER you run out of thinner.
  24. Racers say "look where you want to go, not where you are?"
  25. Lower rear end gear ratio. Quicker accelerations, and it keeps the engine at an elevated RPM for the same speed compared to the stock rear end. I will not be changing mine.
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